Book Review: She by H. Rider Haggard

My latest read has been “She” by H. Rider Haggard. I found it using Wikipedia’s list of Top 100 bestselling books of all time. I’ve previously had bad experiences with such lists from Wikipedia. For example, it listed “Citizen Kane” as the #1 movie of all time. They didn’t mention that it was also the most boring. However, I figured that if I went by copies of books sold, “She” must be entertaining at the very least, and I wasn’t disappointed.

She Book Review
"She" Book Review

Without spoiling the plot, I can say that the novel centers around a very powerful God like woman. Haggard explores various facets of her nature which has been uniquely morphed by living for thousands of years and having unbridled power. Many times I found myself thinking of Tolkien’s powerful women like Galadriel, Luthien and Melian. Imagine my surprise when the Wikipedia entry for She noted that others had noted the same thing! In fact, it has been suggested that Tolkien used “She” for inspiration while creating his great characters (Galadriel, Luthien, and Melian are however fundamentally different from the primary character in “She”.)

Haggard has also been credited with being on the first to popularize the “Lost world” concept – more than that I cannot say without breaking the plot to here. The writer is clearly a man with a scientific bent of mind as he tries to explain most phenomena he encounters using logical explanations. Very entertaining.

All in all a great read for those who like fiction. The novel is related by an eminently “Watson” type of guy – readers of Sherlock Holmes will find the language similar and will enjoy this book.

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8 thoughts on “Book Review: She by H. Rider Haggard”

  1. Hello Bhagwad! Nice to see you in a different look :)Hey…at the first glance, I could not get that it is you, the same Bhagwad of our ICFAI. Anyways, life is a river and it continues to flow overcoming all its hurdles, sweet and sour memories. Have gone through some of your blogs and found them quite informative and idealistic. Good work!!


  2. got this book from one of my friends ….. and i have to say that it is a great book…. good to see that other people too enjoyed it.
    i am still feeling so overwhelmed by the writer that i think i will start reading as many books as possible by this author.


  3. thanks for the review. will definitely add this on my To-read list.
    regarding citizen kane… I can understand why most people would dislike this great film…
    It’s a incredible film if you look at it through the eyes of a film historian or a director…
    The use of lighting, the cinematography and the narrative structure were revolutionary for their time and they had a profound impact on film making… All of Orson welles’ films suffer from a lack of good writing… Poor pacing, cliched dialogue… This can be said of both The Third Man and Touch of evil… but all these films were fascinating from a technical standpoint…


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