Haikus – Having a book at hand
Haiku on having a book to read
Expressions - Bhagwad Jal Park
My thoughts, haikus and freelance musings
Haiku on having a book to read
A weekend morning To watch with wife, tea A favorite serial
Weekend tomorrow But the next week brings more work! Best to enjoy now
Chilly morning breeze Dark morning clouds hide the sun Preparing to write
Explains the feeling of a good start to the weekend
Used fork lies lonelyMemories of a breakfastUniquely Human
Mass of flesh and bonesThat once were meant so much moreSomething from nothing
Don’t know what’s comingWe can risk it anywayThe voice rings out clear
The humid warm airWith the smell of the old roomTo move on ahead Growth and change are realFor security is deathAnd the static kills To create and buildAn outgrowth of who we areLife calling to life Soft Music playingAn idle evening to passA lighted warm room
Given the orderGnawing hunger persistentSee the soup has come!