Spot the Fallacy – The "Logic" of Honor Killings

I had to showcase this comment made by the uncle of a girl murdered in an “Honor Killing”:

“Killing some one is not right but this incident is not wrong.”

This is called the “Youhavelostyourfuckingmind fallacy”. It was first assigned a formal name by the Philosopher Bhagwad Jal Park in 2010. Here is the textbook definition”

“The Youhavelostyourfuckingmind fallacy occurs when a speaker has lost their fucking mind”

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9 thoughts on “Spot the Fallacy – The "Logic" of Honor Killings”

  1. I agree. The only time I did not moderate any kind of language on my blog was when Muthalik made similar statements. There were just no words to express how anybody felt and it had seemed fine to express it with &^%$#. At the time you had not coined “Youhavelostyourfuckingmind fallacy”.

    My mother called me on father's day morning… she read out the news from a day old Newspaper, "High Court asks which Hindu scriptures say that same gotra marriages should be banned. Don't waste High Court's time. Take back the PIL, or else you will have to pay a hefty fine."

    Courts have the power to convince and give confidence to people to express their displeasure over so called sensitive issues.

    I hope these guys are given exemplary punishment.


  2. This must be one of the few nations where you're still killed because of whom you sleep with. :( Almost all the other countries that fall in this category are therocracies, dictatorships or totalitarian states.


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