How Procrastination can kill your Freelance Work

We’ve all felt it haven’t we? As freelancers, we’ve escaped our bosses and externally imposed rules, only to be ruled by something which can be far worse – ourselves.

With no one to guide us, and no one to push us, we have to rely on our own radar, and then one is reminded of Shakespeare’s words – “To thine own self be true, for thou canst not then be false to any other man”.

It’s amazing how many things can come between us and our work. An interesting piece of news, that mail from a forgotten friend, an article which cannot be missed. And before you know it, half the day (or more) has gone and we’ve barely begun our work.

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Procrastination kill freelance work
Procrastination kills freelance work

I’ve come to realize that freelancing makes you confront yourself and your motivations. It is the ultimate in self discipline precisely because it is not forced on you. You work for yourself alone, and you are accountable to yourself alone. No one to blame, and nowhere to run.

Of course I enjoy my work. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to stick to it for so long. But we have to watch out and keep focused. It’s constant self improvement. And that makes me a better person in the end.

My latest article on my economics column on outsourcing has garnered quite a lot of response. Funny thing. I never expected it to. I felt that it was overly simplistic and would get blasted out of the water! But that always happens with me. Articles which I feel are not great always catch me off guard with the response they get whereas the articles I feel are great……well, y’know.

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1 thought on “How Procrastination can kill your Freelance Work”

  1. HI BhagwadI enjoyed reading about Procastination which is very difficult to identify and still more difficult to overcome after identifying it. But, being consicous of it will help you to know the cause of delay, failure etc.,Nanda gopal – Bangalore


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