Sanskrit – Why Waste People’s Time with It?

Languages grow and die. Get used to it. Latin is the progenitor of modern romance languages. But do you hear of governments shoving it down people’s throats crying “Oh, its’s our culture”? No. To be sure, there are schools that teach Latin, but that is by choice, and not because it’s a legal requirement. Because sensible countries don’t live in the past and they don’t have massive inferiority complexes over their current situation leading them to lust after past glory.

And that’s what this idiocy with Sanskrit is really about. Proponents of “our great culture” like to proclaim that we have no pride and that the lack of Sanskrit in our schools is evidence of low self esteem, when the opposite is true! In reality, it is those who advocate the imposition of Sanskrit in schools who have the inferiority complex. Only a person who feels inferior will need to take refuge in a “golden age” of the past. It is these same guys who you constantly hear bragging about how great Indian culture was even though they personally had nothing to do with it!

Is it a coincidence that these crazies are once again those who talk about how airplanes were invented in India, and how we had nuclear weapons and all that bullshit? No – it’s not a coincidence, but just another symptom of what they guys are really after – an escape into a fantasy past merely so that they can feel good about being “Indian” – as if the present is not enough for them.

For these guys, “facts” don’t matter. They don’t care about the fact that Sanskrit is a dead language. They don’t care that picking up a language by teaching it formally in school is all but impossible if the student is not surrounded by it all the time. They think to themselves – “Oh, just teach kids the rules of Sanskrit grammar and give them exercises and voila! – before you know it they’ll be spouting Sanskrit while playing their friends!” Are they high? Does anyone really believe that?

I’ve been learning a new language for the past 5 months, and I can tell you it’s bloody difficult. You don’t get anywhere by just learning grammar rules and doing exercises. You need to devote all your time and attention to it. You have to talk to yourself. You need to be motivated. You have to want to learn it. Without that, you accomplish nothing. I know students who have been studying a language for years even in college and can’t speak a word of it.

Does anyone really believe that children are going to have such motivation? For what purpose? School is a drudgery – there’s no denying it. No kid in their right mind is going to dedicate the time and brain space necessary to learning a language instead of going and playing. And yes – this means that the German taught to these children is also likely to be useless. But there at least it’s a subject they have chosen. One can have hope at least, that it interests them.

But pushing a dead language onto students who have no interest in it, and who have no way of using it in the modern world? Such a terrible waste of time. And for what? To feed the delusions of lunatics desperately trying to cling onto a past in hopes of dealing with their pitiful feelings of inferiority, inadequacy and powerlessness in the modern world.

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128 thoughts on “Sanskrit – Why Waste People’s Time with It?”

  1. Any language that is not used for science and business will be dead. When language dies, the whole civilization and culture dies. India as a civilization has a responsibility to keep its culture alive. Petty thinking like students liking German so why government should be having problems should be discouraged. Government should slowly replace english with hindi and regional languages as the standard of education and business in india. Revive sanskrit language and relegate english to a foreign language status. That’s the only way india could develop in the long term. Students liking German hence they could choose German is a comical argument. Given a choice most indians will give up their language for anything european. Government can’t go by the colonial mindset of an elite few indians. Government and indian society as a while has a tremendous responsibility of ensuring our culture doesn’t die out. Language is the vehicle to keeping a culture alive. FYI in Germany all higher education is in German language with English taught as a foreign language. Only in india that a foreign language is used as our own language with a billion people not having access to science and business literature simply because the language is a foreign language tha t they only learn to read but hardly could converse.


    • In reply to Ranga

      But you don’t get to decide what other people “should” want. Most people (including me) don’t care about culture. We care about infrastructure, and good living conditions. “Culture” is nothing.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Well Sir, you and me have our own whims and fancies as to what we like and dislike. But government’s policy cannot be based on that. There cannot be infrastructure and good living developing in the long run when a billion people are denied learning science and business in their native languages something so important that our elites in colonial mindset cannot fathom. There is no learning and development of a billion people if a foreign language English is pushed down the throats in the name of globalization. Learning science and business in native languages is taken for granted in other nations (China Japan Germany ex). Only the masses in India are denied that simple joy of Life. Hardly 1 or 2 % understand English and we are calling it a link language. Now, we also want German. Are we out of our minds? Does the comman Indian man (not the middle class who are only 10%) but the vast majority of the lower middleclass people have a voice at all.? Since 10% Indians like English , German and pretty much anything European, does the mass 90% should blindly follow ? How can we uplift the 90% Indians when a foreign language like English becomes the link language that those 90% hardly can ever understand? Now the elite 10% want German in India? Governemt should make a policy based on what is good for the 90% lower middle class and downtrodden. Thirdlworld nation like ours cannot expect to develop by trying to deny education to 95% of its people by making education and business in alien language. Making English a link language in India where 95% people hardly understand that has already made Indians a butt of jokers. Now you want to add German too? Is there an end to our obsession with western culture? do we think that pretending to learn English and german will give us respect or wealth in the long run? or make us look like Europeans? The elite of India has this mindset to behave like Europeans on front of our own masses. But those days are over for good.


      • In reply to Ranga

        The government is the servant of the people. If people don’t care about Sanskrit, then the government cannot care either. Remember that the people of India are adults and have the right to decide what their children should learn.

        Let’s realize that Sanskrit is a foreign language. Why? Because no one speaks it. Your case would be stronger if you spoke for Hindi or regional languages. But Sanskrit? It is a dead meaningless language now.

        English is more local to modern India than Sanskrit. The fact remains that English gives an individual the best opportunity to succeed. And parents across India agree. The government as a servant of the people has to respect that.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Well Sir, Not sure why you are writing with half truths. Nobody says Sanskrit in place of German. As per Indian law, it’s any Indian language as a third language. As for English, no, English is not local to India,. Try taking a walk in any Imndian village or city, hardly anyone can converse in English. Just because we have all signboards in English doesn’t make it local to India. We are just cheap imitators of European language and culture. So, English must go.


      • In reply to Ranga

        No matter how few people in India speak English, I can guarantee you that even fewer people speak Sanskrit. Therefore Sanskrit is not a native language of today. Remember – modern India is a different country.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Also, not protecting culture has pretty horrible ramifications. Remember what happened to India, it got partitioned based on religion. So yes, if we don’t protect cultue, we would be vulnerable to cultural change through religious coinversions. It doesn’t need to be explained how people who convert to other religions lose an connection with India and start demanding division of the country. Does Kashmir today ring the bell??, even Northeast? so protecting culture is of utmost importance.


      • In reply to Ranga

        I’m sorry, but who defines “culture”? You? My culture is not the same as your culture. If anything, our “culture” caused the partition of India. What culture? The culture of religion. We Indians need to destroy our culture if we are to get anywhere.

        “Culture” is a curse. Get rid of it.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        So Europeans have their own distinctive culture. Chinese as well, Arabs as well. But indians don’t as per you. Sounds unreasonable and unnatural. Also Europeans Arabs Chinese could protect their culture as a national policy but india shouldn’t as per you.. And anybody in the world could come and impose their culture on us? Hm. Smell fish here. Seems like you have a hidden agenda. Anyways, if no other logic convinces you then I will put it this way. We should protect our culture just like how Europeans Chinese Arabs protect their culture. Does it make sense. Meaning just like Europeans Chinese Arabs use their own language for business and science we indians should as well. Just simple logic that you can’t argue against whatever could be your hidden agenda.


      • In reply to Ranga

        You’re missing one big thing – Europeans don’t have the government trying to preserve culture by shoving outdated nonsense down their children’s throats.

        Tell me – in which European schools is Latin mandatory? After all, Latin is the actual mother of most European languages. But it’s not mandatory in schools. You know why? Because it’s a dead language.

        Let people follow “culture” on their own if they want. If the government tries to “force” it, then it’s already dead.

        Btw, no civilized country in the world wants to be like the Arabs or the Chinese. And please don’t compare India to those dictatorships. Consult the Indian Constitution to know why the Indian government cannot do what the Chinese or the Arab governments can.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        On that same token , Europeans don’t have to put up with a non-native language as the business and science language. Just plain common sense. You don’t do business in a language that 95% of people don’t understand. So what do you say about that? Also a common european has no colonial mindset that he craves for anything say indian. So there is no threat of cultural loss. Hence governments don’t have to worry a lot. But in India, due to prolonged colonial rule, we re.prone to worship the conquerors. So if the govt doesn’t put tabs, millions of indians would be willing to leave of their culture. So you think government shouldnt do anything about it? Why not? Also why are you saying repeatedly that govt is imposing samskrit. Didn’t I remind you that as per the law any indian language? Not just sanskrit? A student could choose kashmiri gujrati tamil or any other indian language.


      • In reply to Ranga

        You’re again missing the point that none of this was forced or engineered. If they had tried to force it, it wouldn’t have worked. I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to accept the fact that India is like Europe as a continent instead of just one European country. There IS no single language.

        Business will sort itself out. Businessmen are not emotional people. If they are using English, it means it works for them. And whatever complaints you have against English, they are magnified 100 times with Sanskrit.

        Who cares if “millions” of Indians leave their culture? How will it effect me? Will I not get food? I think you’re chasing after a dream.

        Also, stop thinking of Sanskrit as an Indian language. Just because some paper claims it’s Indian, doesn’t automatically make it one.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Finally you got exposed mr
        Bhahwad. Just by your thoughts sanskrit is not an indian language you got busted. I now could confirm your hidden agenda. Now I know why you say you don’t care if millions of indians lose their culture. Again, the emergence of this new government is the perfect answer to such people who masquerade as genuine liberals but beneath keep their external cultural loyalties well hidden behind liberal writings. But sorry to break the news. There is a resurgent india that will ensure people like you never again again take the native indians for a ride. Gone are the days of British and moguls. India as a distinctive civilization will take its place. Its.only a matter of time english will be relegated to just a foreign language. Constitution and indian law will be rewritten in indian languages. All indians irrespective of religion will be doing business and science in indian lamguages. All indians even Muslims and christians will have to take sanskrit as a compulsory language. Religion can’t be associated with language. This will expose the agenda of missionaries and saudi mullahs in converting indians. This will tell loud that the agenda of conversion is disowning of Indian culture in the name of religion which is not acceptable. a brave new india. You could.convert to any religion but you need to learn samskrit and use indian names and not lose indian cultural attachment. Indian endured onslaught and still survived for a thousand years. You really think now people like you could really play this hidden agenda game and get away? Sorry.


      • In reply to Ranga

        Lol. You’re “brave new India” is a dictatorship. And maybe you forgot – what makes India special is that it is NOT a dictatorship. India is a place of freedom. Where people have choice. In your enthusiasm, it looks like you want to kill India.

        Luckily, people like you are in a minority. Most individuals are smart and realize what is useful and what is not. So I’m not worried.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Hate to break the news. Freedom doesn’t mean conversions. Everybody knows the agenda of convert indians to Christian culture. So the good old days of Congress are over. Allowing mass conversions for vote bank. All converted included you will be brought back. Converted people have a choice….either follow alien religion and be treated like a napkin by westerners and Arabs or come back to your ancestral culture and gain some respect and money as well these days. In any case the good old days of conversion are over.


      • In reply to Ranga

        Freedom does mean conversions. It’s freedom of expression. Freedom of choice. Looks like you’re not ready to live in India.

        May I ask why you live here in India, if you do no believe in the Constitution? There are any number of countries better suited to your tastes.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Sorry. Conversion is freedom only when there is no fraud involved. It’s a universal fact that conversion means fraud. So sorry to reveal the bitter truth. As Rev. Desmond tutu and Nelson Mandela said, when Christians came to Africa, bible was in their hands and land with africans. But after sometime, africans got the bible and christians the land. You converted folks who sold their self respect for some money will never understand.


      • In reply to Ranga

        Please give me a specific example of a specific person who was cheated of his or her land. Pretend that someone is trying to convert me. Show me how my land is stolen from me.

        Unless you can provide support for your assertions, they are just random statements.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Dude. Don’t talk silly. Sure you know what I am talking. Land grabbing is partitioning or stealing countries using religion. Remember what happened to africa that I quoted. Remember what happened to india with partition. Remember kashmir. And northeast asking for separate lands based on rwligion. Conversion is nothing but fraud and BS.


      • In reply to Ranga

        Don’t talk in generalities. Give me an actual example (even hypothetical). Show me how a person is cheated of his or her land. Then we’ll talk. Otherwise admit that you’re just making up stuff.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Oh ya? So you really think indians are so stupid to answer your clever skirting of the real issues? Fraud is fraud whether you try to somehow put it in a different way here. Land grabbing by increasing headcount is fraud. You think indians are stupid to allow conversions in the name of freedom? Partition of india, kashmir issue , NE insurgencies. You think indians should ignore such things and keep thinking of personal choices etc. Good ol days for such scheming missionary talk is over. Hate to break that news!


      • In reply to Ranga

        So far you have not show me any fraud. Say I’m a Hindu and you want to convert me. Tell me…how will you steal my land?

        It’s so funny you’re talking about stupid things like partition and all, without giving me an ACTUAL example of how someone is cheated of their land.

        Where did you pick up all this dialogue from? Some pamphlet? How are you saying any of this without understanding it?


      • In reply to bhagwad

        I may not steal your land but as a missionary, I just want to take you away from your mainstream group and make you my slave and use you and many more people like you to play to my tunes since I am paying you money. Basically some.foreign governments controlling indians in the name of religion. With sufficient head count demands for land will arise. You think partition is a stupid argument? Fyi it was based on religion. And you want indian govt to be hooked on to individual feedom and choice? Buying people is slavery. We indians shouldn’t allow.


      • In reply to Ranga

        You will make me a “slave”? Will you put me in chains and make me work without pay? Because that is the definition of a slave in case you didn’t know. Please don’t use words without knowing what they mean.

        Show me an actual example of how I will suffer. I wake up in the morning…and then what? How will my life be worse? So far I can only see a better life. Better education. More money. Food. Show me how I will suffer.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        From your perspective you are.right
        But there are people and nations who should make policies based on national security perspectives. Why. Because people like you are only capable of thinking from their own self interest. Quite Understandable. If I were you I would do the same, education etc. But That’s the reason we have policy makers who think from a collective and national perspective what conversion means. They have a higher view and make policies.based on that. I am just talking from policy making view in light of what conversion means to national interest. Sure from your view you are correcr. But how can you ask gov to make policies based on your views? You need to admit there could be other views about what conversion means? At the least you need to admit you and your elk are only interested in some money. That’s as far as your view goes. But of course, a society has other concerns and views with much broader and serious ramifications of conversions. Are you expecting everybody comply with only your narrow views of money and education perks for the converted? Are you unwilling to.admit that that some other perspectives of conversion could possibly override any of the positive self interest perks you are batting for?


      • In reply to Ranga

        If you’re going to talk about “security”, then you need to have data. Statistics. Show me some studies demonstrating that Christianity leads to violence and then explain it in those terms.

        India is a free country. You cannot take away people’s freedom without a solid case with numbers, statistics, and proof. Evidence that will stand up in court. To my knowledge, there is no such study in the entire world demonstrating what you’re saying. And without a solid theory behind it, you’re just reduced to guessing.

        Sorry, but that is nowhere near good enough. You are essentially telling poor people: “Remain poor. I won’t tell you why, but being poor is for your own good”.

        Remember that a government is for the people. If the people are happy, the government is happy. A government that oppresses its people and doesn’t allow them to be happy does not deserve to be called a government.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        I am telling you your view is right for yoirself. I the same too. But how can you ignore what conversion means from other perspectives? So sure you could protest if gov puts curbs on conversion and only put forth your arguments. Just think about it? If conversion were so good why hundus have issues with it today in india. I may not provide full answers.? So you at least agree that in India somebody has problems with it? Basically you want something but somebody has a problem with it. The govt has problem with conversion so guess there is a problem isn’t it at least from their perspective. Somebody just pays you free money and education…all free. And the govt protests. Hm why is there a problem? Well this is all free….too good. And the govt has a problem . Hm what could be the reason? You could ponder and make your theories. But admit there’s are other people who have a problem with conversions. Everything so free comes with some warnings and problems? Can you admit to that? You can protest and spew venom. But admit if you are.getting something so free of cost why should somebody have a problem? Ya bad bad world isnt. But that’s the reality of living in a society. Somebody has a.problem. your self interest affected negatively the other persons self interest. You could protest you want it your way since its all free money. Hm but somebody has a.problem with you getting with the whole conversion business.


      • In reply to Ranga

        Hindus have issues with conversions because they are insecure and are trying to cover up their modern inadequacy by turning to an imaginary glorious past. Indians in general have also not matured to the level where they can mind their own business. They always poke their nose into their neighbor’s affairs.

        And the government has a problem because the people who elect them demand that they have a problem. All this will be solved if people just mind their own business.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Too bad others have a problem with it whatever could be your theories. . You thought you could.nicely get the free money and others are preventing that. Ya bad bad hindus. Your self interest against hindus self interest. The key word is.self interest. You must at least admit other human being is entitled to self interest however much illogical you might feel. After all self interest itself is self defining. I would like some free money too and if someone prevents that I would be mad.


      • In reply to Ranga

        Luckily for me, the Constitution protects me from the whims and fancies of other people. You talk about “Hindus self interest”. But you haven’t showed me how exactly these interests are hurt. You are a Hindu no? How is your life affected? You wake up in the morning…and then what happens? Please show me how your life is affected. Is someone preventing you from starting your car?

        Let the BJP do whatever it wants. I have the Constitution of India to protect me. And before you say “Constitutional amendments”, keep in mind that the basic structure of the Constitution can never be changed even with a 2/3rd majority in Parliament. The Supreme Court is the guardian of the Constitution and it will keep us safe.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Oh btw. Your past is Hindu past too….imaginary or real. Just because you imitate Europeans in names and god names, is not going to change your past. You may think that way but to a European or American eye, you are a.converted hindu. Nothing better than a converted black whose glorious past is definitely african..not some Roman or jewish. But blacks talk about their african cultural pride. But converted hindus are true poodles to europeans.


      • In reply to Ranga

        My past? My past started in 1983. I had no past before that. That is the problem with this line of thinking. Every person’s life starts when they are born. Before that, they do not exist.

        And if you want to think that way, then my past is African. We all came from Africa. Maybe we should have “ghar wapsi” to go to Africa!


      • In reply to bhagwad

        I am not going to show anything. I will leave it to your imagination. Just want to say hindu self interest is at play as a preventing force to your self interest. Constitution getting amended is only a matter of time. People bought over once to foreign religions could be easily bought back. Protection is only for those who voluntarily convert because they like the religion..a very tiny percent. Not for people who could be bought and sold. Hindus will eventually buy back 99% of the converts. That shouldn’t be any issue with this isnt? After al like you said, it’s all about money.


      • In reply to Ranga

        There is no “Hindu self interest”. “Hindus” do not exist. Only individual people exist. We can only have individual self interest.

        And did you miss the part where I said that basic structure of the Constitution cannot be amended?

        Just a quick question – do you respect the Indian Constitution? If not, why do you stay in this land whose principles and ideals you do not agree with? Doesn’t that make you a hypocrite?


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Ya you can comfort yourself with that line of thinking. Do you have a choice? The other alternative is accepting hindu past….hm. anyways, sometimes when you are thinking that way, it’s good to ask a European what his past is? Will you get the same answer? Past men’s what is. The past of your race or ethnicity. There is legitimate thing there. You yourself were saying about Hindus past isnt? Well Europeans talk gloriously about Roman empire and their european pride. Ha ha…you have to settle for.some crazy thought like my past started when I was born blah blah. That’s missionary brainwash to remove natives from their identity.


      • In reply to Ranga

        Most normal Europeans care about their daily life. They don’t sit around thinking of their past. They think about food, love, work, getting a better house, the environment, rights, politics etc. Bothering about the past is for academics and historians. Trust me – Not a single European is “proud” of the Roman Empire! It’s so funny to even think of that :D

        The only identity is what you make for yourself. What you do in your life matters. Not what some strangers did before you. What do you share with your ancestors? Some random DNA strands. Did they know you? Did you know them? No!


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Somebody has a problems with conversions dude. Whether you agree hindus exist or not. Sad reality is that people calling themselves hindus have a problem. So deal with it. You can call this whatever you want. Deny names etc. But there is a problem isn’t it? So called Hindus want a change in constitution to chase out missionaries and buy back converted. Now that will happen. It’s all fair game. Constitutions are.there to be amended. I only respect amendments.


      • In reply to Ranga

        Why should I bother if random people have random problems with how I life my life? Tomorrow you will have a problem because I have brown eyes. And how is that my problem?

        In a big country, thousands of crazy people have “problems”. But that is THEIR problem…not mine!

        And again – the basic structure of the Constitution cannot be amended. It looks like you don’t love the ideals of this country that you are living in.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Dude.i respect your perspectives. But i do admit there are.other perspectives. I don’t think I have the right perspectives for.everyrhing in this world although I have perspectives for everything. Your perspective on identities is yours. But by no means it’s the perspective of others however illogical you might feel. All I know is I do have a.self interest just like everyone else. I do respect that as well..


      • In reply to bhagwad

        You really think i am writing to you midnight in india? I am from new jersey. But coming to constitution, nothing is etched in stone. Yes, constitution of india needs amendments. Why? Will leave it to your imagination.


      • In reply to Ranga

        What you’re talking about is not mere “amendements”. You’re talking about changing the basic structure itself. In short, you want to change the very idea of India itself. That is not what we agreed upon at independence.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        You don’t have to bother sure dude. But don’t invoke constitution on so shallow.scheme as conversion for money. What is sauce for you is sauce for others. You could either accept the fact that it is a reverse conversion to hinduism with the same enticement of money or protest. Constitution clearly says freedom of religion by choice not by money enticemenr. But there could be legal cases against missuonaries for buying people because thats not allowed by constitution.


      • In reply to Ranga

        When you choose Pepsi over Coke because it’s cheaper, are you saying you are “forced” to drink Pepsi? Don’t be absurd. You think conversion by money is not by choice?

        All conversions are by choice only. Unless someone holds a gun to your head and threatens to kill you, nothing is “forced”.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        The framers of the Constitution didn’t have business deals in mind when pro visioning religious freedom. So there is the letter of the law and then there is the spirit of the law. Anyone in india could pray to any god be it hanuman jesus krishna ayappa allah or whatever the Form could be purely out of belief. That’s the constitutuon. If outside powers abuse indian laws to buy people to only one specific god as a business deal then that’s not in the spirit. It becomes a business then different laws apply isn’t it? Hence now so many law suites against missionary activities in india. In your coke Pepsi analogy, business laws should apply to churches and missionaries. To maken it clearer, let’s try paying whole villages in America money to convert to hindusism and see what happens. Hindu missionaries would be jailed and deported if it’s proven they are paying money to convert to hindusim. America is secular too. So why different rules for india?


      • In reply to Ranga

        The framers of the Constitution wanted the government to stay out of religion. And that is exactly what needs to happen. The government has to forget words like “Hindu”, “Christian” etc. The government needs to be blind to the personal lives of people.

        Please tell me why switching to Christianity is not like changing your club membership or drinking Pepsi instead of Coke. In fact, it is less important than those.

        I take up your challenge. Please go ahead and pay villages in the US to convert to Hinduism. No one will interfere. It’s an excellent example! The government will not even bother. What is your basis for your claim that missionaries would be jailed? Show me even one American law to support your statement.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Dude you understand here. Separation of church and state is one thing and foreign governments pumping money into US for For sole purpose of converting natives is another thing. I don’t know American law. But i do know if some religious organization is getting funded from outside so many other laws about money and business kick in. For ex. If a.relogiois organization only gives free education if you are a.hindu then different US laws about discrimination kick in. But in India it is so common to find Christian organizations offering free education only if you become a christian. In my own school christians paid nothing. It’s a known fact that in missionary run schools in india which are so many in every indian city, you could avoid huge school fees if the family is willing to convert. Exchange of material benefits for those willing to convert doesn’t put it into secular laws. It becomes issue of discrimination based on religion, issue of foreign funding. Issue of business transaction. In America schools cannot promote religion. Any suspicion that religious organizations are using schools as a.front for conversion are in a breach of law. So ya, whole villages in America choosing to pray hanuman one day shouldn’t be any issue in America. But i can’t see how hindu missionaries could achieve that without breaking so many other laws if they do the same way as missionaries do in india. It’s just like first amendment in america. It’s not exactly you can say anything you want. You can say anything you want as long as you don’t break some other laws. Similarly with separation of church and state.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Yes, people can choose to learn what they wish and like. But gov policy should be based on what makes sense as a nation and what is language people speak. Not on what people like. If people so wish to learn English and german, they could do so on the side. But gov should ensure people learn things in their native language.


      • In reply to Ranga

        People will learn in whatever language is comfortable to them. Do you think anyone will choose to learn in a language that doesn’t provide them with the best benefits? Do you think you know better than parents what is good for their children?


      • In reply to Ranga

        As long as foreign businesses pay their taxes, the US will not care what they do with the money. The US does not bother about religious composition. If 100% of the population turns Muslim, that is not the government’s problem. Other religions might try to convert them back, but the government will stay out of it.

        Understand that separation of church and state means that the governmen is blind to the idea of religion. Does that make sense?

        You say that it’s a breach of law. What law? You openly admit to not knowing anything about American law. I on the other hand, do know for a fact that there is no such law. If you have any American friends or sources, please ask them. They will confirm what I’m saying. Or find it on the Internet.

        India needs to be like the US. Blind – utterly blind – to religion.

        The 1st amendment in the US is very specific. ALL speech is allowed as long as you do not physically threaten someone else in a specific way. As long as religious conversions in the US are peaceful, the government will not have a problem. That is the power of the 1st amendment in the US.

        India has to become like that one day. That is our goal.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Well. Try denying holocaust and see what happens. Your first amendment goes for a toss although you are not physically threatening anyone. . That’s just an example.

        Anytime money is offered for services, it becomes a business. If foreign governments are pumping money into America and offering money and perks for conversion, gov will not have issue with conversion per se. But whole different set of laws kick in because money is coming from foreign governments. If it were so easy, Arabs would have converted whole villages to islam in america. They are floating in money. But it’s not that easy if money needs to come from outside into america. Just the whole concept of running christian missionary schools where christianity is openly propagated is not allowed in america unlike india. It’s just so tough like almost impossible for foreign governments to fund mass conversions.

        Also, indian culture has no concept of religion as understood by west. Indian culture doesn’t recognize the concept of.god only in one specific Form or one specific book at the expense of all other forms and books. You are free to pray any god or any book but you are still a hindu. That’s the definition of religion in indian culture. Just because west has a different meaning, where by there is actually a separate identity based on which God you pray, that can’t be imposed on india. Religious identitys is an alien concept to india. You are free to pray God in any Form with any fairy tale assocuated. But your ethnic and cast identity cannot change. There is nothing called religious identity in indian culture. It’s a.western imposition. Why should india accept it? If we accept western concept of religion then Ther is this.perpetual struggle to convert and eliminate other groups. Indian culture.doesnr believe in eliminating other groups. Lord hanuman followers are.not wishing that the whole world convert to praying the monkey god. If my cast prays some god, I am not wishing every other cast gets eliminated and only my cast remains. Or every other cast converts to my cast. It leads to intolerance. Hence india.has multiple casts.and gods. Who am I to tell other cast that they need to be converted to my caat and gods. Big social disorder results. All western concepts.of religion shoul d be made india as long as vatican and Arabs say only their Form of god and their fairy tales are.right and others are.wrong. Gov can’t allow that. Because such thinking is alien to indian culture which accepts multiple modes of God’s and no need to assume a western concept of religion simply because you feel go through jesus Form and bible book. Just the religion tag cannot be allowed. Everyone is a.hindu period. You can pray krishna allah jesus Moses raha lakshmi baba idol cross crescent whatever symbolism suites you. That should be the constitutuon. But no new caste called christians or Muslims should be allowed who are hell bent on conversions and increasing head count. That whole concept is alien to indian civulizatuon. You could pretry.much use.chinese names and pray Chinese Confucius or.some tang from china. No way the constitutuon or gov should recognize that there is.some new religion who are not hindus. India has 100s of God’s and we.welcome more.god forms. If that means new.identites then that should be made illegal by constitution.


      • In reply to Ranga

        Wow, you really don’t know anything about the US do you? Holocaust denial is perfectly legal in the US and there are several organizations with the express goal of denying the holocaust. They write books about it and have TV shows.

        Let me repeat this – the US has complete freedom of expression as long as you do not physically threaten someone. Read up about it. How are you even making these claims without knowing anything? Who has been lying to you?

        There are no hate speech laws in the US.

        I really think you should stop talking about the US when you have no idea about it. Conversions are legal. Conversions for money is legal. The Arabs are more than welcome to spend money in the US to convert people. Let them try. No one will complain.

        If you want to talk, stick to India. Talk about other countries only when you know something about them.

        As far as India goes, we will mature when we learn to mind our own business and not bother about other people’s lives.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        You may have scored some brownie points against me with that holocaust denial thing in america. Btw most european countries it’s illegal. But good that I brought up holocaust. Perfect example of religious intolerance. Eliminating other groups. And you want hindus to just keep quiet when such horrendous philosophies are being infiltrated into india. No way. Any rwligion that has denial of other groups as a sacred article of faith needs to be made illegal in india. This is my last word.


      • In reply to Ranga

        I’m not interested in “brownie points”. This isn’t a schoolyard argument where we try and score points off each other. It’s a pure discussion with nothing personal involved. So you got a fact wrong – big deal. What’s important is to challenge assumptions and check statements in the future.

        Yes, it’s illegal in most European countries. The US is the most evolved in this matter. It’s free speech protections are unique in the world – in all of history in fact. We need to reach a stage like that. Where everyone minds their own business and religion is eradicated from government policy.


  2. There is no meaning in imposing any language on people. In my view, it applies to any language, dead or alive, in principle.

    My mother tongue is Telugu and I had to learn Hindi, English, Spanish as a part of my curriculum and job requirements. I learnt English while I was not “surrounded by” any English speakers. Hindi, English were imposed upon me. They both were the pain in my neck. It all ended up in me speaking only in English in the last 30 years. My Hindi, Spanish learning was a waste of time. I would have spent all that time on Sanskrit, which was my first love, given an opportunity.

    However, for all practising Hindus, Sanskrit is a living language as they praise their Gods in that language. (Just like Hebrew for Jews). For others, it may not be relevant.


    • In reply to Baku

      I agree – language cannot be forced on people. It just doesn’t work like that. I’ll have to disagree however, that Sanskrit is a living language just because it’s used in worship. Latin is still used in worship in the catholic church, but I’m pretty sure no one understands what it means apart from educated priests. It’s just sounds, just like Sanskrit is today.

      I can guarantee that 99% of people who chant Sanskrit in worship have no idea what it means, and I’ll even include the priests in that category. For a language to be “living”, it has to be part of people’s daily communication with each other. Sanskrit simply doesn’t fit the bill.


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