18th September
Higher and higher
Sublime and sweet the voice sings
Lifting and soaring
We torture ourselves;
Mostly it is a habit.
A secure feeling.
19th September
The Ethic exists
At any given moment,
and the moments change.
20th September
Walk the path alone
Each man’s life, his own journey
Unlived life. Huge waste
We must walk our path
It ends the same for us all
Why not be ourselves?
Length’s not life’s measure.
Celebration of life is.
Make and leave behind.
Chase the girl, win her
over. Who is the hunter?
And who is the prey?
21st September
We are not fragile.
Adversity does not kill.
It ripens. Allow it.
A dog’s devotion;
So little asked in return.
Aren’t we unworthy?
22nd September
Shall I serve others?
Who does a pinprick affect?
I feel, so I am.
All is fleeting,
What is there to hold onto?
Faith in my beauty.
26th September
Faith in abundance
Life inside and life outside.
To fuse with ourselves.
28th September
Gushing and alive
Recreating each moment.
I am the fountain.
Soft Afternoon sun.
Stretching time; Life goes on
A squirrel chatters.
The green of grasses
Murmuring waters sparkle.
The shadows of leaves.
29th September
The search for power
It takes us everywhere else.
When ’tis I who wields.