Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov: Book Review

This is one of the best Asimov books I’ve read. It’s split into two parts and deals with threats to the Foundation – initially by the dying First Empire and then by a mutant called “The Mule.” The second story ends on a cliffhanger and I’m told forms the basis for the next book: “Second Foundation”

One thing I’ve come to love about Isaac Asimov’s books is his direct storytelling without beating around the bush. He gives no long descriptions of extraneous details and his primary focus is around dialogue and events rather than the environment. This makes a refreshing change from other books which bore me by not coming to the point. Perhaps because of this lack of “padding”, his books till now are slightly shorter than regular novels, but are filled with progression of the storyline.

Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov

“Foundation and Empire” marks a turning point in the Foundation’s history as it comes to grips with the fact that they can’t take Seldon’s “prophecies” for granted and that there is a danger of an external factor impinging onto the equations. Presumable this realization will save it from the hubris which it was falling into. Nothing like a little bit of danger to prevent stagnation eh?

We also come face to face with the ruins of the First Empire and of Trantor itself. Quite a moving moment really.

One curious factor though has bothered me all along, namely where are the robots? My opinion is that if the developments in I, Robot were to be expanded on, humans would have been able to live in peace and quiet and possibly avoided messing up Earth as they seemed to have done in the first place. I’ve heard that Asimov tries to address this incongruence elsewhere in his books, and I’ll be looking forward to the explanation.

In the meantime, moving on to “Second Foundation” to see the fate of the mule and his designs!

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4 thoughts on “Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov: Book Review”

  1. I concur! The book was intriguing, that nobody can deny. I would tell you what happened to the robots but it would ruin the story for you. I suggest you read the other robot novels (The Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, The Robots of Dawn and Robots and Empire) if you haven’t already. Those will clear up a few things but if you want the whole scoop you’ll just have to read everything twice over (and pay attention it’s quite complicated and I’m not finished yet).

    -Saleem Koshy esq.
    Of The Last Resort


    • In reply to Saleem

      No don’t tell me! I intend to read the entire Foundation series. I just finished “Second Foundation” yesterday and am gearing up to write a review.

      Starting on “Caves of Steel” next…


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