5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter

It never fails to shock me how a tip is demanded in the US. People simply refuse to listen to reason when we (yes, there are others!) tell them that leaving a tip isn’t necessary. Well, I’m hoping for too much here, but if you’re a waiter, here are 5 reasons why I will try my best not to give any money to you and why the reasons for tipping are crappy.

1. You act as if you’re my best friend

Just leave me alone ok? I don’t want to bloody chit chat with you. I want food. FOOD! Get it? It’s a restaurant. I go there to eat. I go because I want either Italian food, Chinese Food or something else which I can’t get in a McDonald’s. So I come to a restaurant to fulfill my cravings for it. I will pay for what I value – food. Not you.

Christ, you offend me – kneeling down next to my table, pretending to like me and chatting as if you’re my best friend when it’s obvious that all you’re after is the tip! I’m not a bloody money bag you know. I will pay the bill which includes the cost of the food, the environment and the salaries of the people involved – nothing more.

The only way to get money out of me that I don’t have to legally pay is by prying it out of my cold dead hands…

Bottom line: I don’t want to know your name, or interact with you for any longer than I have to in order to place my order. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the equivalent of a conveyor belt that brings me my food and a computer into which I input my order. Of course, I won’t be rude. But don’t expect me to interact with you any more than I would with some stranger.

Image Credit: cafemama


Did you earn this tip?


2. You don’t get paid enough

And this is my problem how exactly? It’s astonishing that customers are expected to make up for your employer’s cheapness in not paying you a decent wage. Please include the full cost in everyone’s bill thank you very much. I’ll pay it because I have to and the charge is there for me to see.

What’s really funny here is that no one seems to criticize the employers! All criticism is reserved for non tipping customers instead of the owners of the restaurant for not paying a decent wage. Wtf! Could it possibly be because you guys know you can make much more by tips and under report your income to the IRS?

3. You’ll spit in my food if I don’t tip you?

And I’ll shoot your kid if you don’t give me a million dollars. Seriously, am I even hearing this right? You’re actually using the threat of blackmail to make me pay you? Well as long as you’re openly claiming to be a criminal it’s all right I guess.

Fortunately that’s why I prefer buffets. Listen apart from it being illegal, this shows your poor integrity. But if you spit in someone’s food because they didn’t give you money you didn’t earn, then you’re a loser and deserve to be a waiter for the rest of your life.

4. Bringing me my food isn’t worthy of being paid extra

Did you cook it? Did you invent it? No. You picked it up and brought it to me. While it might not be easy, there are plenty of jobs which are much worse – shop floor workers for example. And I’ve been a shop floor manager, so I know. Face it – compared to other jobs, being a waiter is unskilled. You get paid what the market will think your services are worth. You don’t deserve more for your work over and above what your employer should pay you.

5. Money doesn’t grow on trees

I expect you to be grateful and pray for me at night if I tip you 10%. Be happy I gave you anything at all. I worked for the money in my wallet and by giving you some I didn’t have to, I’m doing you a favor. Learn to remember that when people give you something they don’t need to, it’s a favor. You don’t complain that they didn’t give you more!

By the way, the same thing above applies to all professions that demand tips including those on cruise liners.

So now that you understand why I won’t give you money you don’t deserve, stop with the “oh how could you?” attitude. I can. And I will.

Update: Here’s a rebuttal of the many silly justifications for tipping that people have given in the comments section.

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12,129 thoughts on “5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter”

  1. Reading this post really grinds my gears. It’s so simple, if you do not tip you do not go out to eat. You think all it is, is bring food to your table? How about the 4 other tables asking for a million things, and for me to refill your drink again? All while slapping a smile on my face to make your experience as pleasant as possible. So after wasting an hour of my life running back and forth at your every need and want, just for you to not tip me? Thank you now I just tipped out on the sales from your order causing me to lose money. I hope you know we all talk shit of how much an ugly motherfucking moron you are after you leave. And trust me, we remember faces. Maybe next time around you’ll get the shitty ass service you deserve. Have fun being thirsty and in need of something the entirety of your stay. Good day.


    • In reply to Kelly

      It is clear you did not go to college, and you act like your five years old. Ooh talk smack behind my back grow up. All you do is bring food and drinks to tables. Duhhhhhh did you get lost from the kitchen to the table? In Asia they actually have monkeys that do these jobs. That is the reason you’re only paid two dollars an hour.


    • In reply to Kelly

      Then I hope you tip the waiter at the restaurant, the bartender, the gas station attendant, your hair dresser, the lugage boy at the hotel, the bell man, the taxi cab driver, your dentist, your doctor, the fast food joint clerk, the plumber, the auto mechanic, because they all provide you with a service. If you can’t afford to tip them, you can’t afford to use their services. So suck ip up bitch.


  2. For some people, it’s only after working in the restaurant industry in the U.S. that they realize how thankless the job can be. It’s different in countries where employees can actually make a livable wage without gratuity, but that isn’t the case here. Some intercultural understanding (and kindness, for the sake of kindness) would go a long way here.


    • In reply to Sarah

      If you want a living wage get a real job. Being a serving girl or boy is not a job an adult should have. Get a real job so you don’t have to beg for chump change tips. If you do this for a living shame on you for being so dumb and lazy.


      • In reply to Ken

        FYI half of us are currently going to college and getting an education so we don’t have to serve the rude and ungrateful people such as yourself for the rest of our lives. Becoming a server is the JOB many of us get after completing high school. It is NOT a CAREER. Shame on you Ken for assuming EVERYONE in the restaurant industry is doing it for a “living.” It is just something we do to make ends meet until we finally do get a degree and become more successful than you. That is how everyone starts out. What was your first job? I am sure it wasn’t anything that paid more than minimum wage. Nineteen years young and currently in nursing school. Taking 19 units and working 30-40 hours a week. I don’t need ungrateful, think they know it all’s, telling me I am useless to society just because I work in a restaurant. So many of you are unkind and rude. Kindness makes the world go around, you should try it sometime. Servers work hard for every dime they make. Just say please and thank you and all will be fine.


  3. I want to stab a guess that the original author is not a U.S. citizen…
    Today, I’m fortunate enough to work in a high class nightclub where I’m paid above minimum wage hourly and gratuities are included in the bill. I never have to worry about people such as the small minded chap who wrote this insidious commentary stuffing me a tip. However, I’ve worked in tipping positions where I wasn’t as fortunate, making less than $5 an hour and having to essentially sell my personality to make a living. In the States it is customary to tip. Period. When you withhold a tip you are withholding somebody’s salary. In other parts of the world restaurant workers are paid much higher salaries, its true (and the service I received from bars and restaurants in Europe was mediocre at best). That didn’t give you a right to take out your annoyance with our system by punishing your poor service staff. We didn’t make the rules, you can’t change them either, and by stiffing tip you can be sure you are ruining somebody’s day and taking food off of their table.
    Don’t belittle somebody’s means of making a living. Or mock the way that the tipping culture in the U.S. works. In the states we like to provide not only food but an experience for our guests, that is not a bad thing. Our standards of service are just higher than yours.
    And lastly, your assumption that waitresses are uneducated is ludicrous. Almost 60% of waitresses/waiters/bartenders are college students trying to get an education (and we don’t so have free college in the US so we have to take up jobs while in school to get by) so we can eventually earn a better living and start a career. Do you think I want to tend bar and depend on unpredictable tips for the rest of my life? No. But for the moment it pays the bills even when people like you decide I’m not worth it.
    I leave tips like my life depends on it because someone else’s life actually does.


    • In reply to Mandi

      Well said Mandi. Unfortunately it’s wasted logic here. They won’t even respond to your whole response. They’ll just take one thing you typed and make fun of you or say something absurd against it. Trolls love to be fed. Best to not provide food.


      • In reply to Jake

        I go to a restaurant to eat, I don’t need any other experience. I also do not concern myself with your tip because your wages are not my problem and I don’t care. I paid for the food all you did was bring it to me big deal. I would rather pick up the food myself so I don’t even have to see your face or speak to you. All you did was walk from the kitchen to my table, perhaps brought me an expensive bottle of wine. Don’t expect a tip for just doing a very very simple job. I am not your employer, take it up with him. Or let people pick up their own food the job of waitress is a joke anyways.


      • In reply to Scott

        It is people like you that make me feel extremely grateful that I get an included 20% tip on all checks at my place of work. And I’m a VIP bottle server not simply a waitress.
        If you like to grab your own food or drinks while not having to have to speak to a waitress I suggest grocery shopping, visiting a buffet or eating fast food.
        I don’t understand how people could be so cheap.


      • In reply to Scott

        You know you sound much like a broken record of everyone who commented on this before you scott. You might as well have thrown in your unoriginal comment of how servers lack skills because some didn’t attend college, or how you’re basically hood rich like all the commenters before you. I feel like you people copy and paste your response, but if you went to college you’d know plagiarism is a crime.


      • In reply to Jess

        Did you ever stop to think for a minute then maybe everybody is just sick of wasting money tipping waitresses. Why tip even in a really nice restaurant when you can just walk to the kitchen and bring your food back to your table?
        Even though I am very well to do , I will not brag about my income. I still like to save money I clip coupons and I don’t waste money. Tipping the waitress is a waste of money.
        Thet thing that annoys me most is that the option to get my own food is not even given. Just because I go to a fancy restaurant I don’t need a stuffy waiter to bring me my food. Why should I tip him 20% of a large bill when I can stretch my legs and pick up the food myself? It’s not like you need any special training to pick up the food and bring it to a table. If I can save 20% I am happy to do it. Saving money and not spending frivolously is one way to increase your wealth.


      • In reply to Scott

        “No one has ever become poor by giving” Anne Frank. Also you’re right, you aren’t allowed in our kitchens, do you have a servsafe? I highly doubt it. Did you ever think that restaurants aren’t interested in your input on how their shit should be ran? If you don’t like the way the industry is get together with everyone else here who “has money” and create. Create something new, nice and unlike a buffet since you are clearly all against them. But I assure you whatever you create won’t suffice.


      • In reply to Jess

        Anne Frank may have said that giving never made anybody poor.

        Scott says that giving will make you less rich. I rather be 20% richer and not tip.


      • In reply to Scott

        Ha, this isn’t Simon says sweetheart, and if it is Jess says you can do that all you want, in the long run nobody will care if you tip them or not. Just dont complain that thats how things are ran. Like I said you’re unoriginal. I gave you a valid point as to why you aren’t allowed in our kitchens, as well as a new idea if you dont want the service, and you went right back in that “I’ll be served and not tip” rut you were in before and after my advice. You my friend are a lazy man. My point is dont tip, nobody really cares, but if you are too lazy to do anything about this service industry you dislike so much stop whining.


      • In reply to Jess

        I did not become wealthy by being lazy silly. I do feel that lower society should serve me such as waiters and waitresses. I see nothing wrong with that. I’m not whining I just refuse to tip low-level people.

        Servesafe only applies for food preparation or serving pick up. Getting your own food this is not applicable


      • In reply to Scott

        You’re right, it only applies to food prepping, something all servers do. Also why contradict yourself now, it was just getting good! you’d rather serve yourself was your main arguement, but given the option, you’d rather be served? I feel as if you’re low class yourself; given the fact that most upper class people know what they want and are willing to strive for it, while you’re indecisive and from what i gathered earlier lazy.


      • In reply to Jess

        It is completely pointless to argue with people like Scott. They feel that because they have achieved success in life, they are actually better than you. They are what is wrong with our style of economy, and with the world in general. I can honestly say without needing to know anything further about this Scott fellow, he is a bad person. The worst part is that he may even acknowledge this, but he doesn’t care. He’s content to sit on his money because he feels that he owes no one anything since he has achieved success himself. I am so very glad that most people don’t have his delusions (disorder, even). I’ll bet he was the kid who sat alone in the corner with his toys as a kid and refused to let anyone else play with him or his toys.

        I thought his comments about being able to pick up his own food were thoroughly amusing. It is quite obvious that he has never even seen the inside of a kitchen at a restaurant, especially when it is busy. If people were allowed to do what he wants to do, the restaurant simply would not function. Leave him to his own mental illness. He obviously will not accept any help.


      • In reply to Scott

        Have you ever worked as a server? It’s not mindless work, it’s involved and strenuous. I don’t just pick up your food I pick up everyones food and I get everyones drinks and I take care of ass holes so that they can enjoy their meal stress free. My employer being a dick who won’t pay me a fair wage IS my problem and is the problem of most everyone who works in the food service, but people like you only exacerbate that problem. Do you feel like you’re solving something by not tipping me? Do you feel like you’re correcting some societal injustice? How fucking dare you man? Serving may not be the greatest profession in the world but it is one of the only ones that any one can get at any time of need. For some people, myself included, the food service is the only option to keep themselves afloat. Sure, being a server is not a good full time career, but it is something people sometimes have to do. I’m already in a tight spot man, why do you have to make things worse? I’ve had to eat off tips. I’ve had to pay gas off of them. I’ve even had to pay debts with tip money. Tips are apart of the system and that is not going to change no matter how many people stop tipping. Sometimes people just need to be cut a break. They go to a mind numbing job, serve people who couldn’t care less about them and at the end of the week have nothing to show for it. But even the smallest tip can brighten the worst day. It’s a dollar for a drink, it’s a dollar towards food, It’s a dollar that’s been earned… Good servers never ask for tips and most tips consist of pocket change and just what is that pocket change to you? Two dollars. All it takes some times is two dollars… You refusing to tip does not solve a problem, it does not spur me on to do better, or bigger things and it does not change the industry. I wish it did. But what it does do is discourage me. It gets me down, it ruins my day, it makes me feel like I have done something wrong, and it makes me feel like I am worth nothing… Can you imagine feeling that way? That no matter what you do you are just not good enough? Come on man! You wouldn’t wish that on anyone would you? Tipping helps people get through their week, pay their bills, and feed their children. The world is a hard place and people who don’t tip only make it rougher. I’m not making you out to be the bad guy. My employers and all the employers of the food industry should have higher standards and should pay more fair wages, they are the problem, but without you their is no solution.


  4. I will also say that I have been observing the comments on this page for quite some time now, and all of the people of Scott’s mind are the same in one regard: they are ignorant. Extremely ignorant. Thankfully ignorance can be fixed, but they don’t seem to want to fix it.


    • In reply to Brendon

      I have observed the comments on this as well. I have come to the conclusion that waiters and waitresses feel entitled to a 20% tip because they put food on a person’s table.

      I along with the rest of the people feel they are not worth a 20% tip, or any tip at all. Doesn’t make any sense to me or anyone else why we should pay extra money for such a simple task. I don’t want to hear you make two dollars an hour that is your problem not ours. Get a real adult job.


      • In reply to Fran

        Stop saying the same thing over and over. Are you Scott? Hello Scott. You’re probably the author of this blog too.


      • In reply to Brendon

        I don’t believe he is the author; the difference between him and the author is Bhagwad simply was doing his job, and well, might I add. Granted his writing could have been touched up and written more eloquently but he got his point across to many people while profiting from it. Meanwhile he started a riot of pro tipper and con tipper. However all the servers including myself tend to be a little more original while fighting our case. Im not going to insult Bhagwad and say fran is him because Bhagwad is doing his job here, fran is Not.


  5. I just saved 20% or about 20 dollars on my dining bill. Wrote zero on the tip line, beat that for saving money car insurance companies. Geico 15 min, E insurance 7.5 min. Writing zero not even a second.


  6. Wow, I am actually shocked at the replies to this question. I have never seen such a collection of poorly informed people. First of all, if we’re going to discuss tipping etiquette in the United States, then leave other countries out of it. This isn’t about their wages. Second of all, if you go out to eat at a dine-in restaurant, take a tour, or patronize any other part of the SERVICE industry it is standard that you tip something. Even for less than par service, leaving a bad tip sends a better message than none at all. No, you’re not combating the greed of the employers, you’re just proving that you were raised with very little class.
    In my experience in both the tour and restaurant industries, the people who service you do, in fact, work hard to meet or exceed your expectations all to best represent the business that you chose to patronize. It’s not just a “brainless” job for people with no college degree. Only a true idiot would make that argument. If you actually used any form of observational skills for just a moment, you might notice that a vast majority of the staff in those places are young and usually working to afford their next college semester! It’s hard not to get angry at people who also justify their bad behavior by saying they don’t frequent a place enough to feel like they should tip. You are getting a service you could otherwise provide for yourself. Don’t want to tip the waiter? Eat fast food or at home. Don’t want to tip your tour guide? Go read a free book at the library. We forget so easily that we are part of a consumerist society where everyone demands instant gratification. I feel so ashamed that I’m part of a generation that has seemingly been raised without any sense of humanity. These people do not make a survivable wage and are working their asses off and asking for a few extra bucks for the service expected isn’t asking too much. Those tips are their rent, their light bill, their food expenses, their child’s clothes, their tuition, their car insurance, and for a lot of places, the only wage they actually receive. And if that isn’t enough, when you get stiffed by someone despite how well they enjoyed their service, it’s hard not to take it to heart. Personally, I’ve been driven to tears a couple of times by people who walk off a tour without tipping. I go over in my head trying to figure out if I did anything wrong, even if they verbally had said they loved the whole experience. It’s a real kick in the teeth to know that some people don’t think you’re worth even minimum wage. Do a little research on tipping etiquette before the next time you stiff someone. I mean, if you’re that hard up for money why are you even going out to eat? Restaurants and tours and salons etc. are a luxury. Plain and simple.


    • In reply to Drea R.

      If I did not make a survivable wage I would get a better job instead of complaining and whining like you. I have too much pride to have to ask people to tip me because I can’t pay my bills. The only person responsible for making enough money is you, not the pity of others. Grow up.


    • In reply to Drea R.

      Thank you Drea R!!
      That was such a well thought out and considerate response to all of this.
      Personally my tips do pay my bills, tuition, car payment and my school expenses. I’m fortunate enough to make above minimum wage and my checks are STILL zeroed out after taxes.
      I am educated, I have a degree. I have a family, a car, people who respect and care about me. ..I’m no less of a person because I wait tables and bartend instead if working some desk or field position. In fact many of my coworkers have masters degrees and continue to wait tables. I work hard and I care about my job, I genuinely want every one of my guests to enjoy thier expierience. It is not a shameful thing to expect a reward for going out of my way. I am not a mindless order taking, drink pouring robot. I am a server not a servant. Tipping ensures a higher standard of service, and those who don’t understand or respect that simply have low standards. Stifling tips where tipping us expected is tactless and classless. Have some respect for your fellow man.


  7. Drea is correct! When you take a tour of the city (and I give city bus tours where I am trained with knowledge and education on the subjects), you tip your guide. Plain and simple. Drea is also correct in the fact that it’s hard not to take someone stiffing you to heart. It is a complete smack in the face- and frankly, disgusting.

    I am also VERY sick of hearing people say “Well, they’re Asian so it’s not a custom to tip where they’re from.” This is America- not Asia. Learn your fucking customs when you travel out of country and tip your damn guides! And on most of the trolley bus tours, there’s a VERY visible bucket that says TIPS- along with cash inside it. Along with the guide often saying nicely at the end “Tips are appreciated.” If the Asian/Indian/Mexican/Brazilian person doesn’t understand that it’s OK to tip by that much obvious encouragement, they are just being cheap. “Europeans may not know it’s okay to tip”- is another bullshit line. Because we SAY it’s okay, and there’s a big BUCKET that says Tips. Unless they’re blind as hell, they see the bucket with the sign and unless they’re deaf as hell, they hear it. They choose not to tip and use their nationality as an excuse. When I go out of country, I always respect the customs there. And they should do the same here.

    Stiffing a waitress is also repulsive, and anyone who thinks servers are “beneath” society are in fact in for a huge wakeup call. Waitstaff work (which I have done) is very hard work, and it’s stressful from a logistics standpoint (how many tables, who ordered what, who needs a refill) and also a personal standpoint. People who refuse to tip should be laid off from their own nice jobs, and have their fancy penthouses burned to the ground. So they can understand what hardship and humility is all about. Drea also did not deserve to be talked to that way – so Dean and Stacy, grab your hands and push them up your ass and spin on it. You both belong below Ocean waters with the Titanic.

    Tip your servers and your guides- and stop being assholes.


    • In reply to Jon

      If I wanted to know what hardship is. I would take a simple unskilled job that requires no training. No education or thought involved. No responsibility or real future advancement. An embarrassing job taking food orders for $2.00 an hour.
      That job is called waiting tables or being a tour guide. Crying for tips.

      I have a penthouse and a fancy fancy job because I strived to become successful. You chose to make a shit wage, live with that stupid. That is the only tip you’ll get from me.


      • In reply to Jake

        I did not work when I went to college. I spent the entire time devoted to my studies. My parents paid for college with a college fund. Just like any other affluent white family would.


      • In reply to Stanley

        Well you should consider yourself extremely lucky. If I were you I would not let day go by without thanking my “affluent white parents” for thier generosity. I’m sorry you didn’t get a chance to gain real world working expierience while attending college or university. Take it from somebody who is footing the bill for thier own education. I do focus extremely hard on my studies so much so I received almost a full ride into one of the most accredited universities in my state. I work hard and attend class at the same time. My parents are not spoiling me by giving me handouts. I would prefer being a well rounded Individual who can effectively balance all aspects of my life. I am still achieving as much as those who only have to worry about school but I am a better person for it.


      • In reply to Mandi

        Real-world experience simply means that you did menial labor because you were poor. My future children will have the same life that I did. Luck has nothing to do with it.

        Spoiling me with handouts? You have children this is what you are supposed to do. I would never want my children doing any kind of unskilled labor. They are better than that. That is probably why we are the affluent class. You are the serving class.


      • In reply to Stanley

        Well don’t you have a nasty case of affluenza. I am not your underling. I am not “serving class”. I have a college education that I’m earning for myself. I’m a fellow human being a citizen of the world. You are no better than me or anybody else. You are financially privileged, good for you. I don’t care if you’re the most wealthy person in the world. To me you are just some ignorant ingrained individual who apparently has nothing better to do than spread your abhorrent wealth of ignorance on the internet. I don’t know if you actually have money or if you’re some bratty little troll with an active imagination who gets his rocks off by demeaning other people. It doesn’t matter to me what you are or how much you earn. None of that means anything without understanding and respect for your fellow man. I’d rather be a pathetic server than a shitty human being. I’d rather be middle class and informed than wealthy and ignorant. We are all born the same way, breathe air, wake up in the morning, eat to stay alive, and decay when we die, the rest is just logistics and I don’t give a literal fuck how much money you have.


      • In reply to Stanley

        One more thought, I strongly believe that ANYONE can become “successful” if they are GIVEN the means to do so. If you want to be truly successful you must EARN it. Success is the achievement of goals and surpassing of milestones. If you were handed every ounce of success that you believe yourself to have, have you really achieved anything? Having money hardly makes you successful. Maybe in your shallow, sheltered little world it does but in the actual world where people work hard and don’t have mommy’s and daddy’s trust funds to pay the way having money that you didn’t have to earn makes you a stubborn annoying, richeous prick such as yourself.


      • In reply to Kelly

        No it does not. All I’m saying is that the opportunities are there for the people who want to seize them. For me it would be more meaningful to achieve success in my life without having it handed to me. Those with college funds and hand-me-down success just had it easier in life and it shows in the ignorant opinions being spewed all over this feed. You are not a successful person if you treat other people with disrespect. You may be rich but that is all you are. Money can’t buy decency, humility and decorum, those things are learned behaviors. And anyone who supposedly has money and feels the need to brag about it on the Internet is either lying, desperate or compensating for their severe lack of class and personality.


  8. Blake you can take your right or left hand and make sweet love to yourself. Because I highly doubt you ever get laid.


    • In reply to Mandi

      Blake, my dear, your responses are so terribly uncreative and boring. I’ve had more entertaining arguments with children.
      I think any waitress you attempt to slum it with would rather have their lady parts sewn shut than have sex with the likes of you.


    • In reply to Mandi

      I hope you don’t dine at the same place very often, dude. You would learn after sitting without service for 20 minutes just how necessary servers are to, you know, dine at a restaurant.


      • In reply to Katie

        Katie let me tell you what happens when a server decides to do what you just talked about. Longhorn steakhouse sent me a $200 gift card for very poor service. I had the waitress before I don’t tip and she remembered me. I honestly wonder if she still has a job right now? You are hired by the restaurant to serve me. Tipping you if I feel like it is my discretion which I won’t. Nothing you do is worthy of a tip. Bringing me my food drinks and dessert is your job. If you don’t like it get a better job.


      • In reply to Katie

        Katie let me tell you what happens when a waitress decides to give a customer poor service. Longhorn steakhouse sent me a 200 gift card because the waitress gave me very poor service. I never tip she remembered me and she took it out on me. I wonder if she even has a job at this point? You are hired by the restaurant to serve me if you want a tip get a better job. Bringing me my food drinks and dessert is not worthy of a tip it is your job.


      • In reply to Katie

        Katie let me tell you what happens when a waitress makes a customer wait 20 minutes. Longhorn steakhouse sent me a $200 gift certificate. The district manager called me to apologize and told me this would never be tolerated again with another waitress. I don’t tip she remembered me she was mad. Bringing me my food drinks and dessert is not worthy of a tip it is just doing your job. You don’t like it get a better job


      • In reply to Katie

        Katie let me tell you what happens when a waitress makes a customer wait for 20 minutes. Longhorn steakhouse sent me a $200 gift certificate because of the crappy waitress that was mad at me because I didn’t tip her last time. The district manager told me he would never allow a waitress to treat a customer like this again. I bet she doesn’t even have a job anymore. Bringing me my food drinks and dessert is your job if you don’t like it get a better job.


      • In reply to Amethyst

        Lmao, you’re such a retard! You’re so full of shit it’s not even funny! Ok your shit filled self is a little funny, but not anywhere near as funny as how much money I make waiting tables, than you make.


      • In reply to Katie

        Katie let me tell you what happens when you make a customer wait for 20 minutes. Longhorn steakhouse send me a two hundred dollar gift certificate and the waitress was fired. She made me wait because I didn’t tip last time. Or ever


      • In reply to Truth

        5? Try at least 20. Maybe even 50. All these responses as to why tipping is stupid conveniently have the same outline, syntax, and story structure. No one that works or ever worked in the food service industry would denounce tips that vehemently. Easiest way to tell if it’s really douche-bhagwad right there. “I’ve worked in blah blah blah for __ years and even I think tipping is horrible because [insert stupid here]”


      • In reply to Amethyst

        You accepted the $200? YIKES. Thats so POOR of you. I literally throw out $500 in the garbage everyday because the bank says I have too much money & my money vault in my house is way too full.
        You see what I’m getting at right? How ridiculous you sound? You definitely didn’t get $200 from Longhorn Steakhouse. I WANT TO SEE THESE GIFTCARDS AMETHYST. LET ME SEE. THOSE CARDS ARE JUST AS FAKE AS YOU’RE PERSONALITY. HAHAHAHA!


      • In reply to Amethyst

        Oh I will serve you . If you didn’t tip the last time, I will serve you again with a smile … but this time, I’ll make sure to make the linings of your intestines bleed. I’ll even say bye to you and your family at the door when you leave. Bye :-)


      • In reply to LOLO

        So Lolo is going to kill their customers if they don’t leave a tip. That is fine. If I find out that you poisoned me you better hope I don’t get out of the hospital. Because if I do I will stalk you outside of your place of employment and find out what $100 piece of shit car you own. Once i have that info I will either cut your brake line, put a balloon filled with Drain-o in your gas tank or both.


      • In reply to Timmy

        I mean correct me if I’m wrong, but do 100 dollar cars exist? that’s literally disgusting that you even know that. I honestly have 365 customized ferraris & 366 for leap years. I dispose of them daily. I would never sit my ass in the same seat twice, so after each day I burn one.


      • In reply to LOLO

        if you are willing to hurt someone over a tip then there is something wrong with your mentality. You are not suited to belong in society. You belong behind bars.


      • In reply to Katie

        Katie let me tell you what happens when you make a customer wait for 20 minutes. Longhorn steakhouse sent me a two hundred dollar gift certificate and the waitress was fired. She made me wait because I didn’t tip last time. Or ever


      • In reply to Katie

        Katie let me tell you what happens when you make a customer wait for 20 minutes. Longhorn steakhouse sent me a two hundred dollar gift certificate and the waitress was fired. She made me wait because I didn’t tip last time.


      • In reply to Katie

        Oh wait, so to dine at a restaurant requires a full Wait staff? Complete with a nice server, a busser an expediter and food prepper? Who’d have thought ;-) :-P Not these idiots lol

        -Signed, Waiterboy


      • In reply to Katie

        Katie I really want you to do that with me. Let me sit there for 20 minutes without service. I will complain to the owner. Dinner will be free. You will be fired. I may even get a gift card for a future visit. No tip for you. I think it is hilarious that you think you are entitled to a tip. The gum I spit in the trash is more valuable to me than your services. Yet you better give me your best or you will see the unemployment line.


      • In reply to Katie

        Katie let me tell you how this scenario plays out in real life. If you made me wait like that, I would contact your district manager, regional manager, corporate office, and the restaurants manager. I would go out of my way to make sure you got fired. I am also sure dinner would not only be free, but I would get a gift certificate to come back again. You’re a pathetic waitress. You are an unskilled, easily replaceable worker who needs to learn to respect the customer or get fired.


      • In reply to Katie

        Katie the last waitress that gave me poor service because I don’t tip was fired. You are just an unskilled waitress, nothing special. People like you are lucky to even have a job. You have no skills and nothing going for you. I would love to have you fired if you pulled that Nonsense with me.


      • In reply to Beth



      • In reply to Katie

        Lol dude, really… Let’s see your waiter or waitress not tell the cook to remove the onions, peppers, etc., that you’re highly, highly allergic to, then you might appreciate waiters/waitresses as you’re struggling to breathe…. Oh and they have to deal with jerks like you without being rude right back.


      • In reply to Katie

        I would love for you to make me wait 20 minutes to take my order. I called the corporate office while I’m still in the restaurant and my meal was free. The District manager personally comes to the restaurant and fires you. My meal was not only free including dessert, but I received a gift card to come back again. That is a true story of my real life dining experience a week ago. You are a unskilled waitress that is nothing special. I am the customer that helps pay the bills of a business.


      • In reply to Katie

        I would love for you to make me wait 20 minutes to take my order. I called the corporate office while I’m still in the restaurant and my meal was free. The District manager personally comes to the restaurant and fires you. My meal was not only free including dessert, but I received a gift card to come back again. That is a true story of my real life dining experience a week ago. You are a unskilled waitress that is nothing special. I am the customer that helps pay the bills of a business.


      • In reply to Katie

        Go ahead and make me wait 20 minutes. I will call the corporate office and tell them what’s happening. My meal including dessert will be free. I will get a gift card to come back. You will be fired before dessert is served me.


      • In reply to Katie

        How valuable servers are? Shit most resturaunts nowadays are switching over to kiosks to place your order. One day there will only be someone there to bring your drinks, and bring your food. Othing else and no in between nonsense where the server talks to you and tries to “wow” you for a better tip.. Companies are seeing that it is a lot cheaper to get rid of the “middle man” in the resturaunt whose main purpose is to write down the order and punch it in the computer. And all these other replies before me, wait 5 years when servers will be obsolete and useless.. sorry, but welcome to the start of the machine age..


    • In reply to Mandi

      Hahaha true he’s a scumbag!it’s miserable people like him has to try to put somebody else down to make him feel South better for 5 minutes, well we enjoy our serving jobs and make good money doing it so get some therapy there may be some medication to make you better..


    • In reply to Mandi

      In my opinion: You are a shitty snobby little dumbass bitch! Go play with the other ignorant non-tipping men that think they will ever amount to anything in life other than stupid little dumbass non-tipping idiots! You uptight twat! You deserve only bad shit in life and let me tell you bitch after you get off your street corner life is a bitch! Just like you!


    • In reply to Mandi

      Lets not beat around the bush with this…the reason this jack off doesn’t tip is because he is a cheap Indian piece of trash…they’re all the same and they always will be.this is why when i get a dot head in my cab i take them the long way…what would have costed them a 5$ tip turns into a 20$ tip…i’m getting my gratuity no matter what


  9. Tipping began when a few well off people wanted special service and better seats. Gradually it evolved into everyone having to tip for decent service, and employers being allowed to get away with paying below minimum wage. The real crooks are the restaurant owners, yet the customers and staff seem to fight each other instead of direct their anger at the real bad guys.

    The fair thing, in my opinion, is to have an all-inclusive price on the menu and the owners pay their staff the correct salary.


  10. well guys!! let me tell you, first of all, I am a waiter at a fun place, that everyone has fun at. and to tell you the truth I agree with what you are saying that the restaurant is taking advantage and only paying 2 dollars an hour but for you to say that I only deserve that, is bull! you tell me who would work for 2 dollars an hour? you wouldn’t! but on the restaurants point of view if they pay the waiters a set rate without tips it would make them give a mediocre service because no matter what the waiter would be paid the same but if you let the guest pay the waiter for the good service that they provide then there is an incentive for the waiter performing at his best. about us trying to be your friend and trying to make you have a good time, the only reason why you came out to eat or have fun is because either you can’t cook or your house is boring. if you are bored a home or cant cook then don’t complain when the guy that’s bringing you food or drinks complains when you don’t tip right, you are just pissed off because you don’t get paid enough for what you do. obviously the person who wrote this is a foreigner and doesn’t understand the struggle that service industry workers have to deal with. I have an associate in biology and on my way to a bachelors and hopefully to physical therapy school one day and the best job that I could make a living while paying for school and have hours where I can go to school is a waiter. so if you think that a waiter job is not worth anything then my man you are totally wrong and need to do some research before you open your uneducated mouth. by the way I am not American, I am a foreigner just like you but when some one opens their mouth about something that they don’t know makes my blood boil. go bang your mother and I hope that you get spit in you food next time you go out. ONE!!!!


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