5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter

It never fails to shock me how a tip is demanded in the US. People simply refuse to listen to reason when we (yes, there are others!) tell them that leaving a tip isn’t necessary. Well, I’m hoping for too much here, but if you’re a waiter, here are 5 reasons why I will try my best not to give any money to you and why the reasons for tipping are crappy.

1. You act as if you’re my best friend

Just leave me alone ok? I don’t want to bloody chit chat with you. I want food. FOOD! Get it? It’s a restaurant. I go there to eat. I go because I want either Italian food, Chinese Food or something else which I can’t get in a McDonald’s. So I come to a restaurant to fulfill my cravings for it. I will pay for what I value – food. Not you.

Christ, you offend me – kneeling down next to my table, pretending to like me and chatting as if you’re my best friend when it’s obvious that all you’re after is the tip! I’m not a bloody money bag you know. I will pay the bill which includes the cost of the food, the environment and the salaries of the people involved – nothing more.

The only way to get money out of me that I don’t have to legally pay is by prying it out of my cold dead hands…

Bottom line: I don’t want to know your name, or interact with you for any longer than I have to in order to place my order. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the equivalent of a conveyor belt that brings me my food and a computer into which I input my order. Of course, I won’t be rude. But don’t expect me to interact with you any more than I would with some stranger.

Image Credit: cafemama


Did you earn this tip?


2. You don’t get paid enough

And this is my problem how exactly? It’s astonishing that customers are expected to make up for your employer’s cheapness in not paying you a decent wage. Please include the full cost in everyone’s bill thank you very much. I’ll pay it because I have to and the charge is there for me to see.

What’s really funny here is that no one seems to criticize the employers! All criticism is reserved for non tipping customers instead of the owners of the restaurant for not paying a decent wage. Wtf! Could it possibly be because you guys know you can make much more by tips and under report your income to the IRS?

3. You’ll spit in my food if I don’t tip you?

And I’ll shoot your kid if you don’t give me a million dollars. Seriously, am I even hearing this right? You’re actually using the threat of blackmail to make me pay you? Well as long as you’re openly claiming to be a criminal it’s all right I guess.

Fortunately that’s why I prefer buffets. Listen apart from it being illegal, this shows your poor integrity. But if you spit in someone’s food because they didn’t give you money you didn’t earn, then you’re a loser and deserve to be a waiter for the rest of your life.

4. Bringing me my food isn’t worthy of being paid extra

Did you cook it? Did you invent it? No. You picked it up and brought it to me. While it might not be easy, there are plenty of jobs which are much worse – shop floor workers for example. And I’ve been a shop floor manager, so I know. Face it – compared to other jobs, being a waiter is unskilled. You get paid what the market will think your services are worth. You don’t deserve more for your work over and above what your employer should pay you.

5. Money doesn’t grow on trees

I expect you to be grateful and pray for me at night if I tip you 10%. Be happy I gave you anything at all. I worked for the money in my wallet and by giving you some I didn’t have to, I’m doing you a favor. Learn to remember that when people give you something they don’t need to, it’s a favor. You don’t complain that they didn’t give you more!

By the way, the same thing above applies to all professions that demand tips including those on cruise liners.

So now that you understand why I won’t give you money you don’t deserve, stop with the “oh how could you?” attitude. I can. And I will.

Update: Here’s a rebuttal of the many silly justifications for tipping that people have given in the comments section.

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12,129 thoughts on “5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter”

  1. “3. You’ll spit in my food if I don’t tip you?”

    What Server says this to a customer? Plus how can someone spit in your food because you didn’t tip? By the time you pay and don’t tip (cause you’re a cheap bastard), wouldn’t you have already eaten the food?

    This article was a pointless read and offered nothing..


    • In reply to Wait, what?

      Cheap bastard for not tipping you say. I say screw the waitress. I paid for the food, all you did was put it on my table. Not worthy of a tip. I am not her employer plus it is her simple job. It is not my job to pay her. When I go to a fine restaurant they don’t allow me to get my own food anyways, because they want to guilt trip you into tipping. That won’t work I never tip. Okay I’ll give you a tip. Get a better job and move to a different state. Go back to school get an education so you can get a real job.


      • In reply to Wow

        No, she took your order, carefully translated it into something the kitchen staff can easily comprehend, went and reported it to that kitchen staff, possibly memorized parts of your order to save time on the things she could handle herself (like drinks), checked on the kitchen and hurried them along if they were lagging, made sure your order was correct, made sure your plate looked nice, carried it out to you, made you your drinks were full and your silverware/flatware present, and did it all with a smile on her face despite having to deal with inconsiderate pricks like you on a daily basis who think you’re better than them because you’re at a different point in your life than she is (do you know her story? I’m betting not).


  2. Bitter party of one, your table is ready.

    It’s true, it’s not your job to pay the server. But don’t expect someone to go out of their way for you if you aren’t paying them. Would you work harder than you had to at your work without being paid for it? Seriously doubt it. Restaurants should pay their employees more so they don’t have to rely on tips. But the reality is they don’t.

    I’m not saying every server deserves a tip. In fact, a lot don’t. But if someone is clearly going out of their way, which a lot also do, then why not pay them for their work? Going out to a restaurant is about more than just receiving your food and eating it. It’s about the experience you receive from the establishment as a whole. If your server is rude and unwilling to accommodate your needs, then sure, don’t tip him/her. If you just want to get your food and be left alone then get fast food. Or make your meal at home.

    It’s the entitled customers like you that makes the rest of us look bad.


    • In reply to Someone who does tip

      I am wealthy, and eat at exclusive overpriced restaurants on a weekly basis. Since I have the gold (money) I make the rules. I am talented and highly skilled. The waitress is a highschool dropout that fetches me my Lobster Newburgh. She is far beneath my greatness, and should worship the ground I walk on. She is nothing to me and I will not tip the hired help to do their pathetic jobs. I will be waited on extremely well or I will make sure she is terminated. Unskilled slaves are easily replaceable.


  3. I WILL NEVER TIP AGAIN, after reading the comments from the waitresses who wrote in, if your not paid enough from the people WHO HIRE YOU, DONT EXPECT ME TO PAY YOUR BILLS FOR YOU! Nobody PAYS MY BILLS FOR ME! YOU ASS KISSING AT TABLESIDE WONT GET YOU A PENNY! Drop off my food and GO AWAY! And, if you fucking spit on my food and I FIND OUT,
    WILL SUE THE RESTURANT YOU WORK FOR! I personally don’t give a shit about you or your life, just as you don’t give a shit about mine! If you don’t like your service job, THEN FUCKING QUIT.,, In the mean time, hurry the fuck up with my order, I have places to go and real money to make!


    • In reply to No Tips

      I feel the exact same way you do. I used to tip until I found out how ungrateful these waitress bitches are. I’m with you I will never type again! These whiny bitches that think they are entitled to my money will never be getting any more tips for me. I was stupid to tip. I will never make this mistake again.


      • In reply to Edurcration iz gewd

        Family of three we spend over $300 a week at restaurants. 300 x 20% is 60 dollars a week. 60 x 52 weeks is $3120 saved by not tipping the waitress in one year. $2000 saved not donating to charity equals $5120 for a Disney vacation. Don’t worry I won’t tip at Disney. See how easy it is to save money!


      • In reply to Fernald

        A Disney Vacation? How original. You know how you can save money for your precious family vacation? Don’t spend over $300 a week going out to eat. Teach your lazy kids a life skill, like how to cook a decent family meal. Let those tables you’re taking up in restaurants be occupied by customers that will tip their hardworking servers appropriately. And, don’t be so arrogant to think that your existence makes any difference to anyone.


  4. Obviously, most of the “I don’t tip” commenters are trolls. Even if them not tipping is true, their financial status is the key part they’re lying about. Having worked as a server in both fine and casual dining, the only patrons I was ever fearful of not tipping were people who fell into the lower class. Never once have I been stiffed by a wealthy customer. And I’ve been doing this for a few years now (I’m in my final year of Harvard undergrad), and plan to continue waiting to supplement my income alongside my unpaid internships until I am out of Law School. Now, here’s the thing; one of the main reasons rich people tip well is because if you’re happy staying at your server level without having the company supply your full wages, the prices of the establishment won’t skyrocket. Also, if you’re happy as a server, that’s less competition that would be created for them if you were to get a “real” job as some suggest on here. It’s also less competition for their kids to get into universities, etc. That 20% they tip you is overall meaningless to them, since it’s a bid to keep you where you are. Also, a portion of the wealthy takes into consideration that even the federal minimum wage is no living wage at all. But in order to avoid being taxed less, this is a convenient loophole designed for them to keep the lower class where they are without having to pitch into society. It’s because of the way America refuses to tax its citizens proportionately to their income that we’re failing (change in this area will have to come soon). This is why Europeans, etc., do not understand tipping– their people are not only paid a real living wage, but they also have their healthcare, education, etc. provided for by their government that each person contributes to. SHOULD waiters be paid more? Absolutely. Should everyone in the workforce deserve a living wage? YES. Unfortunately, neither of these thing hold true in America today, so I suggest you find that 20% tip. The work you consider meaningless is actually a structured part of the restaurant. Take that part out and you will quickly learn- all the things you thought were meaningless were actually the necessary steps to get your food in front of you, and all of those steps are actually time consuming and very annoyingly simple. Keep in mind- there are about 5 steps from delivering menus to the table til the end of the customer’s meal. 5 steps per customer. Sounds easy, no? Now take the 5 ‘simple’ steps it takes to get your food in front of you- including the things you don’t see (filling saltshakers, condiments, etc.)- and times it by 4 (average table size), and you get 20- the average amount of steps per table. Now, multiply that twenty by the average number of tables in a servers section (11), and you get 220. That’s 220 steps per full section. And that doesn’t stop there. These tables fluctuate, you can get very large tables and therefore sometimes have to take bits of someone else’s section (which affects their income), and keep in mind- this is all happening at once. It’s a job that requires a lot of multitasking, and that’s something even some of my classmates at a very elite (if not the most elite) university admit to not wanting to do because of it’s “difficulty”. It’s attitudes like yours that make me remember why I’m getting my undergrad here, and then my American citizenship will be renounced- because he fact that it’s optional for you to pitch in to your own society for mere dollars while you (claim to) make hundreds of thousands is disgusting. There are children dying due to their poverty because your six-figure salary does not drive our economy anywhere but into the ground, since you are hardly taxed. Now, if you WERE taxed accordingly…. then let’s speak again, Mr. Six-Figures.


    • In reply to LOL

      I graduated from Harvard Law. Needless to say I am well to do. However, I don’t tip. Your long-winded explanation was so boring I couldn’t read it after the first few paragraphs. Your statement regarding menu prices skyrocketing is false. The most it could possibly go up would be 10%. I don’t tip and am proud of it. The only reason I can see to tip is to show the waitress I am better than her. Here’s some pocket change you pathetic wench. I am of the upper-class pick the tip up off the floor. That is how tipping started you know. Minimum-wage not being a living wage too bad. Get a real job.


      • In reply to Davis

        Lovely. Just what this world needs– Another self absorbed prick lawyer. You’re not special, nor are you better than anyone. Get over yourself.


      • In reply to Davis

        Considering their reply had no breaks, I’m guessing you don’t know what a ‘paragraph’ is and am calling BS on graduating from ANY institution of higher learning, let alone Harvard.


    • In reply to LOL

      What this is about is the trolls feigning being rich people in hopes of working up wait staff into a frenzy so they can continue their campaign of getting rid of tipping to instill a “liviable wage”. This is political and they want waitpersons to join along side McDonald’s employees. In order to do that, they pretend to be “rich conservatives” who don’t care about others, hoping waiters and waitresses might go along with them. It won’t work. They tried getting rid of tipping as far back as 1909…it’s now 2015 lol. So, since the beast has been out of the bag for quite some time now, McDonald’s employees demands of 15 an hour notwithstanding, a livable wage for wait people is going be somewhere around 25-30 dollars an hour since, with tips, is about what we make on a good day. 100 dollars in 5 hours in 20 dollars an hour and for them to think we’re gonna settle for anything less makes them a retarded bunch of idiots.


  5. For your information. Do you even know what T.I.P.S mean it means To insure promt service.! It’s to let your server know that you appreciate the service that was received. If you go to the same restaurant more the once, you would give a decent tip so the server would remember you and give you great service every time. We are not your slaves. Oh and by the way irs takes money from me to pay for you to eat. I’m getting taxed on your food. You think you know how the business goes but you have no clue. You are just 1 asshole to me, but there are 10 more standing be hind you.


    • In reply to Kathleen

      Kathleen, do you understand what do your job means? It means I am not going to tip you, and if you don’t give me excellent service I will do everything in my power to make sure you get fired. How dare you feel so entitled that you think you deserve a tip. You’re just an unskilled piece of shit. The only reason you have a job, is because people like me me with money support the restaurant which allows you to have a job.


      • In reply to Matthew

        You are obviously Not an American, I am a disabled Vet 70% in fact. And I had to wait tables fo several yeArs after I was discharged, it was an extremley difficult job, it is skilled labor, now you Are blaming the servers for the payment policies of the us, Not there fault remember these people’s livelihoods depends on it, they use that money pay there bills abd feed there kIds, there not entitled to it there earning it,and if they didn’t then don’t tip then but if you r not going too anyway then Just stay I’m your own country and screw them over.


      • In reply to justin

        Justin I don’t give a crap if you’re a disabled vet. It is common knowledge that people go in to the military because they are too stupid to get a real job in civilian life. So it doesn’t shock me that you think waitressing is a skilled job. Fact of the matter is waitressing is an unskilled job as designated by the Department of Labor. Every time my company is forced to hire a vet because of a government subsidy. They end up getting fired for incompetence anyways. So waitressing is a good job for you. No skill no thought and little pay. I will never tip the waitress for such a simple silly job. An adult should never be a waitress. The only reason an adult would do this for a living is because they are a total loser. No tip for you loser.


      • In reply to Edward

        Loser and uneducated, seems to sum your dumb ass up pretty well.

        You’re cheap, and it is more than likely due to being a low level employee making less than most servers annually. Here’s a great idea, it involves some econ. and as your’e probably not a college grad. either you might not follow but I’ll give it a shot, let’s do away with tips as the servers primary form of income and we’ll set their hourly pay based on the quality of restaurant beginning at min. wage at something like Applebee’s with a cap of $15 an hour for a swanky joint. Factor that into the restaurant’s food cost. Now for that shitty steak at Applebee’s that you were paying $10 to choke down, on your 35k a year salary, it’s now $20 and the $4 Bud is $7+. So you went from maybe a $14 meal plus a solid 20% tip of $2.80 totaling you $16.80 to $27. Suddenly you feel like an idiot for your self righteous, stingy douche baggery as you sign your tip-less receipt. Tip your server and shut the hell up or go to Wendy’s ya fat ass.


      • In reply to Kyle

        Kyle eliminate tipping and the most that food prices can go up is 10%. You are a fool and an idiot. Even if the waitress does not make minimum wage with tips, The employer has to make up the state federal wage difference. That is way more than any waitress is worth. It is very obvious from your delusional beliefs you are not a college graduate.


      • In reply to Edward

        You know what. Who cares if you dont tip….its whatever…but I just want you to know you are going to hell. And you cant bring your fucking money with you. So go fuck yourself cause with that nasty ass attitude I bet you are either alone, divorced but you are definitely dying alone. So have fun bitch while you still can. And by the way I hope next time you eat you choke on it. You dont deserve to live.


      • In reply to Matthew

        Matthew, when you come into my restaurant you automatically tip a 20 dollar bill to whomever your server is just for sitting your happy ass down. Then, afterwards you tip 30% of your bill cocksucker. We make more money than you because waiting tables is a life hack. You have a menial union labor job that pays shit that’s why you go to the bar every night and tip your bartender, little bitch.


      • In reply to Matthew

        The Waitress/Waiter won’t spit in your food the chef will and I don’t blame him/her for doing it. You will never know it happened and you will be like “Mmmm This steak is juicy”…


      • In reply to Matthew

        Hey scumbag, you don’t want to tip, then don’t go out to eat. Tipping your server is just the way it is. We didn’t start it. BTW, your crazy if spitting in your food is the absolute worse we do. That’s just the beginning of what we do to someone who’s dumb enough to go back to a restaurant repeatedly after not doing what’s expected


      • In reply to Matthew

        You are a fuckin douche bag! You get you’re stupid ass out there and wait tables! U wouldn’t last a minute! You are not a man talking to women like that! So go fuck yourself!! Punk ass bitch! And if you don’t like what I said, SUCK THE SNOT OUT OF MY FUCK STICK!!


    • In reply to Kathleen

      Dumb ass waitresses like Kathleen is the reason I don’t tip anymore. They expect me to tip, I don’t understand why they feel entitled? I really don’t care why, but I refuse to tip any more. When I go back to that restaurant third fourth or fifth time my service is still excellent. I fired off some letters to the corporate office and the district manager about a waitress that ignored me I got $100 gift certificate. I never saw that waitress again. Let that be a lesson to all waitresses. They are very easily replaceable. The customer always comes first!!! The waitresses nothing special just a dog that brings your food to you.


      • In reply to Kelly

        Took my family to an overpriced upscale restaurant last night. Four people, bill came to $430. One of the waitresses on the wait staff team for some unknown reason mentioned to me her car needs an expensive repair. She told me that she’s working extra hours to save money for it. Why did this lower-class pathetic person think they were even allowed to speak to me outside of what I want for dinner? I was thoroughly insulted. I mentioned this to the maître d’ when he came over to kiss our asses. We ended up with free dessert. I left the restaurant with my belly stuffed and I left no tip. I always leave all restaurants without tipping. When the waiters read off the evening specialties, their social standing is so far beneath me I don’t even look at them.


      • In reply to Belvedere

        You are a worthless piece of entitled shit. I feel sorry for your children. Stay the fuck home. Cunt. I hope you lose every fucking penny of your money that makes you think you are better than everyone else and find yourself out on the fucking street. We are all human. Except you. You are apparently a high class piece of shit that will eventually get flushed.


      • In reply to Meghan

        Meghan, you sound like a very poor unhappy jealous bitch that was dumped by her rich boyfriend. Are you mad because he used and abused you? Then dumped you like yesterday’s garbage. Our high incomes do make us entitled people. You need to learn your place which is beneath us. A restaurant is very happy to have my money. The hired help is hired help and replaceable. Customers that can afford the finer things are to be coveted. I expect to be treated like royalty. If the waitstaff gets out of line with me they will be dismissed. I also don’t tip the little people.


      • In reply to Wolfgang

        Wolfgang, it’s very well known that people who don’t tip, affords your children alcohol in a kiddie cup before you realize it’s even in there. So tip or trip…to the hospital.


      • In reply to Charlie

        Charlie you truly are pathetic. Because I don’t tip you’re threatening me by putting alcohol in my child’s sippy cup. In real life your restaurant gets sued, you go to jail, and I initiate a civil law case against you. In jail I will make sure the inmates know why you’re there. You will be the jails favorite butt buddy. Obviously you’re just jealous of people with money that don’t tap. Get used to loser


      • In reply to Wolfgang

        Ha! I’m a restaurant manager and If you said that To my employees I would kick your snooty, bitter, unloved, childish, unhappy ass straight out and tell you what everyone else would be thinking. That we don’t need your money sweetheart. Even those so-called poor trash waitresses have standards and you don’t make them. Some of them are just trying to pay for school. We don’t have time to deal with caddy bitches who have clearly never worked a day in their lives. And we certainly do not want your money or your business. And that waitress you were rude to? She doesn’t want your money either, but unlike you, she won’t be rude or hateful because she holds herself to a higher standard. She will be the bigger person and ignore your words because she knows that she should feel sorry for you. She is surrounded by loving friends and a work family when you were so clearly not shown that affection. She won’t feel anger or disgust, only pitch and sorrow because THAT is how good she is. Unfortunately no matter how honest my words are people like you may be too far gone for them to do any good.


      • In reply to Belvedere

        You know, not that it really matters, but you are one of the reasons I hate the human race…

        You may THINK you’re “above” everyone else, but you still have to eat, shit, and die just like the rest of us


      • In reply to Jessica

        Jessica, honey…. “belvedere” is a troll… and doesn’t even understand the origin of his nom de plume… look up a show called “Mr. Belvedere” its a classic.. about a rich family and their butler.. he may vaguely remember the rich part, but obviously forgot the fact that Mr. Belvedere was the BUTLER’s name ;) Don’t hate humanity over a group of trolls pretending to be trust fund babies. The true idle rich, may not SEE servers.. but they aren’t malicious about it and certainly don’t see themselves as being snobs.. they are more likely to be over tippers than under tippers, and if given such a sob story would likely tip outrageously.. why do you think she TOLD him that.. IF such a thing ever happened. which I highly doubt. If a strand of it is true i’ll eat my shoe.


      • In reply to Marie

        I work as a waiter now but when I used to be valet, some asshole decided to give me his 2014 BMW I8 to park. When he didn’t tip I keyed the shit out of bot the front passenger and front drivers side panels. Piece of dog shit better remember that next time.


      • In reply to Belvedere

        Who the fuck do you think you are? Your server probably shouldn’t have mentioned personal life issues, but you have no right to be an entitled little bitch who thinks she is better than everybody. I can guarantee that if you pulled that shit the only thing you would have gotten was an “im sorry” or a “thats to bad” just to appease you so that you didn’t make a scene on the way out


      • In reply to Kelly

        Dear Kelly,
        YOU Should probably eat in the alley that you escaped from. You are an absolute JERK and no one should “serve” a total Jerk. Thanks for not ordering your food from someone who works to “serve” you and is probably on her or his way to getting more Education than you will ever have.


  6. Is everybody here some highschool wannabe conservative in this comment section? Jesus I stumbled onto a slew of arrogant conceited fucktards.


  7. You’re gonna leave at least 25-30% of your bill to your server or we’re gonna break your motherfucking jaws the next time you have the balls to show your fucking faces. We WILL spit in your food, we WILL take a dump on your plate, and we will fuck your whore women right in front of you, at the tables. We bend them bitches over for tips and you don’t tip expect your slut women to be leaving the restaurant, not with the extra rolls boxed up but with an extra bun in the oven for you to take care of. Happens all the time on exotic cruises, women fucking their waiters and bell hops, jeez I”ve been there! Brings back fond memories, so in short, to everyone reading this, you tip, or the hospital and baby clinic are your next stops.


  8. Wow! I am SHOCKED at how mean you all are being to each other. Slow down.

    I’ve been a waitress for a year now and it is hard work. I also worked in retail selling wedding dresses and normal floor work; waitressing is harder. I work at a fairly upscale restaurant; I think once the bill is pretty high already, it isn’t unreasonable to assume the person paying can afford a tip. At cheaper restaurants, even if you spend $20 that’s only a $4 tip to be 20%. A little goes a long way.

    I have never seen a server spit in food.

    My base salary is $2.50 an hour. The rest comes in as tips, and 26% of my tips pool to pay the salaries of managers, hosts, and server assistants. After tax, if I got no tips, I would walk out with nothing.

    If someone did decide to include the average cost of tipping me (an extra 20%), then you’d ALWAYS have to pay, even if the service was crappy. Wouldn’t you rather have the option to leave a bad tip if the service really was bad? Working for the tip is worthwhile, I think. I realize some of my guests want to be left alone, and I respectfully quietly full up their water, top off their sodas, make sure they have the correct clean silverware and dishes they will not be allergic to while striking the mood they want me to strike. If they really care about food, I can answer any question they have so they know what to expect. I create a great experience for my guests. I’m motivated to earn my 20% tip.

    That’s my take on it. Everyone be a little nicer while talking about this, why don’t you…


    • In reply to Emily

      Emily I expect you to do your job just the way you described. When the $400 bill is paid just don’t expect me to tip. I honestly feel you are not worth any extra money. For you to think I am going to leave you 20% or $80 definitely proves you must be delusional. A living breathing walking talking conveyor belt that brought me my food. Is not worthy of a tip. I am a trust fund baby. I also value my money to the point where I’m not going to waste it on tipping. If a waitress gave me a sob story I would have her fired for annoying me. You’re wrong about people with money thinking they would over tip. Most of the ones I know don’t tip at all. Because we truly are above you and feel you’re lucky to have a job and to wait on us. One more thing the name Belvedere has a long history of wealth. Why anyone would feel this is a butler name is beyond me. It was also my great grandfather’s name he owned many shipping yards. Which was the start to the family’s wealth. I also contributed to it with several patents in the medical industry. The da Vinci procedure used in hospitals would not be possible without some of my patents.


      • In reply to Victor

        Belvedere, understand something, you’re a fucking butler no more, no less. If you think you’re going to be treated any differently when you come into my restaurant you have sadly mistaken. You smell like shit i’m sure, like most retards that show up, and you get poor service. By the way I own my own establishment so I can work the floor whenever I like and if you piss me off, it’s ramen noodles for you.


      • In reply to Victor

        Victor, I don’t care if you’re rich. At least I work in a place where someone will tip me $80 on their $300 check. Piece of shit. I have very rarely been stiffed on a tip. I’m good at reading who’s going to tip good and who isn’t. I then determine my level of service. Now you know why you get shitty service, because we remember the shitty tippers, and we talk to each other and identify the shitty tippers to our co-workers.


      • In reply to Ang

        Ang if you really do work at upscale establishments. You know what will happen to you if you don’t give a patron excellent service. You will be fired before dessert starts. You would not be the first waiter that I did that too. Basking in my glory is the reason I don’t need to tip you.


      • In reply to Victor

        Reading this ridiculous shit has lowered my IQ, and taken 10 minutes of my life I’ll never get back…..

        My husband and I make a comfortable living. I also have been a waitress. I ALWAYS tip based on the service, it could be 2% or 40%. I also have no problem saying something about bad service. But I ALWAYS try to have a bit of class.

        Futhermore, am I to honestly believe all you rich (cheap) douchebags have nothing better to do than to out yourselves as pricks?? I call bullshit on all you “trust fund babies” ;-)


  9. Arabs and kikes have one thing in common, they’re all cheap middle easterners who are very soon gonna have their families wiped from the face of the Earth just as soon as the great America spreads Democracy in your countries. So fagwhad jal fat headed ewok lookin mother fucker, I’d start preparing the farewell feast of curry for your whore mother since she will be gone very soon.


    • In reply to Yuna

      Arabs and Jews are richer than the general population that is the only thing they have in common. Israel the Jewish state is a democracy you idiot exactly the same as the United States. Israel is the United States closest friendly country in the world. Israel would go to war for the United States. This would be reciprocated by the United States. Arab states want the United States and Israel dead you are so stupid you don’t even know the facts. Jews are very rich, intelligent and probably own the restaurant you’re dumbass works at.


  10. I’m on break right now so I can type this: if you come into my restaurant and don’t tip, I wouldn’t come back if I were you..let’s..just…not go there.. K? That is all.


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