Just what the hell is going on here?

The concept of “Emotional Quotient (EQ)” as used nowadays, as a requisite for proper functioning in Society and the workplace, is a symptom of how man has been turned into a means for the very machines that he himself has built.

The corporate psychologists say the sign of emotional maturity is that person is able to clamp down on automatic reactions of his personality, and doesn’t get carried away. They claim that a person must be able to control his feelings, and bring them out as and when necessary.

If this sounds like engineering, you’re right. Only substitute the mind for the machines. Corporate psychologists don’t care about a person as such. The only concern is that there must be no impairment of his functioning. They don’t care if a person is actually unhappy, only at no time must that unhappiness translate into the workplace. His unhappiness must not create distress in the office, and all corporate psychologists are concerned with removing the symptoms of illness. They call a person emotionally immature if he gets too angry, too sad, too satisfied or too anxious. All these emotions can ‘Disrupt the workplace’. They use a range of terms to describe such behaviours. So called behavioural psychology, or cognitive psychology is only anxious that man looks and behaves okay. It’s perfectly fine, if even he himself is not aware of his loneliness and powerlessness.

They don’t care that a person may be experiencing anxiousness because he subconsciously knows that his job is meaningless, and that his life is passing him by. They only care that he doesn’t consciously feel anxious and disrupt the workplace atmosphere. It is their job to devise ways to make sure that he is happy doing what he is doing. Moulding him to fit the job, and not the other way round. This shows how man has become secondary to the job, and society as well.

Modern psychology seems to be spending its efforts to make man enjoy doing what the society, or the corporates require him to do. Instead of structuring the society, and work around man, for whom society exists in the first place, they are structuring him around them. A mature person for them, is a person who properly fulfills his functions as a unit in these giant bureaucracies. Like a robot. Modern psychology is trying to turn man into a robot.

The ridiculous and offensive nature of these therapies is revealed shamelessly in the following report, which tries to show how effective Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is in treating depression. It’s significant that they use the word ‘Treating’, not ‘Curing’:

“After recovery, people who suffered from anxiety are unlikely to relapse. . . . So how much depression can a course of CBT relieve, and how much more work will result? One course of CBT is likely to produce 12 extra months free of depression. This means nearly two months more of work.” – The Depression Report: A New Deal for Depression and Anxiety Disorders. The Centre for Economic Performance’s Mental Health Policy Group

My blood boils at a report like this. I’m not some tool to be manipulated so that a Corporate can get more work out of me, as if I’m some kind of automaton that has sprung a leak. The above report obviously doesn’t care that a person’s depression may be because of his boring job in the first place. They’re only concerned about his ‘Functioning’. Screw the functioning. What about ME?

A healthy treatment must make a person aware of himself, and his own drives. Must give him the choices, and the courage to make the ones that he thinks are correct, which may include leaving his job. Textbooks on motivation, are all written for the purpose of treating man like a donkey with a carrot in front of him. Promise him whatever he wants, as long as he does the work. Unfortunately, things like depression show that man is not a donkey. Depression is a reaction of a person’s whole personality against his life situation. That may include repressed feelings like guilt and anger. Using cognitive and behaviour therapy is like using quick fix glue to heal a wound.

Wake up people! Look at where we’re going, and how we’re being manipulated. The government, and corporates insidiously tell us what to want like a semi hypnotic suggestion. We work our asses off to buy what THEY tell us we should be wanting. All our achievements over the past 500 years to bring man to believe in himself, and have faith in his own abilities, and have pride in himself are going waste.How can man feel proud of himself if he is treated like a tool, or a machine?

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2 thoughts on “Just what the hell is going on here?”

  1. Excellent writing thanks. The current recruitment of 10,000 CB therapists by this government is sinister. As you rightly say, depression can be a result of living in an unsatisfactory society and CBT aims to change this so that you and not the society adapts, we will become like robots if this trend continues. When the society that keeps people in power is no longer threatened at the expense of the individual it is only the poeople currenly in power who will keep their power and we simply work for them. People are being veiwed as machines is it any wonder so many people already can't see this?


  2. Dear Ciscrow,You're right. We are being manipulated. The killer is that we can't even blame anyone.Economic realities force the corporates to do what they do. It's as if all this suffering is meaningless. Not even any tyrant to blame. There is no mastermind. Just a meaningless machine.The only way all this can change, is for people to mature, and realize what is important and what is not. They have to come out of semi hypnosis. That can take a lot of time.


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