Dear Indian Parents: Control your Annoying Kids

Disclaimer: This is merely a trend I’ve noticed with Indian parents and their kids. Obviously there will be exceptions. Keep that in mind before leaping on me!

Recently, Anupa and I decided that it’s been a long time since we had Indian food. In particular, I had a hankering for dosas. Luckily for us, there’s a place called “Dosa Hut” just a few minutes drive from our place. I thought it was okay – spacious, good dosas, and a buffet for those so inclined. But one thing ruined all of that.

Noisy, bratty, kids.

Normally in India I wouldn’t notice this, because they’re everywhere. But after staying a while in the US, it’s particularly jarring when I visit an Indian establishment. Children are everywhere in the US, but they’re hardly ever noisy. The few times when it happens, people get pissed off. Remember – your kid is not my problem. If they’re making a racket, please get them out of the restaurant by force if you have to.

There was this horror in Dosa Hut who kept running up and down the place screaming his lungs off. The parents were nowhere to be seen. Towards the end he came and lay down flat in my seat while I’d gone to get some napkins. I had to manually push him off.

What kind of parent doesn’t bother about whether or not their kid is inconveniencing others? Raising children is not some community project. There is a reason why you are parents and I’m not. Oh, you say he’s just a kid? Well he’s your kid, not mine. Ergo, your headache.

But here’s a twist and I’m not sure what to make of it. These same parents would never let their kid run wild in an American restaurant! I’ve never seen an Indian kid wreak havoc in a Chick-fil-A or a Dunkin Donuts. I wonder why? Can it be because they know it’s a wrong thing to do and that only Indian customers will “put up with it” and that they can’t be bothered to reign in the apple of their eye?

We see this same class of behavior when people return to India and start throwing rubbish on the streets. They would never do it abroad – they know it’s wrong. But they also expect other Indians to tolerate their bad behavior and this enables them. In other words, they are little more than children themselves.

So remember that while you may be immune to your little darling making a racket, the rest of don’t have to tolerate it. If you can’t control your child running wild, leave them at home and don’t spoil it for others.

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114 thoughts on “Dear Indian Parents: Control your Annoying Kids”

  1. Also, I am full-blooded North Indian of European Ancestry Decent that have built, upheld, and kept India alive to this day. The worst mother-fuckers on the planet are the Stupid southern(hydrabad, madras, polakul,bangalore) tech guys. These guys are the worst shiit to walk this planet. Completely brain degenerated, completely annoying, completely delusional into thinking everyone wants to wipe their ass. They truly are delusional annoying motherfuckers.


    • In reply to Sagar

      Don’t be a dick head. You mentioning that your people held up India was irrelevant and saying so contradicted your point. You say they expect everyone to wipe their ass but you sound like you want everyone to let you shit in their hands and carry it to the toilet for you and wipe afterwards.


    • In reply to Sagar

      Wow, you really went in… Question: How can you be full bred when you’re of European descent? You’re definitely part of the problem.


    • In reply to Haters

      Just do like what has been done in australia: slash them with a sword and leave them to rot in the streets. Obnoxious rotting 2-legged maggots just aren’t welcome anywhere on Earth


  2. These fucking damned blackees from india are a mist hated species in singapore. Everywhere you go a bunch of these india blackees crowd around doorways, alleys, escalotor landings and anywhere they may be, spewing their faked accented english loudly trying to sound caucasian but obviously typically blackee accent, annoying everyone around. Their offsprings are the most ill-bred animals, worse behaved than dogs on the streets, running helter skelter and screaming their fucking lungs off. Where these blackees go, they stink the place with their B.O., the most nauseating thing to ever pollute the air. Come on, stinky crude blackees, crawl or swim or whatever ways you have, fuck off back to your stinky homeland. Nowhere on planet Earth are you welcome. Just stay put in your stinko homeland, ok, and don’t pollute other countries. FUCK OUT OF SI NGAPORE!!!!! DAMN IT!!


    • In reply to I hate indian blackees

      Well-said!!! Stinky, bratty, ignorant, arrogant to the extend their facial features face the sky and cannot see, hear or smell what at their shoulder level! Ye, FUCK OUT OF SINGAPORE!! Good one. Btw if they stay put the next thing that’s gonna happen will be what has already happened in Australia- slash, slash, and an obnoxious arrogant blackee lies in a hospital bed with a sword wound from chest to groin, better still, on the gurney in a morgue!! Hahaha….


    • In reply to I hate indian blackees

      Indians both adult and child, male and female are very ill-bred.
      Constantly they interrupt conversation, blurt out answers a second after you give it to them, some have come to the office smelling very strongly unpleasant (rare). And on top of they they like to act stuck up, incredible right?

      That being said, I really like the women. The chemistry is out of this world, this one named Gita, I just want to take her to a closet at work. The booties are nice too.


  3. Well-said!!! Stinky, bratty, ignorant, arrogant to the extend their facial features face the sky and cannot see, hear or smell what at their shoulder level! Ye, FUCK OUT OF SINGAPORE!! Good one. Btw if they stay put the next thing that’s gonna happen will be what has already happened in Australia- slash, slash, and an obnoxious arrogant blackee lies in a hospital bed with a sword wound from chest to groin, better still, on the gurney in a morgue!! Hahaha….


  4. While I agree largely with the author’s comments, the language used in some of the readers’ comments betrays their own unenviable upbringing.


  5. I live in a flat alone in England. An Indian family live in the flat above me. They have 2 kids, one is about 2 and the other about 7. They scream loudly in their flat, run up and down their flat, sounds like they even throw themselves full pelt at their floors from a great height so there’s very loud thumps and sounds like my ceiling will cave in. I put my tv up very loud, I put my music up very loud and I’ve resorted to smacking my ceiling and shouting not that any of this helps the matter and I can still hear it all so I just get wound up even more. The father of the family apologised to me once as he thought I might have heard his kids pissing me off, however nothing has changed. I never hear them shout at their kids or get them to stop as they can be thumping about screaming the flats down for 10 minutes or so at a time, and can start again after another 5 minutes. It can be past 11pm and they still don’t shout at them or seem bothered. Shouldn’t they be in bed by about 9pm or even 8pm or earlier for the younger one?! Great parenting skills.

    It pisses me off so much. I’m moving out in a month and good riddance forever. Hope the next tenant has more patience than me or bigger balls to tell them they’re annoying as fuck and to pack it in.

    I’m a mature student, only moved in to get away from living WITH inconsiderate pricks so this was always a temporary home for me. I moved in to live alone so I could STUDY in peace and quiet and sleep well as I have full time university placements. They never know when I’m in as I’m very quiet until they piss me off. I know I could have said something but can you really change parenting skills when they clearly don’t see a problem with their kids running riot in their own home? I’m not a parent myself but if or when I do become one, no kid of mine will be allowed to get away with that behaviour.


    • In reply to I love inconsiderate Indians

      I feel like I’m living your alternate life! I have an Indian family living below me and their 3.. maybe 4 y/o daughter knows only 1 word- “HI!” … It was cute the first couple of times but they let her out on the balcony and she will scream it at the top of her lungs for hours on end. She also has an Indian friend (around the same age) who lives across the building and they will each scream at each other from their respective balconies which are nearly a hundred feet apart.

      I tried starting off nice with “please stop yelling” which did nothing. Moved on to yelling “Shut the F*** up!” thinking it would alarm the parents enough to take action- nothing.

      It wasn’t until I decided to yell ‘bastard’ in Hindi that the dad got furious and began yelling back at me. Good, I thought. Until wait- three days later and she’s back at it.

      I’m appalled. I was raised to not disturb others in public. If so, I’d get a beating. I can’t wait to be out of this apartment.


  6. I am Indian, and I agree with this, thats why I googled it and found this page. I work in retail and every time there are Indian kids about under 6 years old, they are so mischievous and SCREAM and CRY when they don’t get what they want. It’s fact, I’ve even seen it in multiple places when I’m out and about. And I’ve lived in two different states, and it’s still the same lol….I guess the kids are spoiled and their parents don’t disciple them at home


    • In reply to Tiff

      I’ve noticed this, too, that Indian children are spoiled brats and scream and cry when they don’t get their way. I drive for Uber and have driven a lot of Indian people and their children, and the only children who behave to this degree are the Indian children. Even children of well-educated parents. Boggles my mind.


    • In reply to Tiff

      Okay. What or why are the little male dudes so fucking loud, rude and entitled? If you could explain this in a human Zoological or sociological/psychological point of view I’d really be interested, because it fucking blows me away. I still do not understand how this kid with his kids friends could attain such a high decibel levels, I mean it’s all must be 100 Db., then the rude behavior borders on the pathological. I would call it psychopathic and it seems to me that this particular kid is going to end up in the criminal justice system or least beat up to the point where he’ll have deep psychological scar. Listen I am not a racist or a eugenicist, I just want to understand what are the factors here that led to this type of behavior?


  7. I’ve noticed this, too, that Indian children are spoiled brats and scream and cry when they don’t get their way. I drive for Uber and have driven a lot of Indian people and their children, and the only children who behave to this degree are the Indian children. Even children of well-educated parents. Boggles my mind.


  8. Well said! I was in DC the capital of the United States and these Indians kids were just so disrespectful towards the monuments and memorials of our veterans! And I thought to my self if you are gonna leave your country and come here first of all learn some English and secondly Act Like You Have Some God Damn Since In Your Head!!!!


    • In reply to Savage

      “And I thought to my self if you are gonna leave your country and come here”

      How do you know they left their country? How do you know they weren’t born in the United States? Because they’re not white?

      “first of all learn some English”

      How do you know they don’t speak English?

      You’re a racist.


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