Spot the Fallacy Series

With every Tom, Dick and Harry venting their opinion online, the overall level of discussion on the Internet has nosedived. What’s worse is that sometimes we just know an argument is wrong, but we’re not sure about the best way to counter it. Take statements like these:

  1. By advocating pre-marital sex, Khushboo is destroying Indian culture
  2. Allowing inter gotra marriages means that anyone can marry their sister!
  3. There are many scientists who dispute climate change
  4. Decriminalizing gay sex means that now everyone will be gay!

There are many ways to tackle these statements, but most techniques merely lead to more argument and the discussion goes out of control. For example, trying to defend Khushboo by saying “She’s not destroying Indian culture” leads to yes/no exchanges that get us nowhere and references to the Mahabharata and other Indian scriptures are brought out.

Illogical arguments often make use of logical fallacies. The correct way to counter them is to identify the specific type of fallacy and bring it to the attention of the audience. Every week now, I will post one illogical Internet discussion that features a logical fallacy and identify which one it is. Where possible, I’ll pick discussions regarding issues in India that are close to our heart so we can know how to counter them.

Hopefully, we can use these fallacies to nip illogical crap in the bud so we don’t waste our time and effort raising our blood pressure. And it’ll expose those who seek to manipulate us for their own ends.

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