Just ignore racist remarks

It’s very easy to irritate a nation of 1 billion people. Just make some insulting remark and the entire state apparatus will go berserk issuing démarches and calling the ambassador of the offending country to take a tongue lashing. We saw this happen with the New Zealand anchor making fun of Sheila Dikshit (The “Dick – Shit” angle) and with some members of the Australian police making fun of an Indian man being electrocuted on the rails.

But I think it’s time we learnt to just ignore such comments. What do we gain? We just end up showing the world how insecure we are and that any idiot or asshole can make us froth at the mouth. We place ourselves at their mercy and give them more power than they should have.

We Indians are one of the most touchy races. We can’t bear anyone making fun of us. As if to maintain our dignity and impressiveness we have to squash every little bugger who dares laugh.

US politicians and actors for example have learnt the hard way that trying to sue someone or shut them up only draws more attention what was said and makes them look ridiculous and insecure. Comedians are endlessly making fun in the most rude manner about blacks, homosexuals, politicians, religious people and specific individuals. And no one minds. If they do mind, they’re very careful not to let anyone see how upset they are. Because there’s nothing funnier than seeing someone trying to keep their dignity by getting angry telling others to shut up.

For example, here’s a short clip from “South Park” making fun of and abusing Paris Hilton. Listen to the “Moral” at the end…(Warning – this can get pretty gross!)

If this was India, Paris Hilton would have taken the show to court, won, and put the creators in jail. But if she tried that in the US, people would just laugh at her, tell her to get over herself and take a joke. She’d look very stupid trying to take South Park to court – a series that makes fun of everyone.

And this is what’s happening with us Indians. By protesting against every little racist comment made by private individuals, we’re being silly and pouty. Imagine the school kid crying “Teacher teacher – he made fun of me!” And that’s exactly what we’re beginning to look like right now. An insecure childish schoolboy.

Update: I’d like to reproduce a comment I found on a Yahoo! news story regarding China’s response to Liu Xiaobo’s Nobel Peace Prize which gives an interesting point of view:

It is very easy to embarass East Asian peoples and is associated with shame and often times this is the kind of reaction you get.. It is their weakness. They will never change that aspect of their culture..

Being much more shameless
Westerners on the other hand are more direct and honest in speech and are not so easily embarrassed..

Easterners are too easily shamed
Westerners are not easily shamed enough

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23 thoughts on “Just ignore racist remarks”

  1. Agree.

    And even if someone were to protest, it should be the person being made fun of. Definitely not an international incident to be taken up by the MEA. I mean, if Bush were to have done that, the Foreign Office would have been run off its boots going from anchor to country to individual. And in Clinton’s case, the Foreign ‘Affairs’ committee would have had to be renamed! :-D

    So now where do the Kshitijs and Hardhiks go to register protest before an anchor even gets to them? :-D


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