5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter

It never fails to shock me how a tip is demanded in the US. People simply refuse to listen to reason when we (yes, there are others!) tell them that leaving a tip isn’t necessary. Well, I’m hoping for too much here, but if you’re a waiter, here are 5 reasons why I will try my best not to give any money to you and why the reasons for tipping are crappy.

1. You act as if you’re my best friend

Just leave me alone ok? I don’t want to bloody chit chat with you. I want food. FOOD! Get it? It’s a restaurant. I go there to eat. I go because I want either Italian food, Chinese Food or something else which I can’t get in a McDonald’s. So I come to a restaurant to fulfill my cravings for it. I will pay for what I value – food. Not you.

Christ, you offend me – kneeling down next to my table, pretending to like me and chatting as if you’re my best friend when it’s obvious that all you’re after is the tip! I’m not a bloody money bag you know. I will pay the bill which includes the cost of the food, the environment and the salaries of the people involved – nothing more.

The only way to get money out of me that I don’t have to legally pay is by prying it out of my cold dead hands…

Bottom line: I don’t want to know your name, or interact with you for any longer than I have to in order to place my order. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the equivalent of a conveyor belt that brings me my food and a computer into which I input my order. Of course, I won’t be rude. But don’t expect me to interact with you any more than I would with some stranger.

Image Credit: cafemama


Did you earn this tip?


2. You don’t get paid enough

And this is my problem how exactly? It’s astonishing that customers are expected to make up for your employer’s cheapness in not paying you a decent wage. Please include the full cost in everyone’s bill thank you very much. I’ll pay it because I have to and the charge is there for me to see.

What’s really funny here is that no one seems to criticize the employers! All criticism is reserved for non tipping customers instead of the owners of the restaurant for not paying a decent wage. Wtf! Could it possibly be because you guys know you can make much more by tips and under report your income to the IRS?

3. You’ll spit in my food if I don’t tip you?

And I’ll shoot your kid if you don’t give me a million dollars. Seriously, am I even hearing this right? You’re actually using the threat of blackmail to make me pay you? Well as long as you’re openly claiming to be a criminal it’s all right I guess.

Fortunately that’s why I prefer buffets. Listen apart from it being illegal, this shows your poor integrity. But if you spit in someone’s food because they didn’t give you money you didn’t earn, then you’re a loser and deserve to be a waiter for the rest of your life.

4. Bringing me my food isn’t worthy of being paid extra

Did you cook it? Did you invent it? No. You picked it up and brought it to me. While it might not be easy, there are plenty of jobs which are much worse – shop floor workers for example. And I’ve been a shop floor manager, so I know. Face it – compared to other jobs, being a waiter is unskilled. You get paid what the market will think your services are worth. You don’t deserve more for your work over and above what your employer should pay you.

5. Money doesn’t grow on trees

I expect you to be grateful and pray for me at night if I tip you 10%. Be happy I gave you anything at all. I worked for the money in my wallet and by giving you some I didn’t have to, I’m doing you a favor. Learn to remember that when people give you something they don’t need to, it’s a favor. You don’t complain that they didn’t give you more!

By the way, the same thing above applies to all professions that demand tips including those on cruise liners.

So now that you understand why I won’t give you money you don’t deserve, stop with the “oh how could you?” attitude. I can. And I will.

Update: Here’s a rebuttal of the many silly justifications for tipping that people have given in the comments section.

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12,129 thoughts on “5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter”

  1. Very offensive. But you’re more than welcome to think whatever you please. Along with tipping how ever you want. You’re only one out of the hundred people who come in and feel they don’t need to tip. So you can feel that you’re better than I, but you really just don’t matter. It’s called being bitter and finding something to complain about. i feel sorry for you. Maybe you should just learn to cook for yourself and save the money in your pocket?


  2. I’m not going to insult you or leave a nasty comment. I just feel you should have an insight into my day. I’m 19, I have been a server for two years. I’m putting myself through college because my father walked out on my mom and me. My mother has two college degrees and was working at a very good job. She quit so she could take care of me. She became a server and just barely made enough to keep us. People tipping her is what accounts for her money. As a server you only make $2.13 an hour. The rest is made up from tips. I became a server because I decided to better myself by going to college. I have many scholarships but it doesn’t cover my car, or gas, or food. I need those tips to make it through school. However I don’t come to a table expecting to make a lot. I truly do enjoy just serve ring your food to you and watching you have a great night out as a result of what I’m doing. When someone leaves me a tip, regardless of the amount I thank them. I’m sorry that you have had bad experiences with servers but most of us truly do just care about you having a great experience at the restaurant and your tip is shows us that we did a good job. Tips are not required, no, but by you doing so you truly are helping someone who really needs it. Even just those two or three dollars can make it that much better for us to get to our own futures. Just a little insight I hope that will help the way you view servers.


  3. To the writer of this article and the people to are against tipping,

    First off have you ever been a waiter? My guess is no so you obviously do not understand what the job entails. Before you go bitching about tips why don’t you walk in the shoes of server on a bad day and see if you take away the same opinion. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU DO! And how can you hold a sound opinion about a subject when you do not even understand the other side of the argument? If you feel that waiting tables or even tipping is below you I have a solution for you please, please, please do not go to a restaurant to eat. Go to a fast food joint where people like you are expected to go. Do not reply to me until you have experienced the worst of what we have went through or if you like some insight into the world of serving let me know. I could waste some more time trying to make one piece of shit understand why you should tip.

    People like you deserve worse than spit done to their food.


    • In reply to Jeremy

      If you do not want to tip at restaurants you should move to Europe where the waiters are paid higher wages and you don`t tip them. Happy packing!


      • In reply to Rachelle

        Rachelle.Ignorance is a bliss and so be it with you.
        First.Unlike you , I have lived and worked in Europe and YES costumers tip.In many restaurants a 18% service charge it’s included on the check and customers still leave something extra for the waiter.
        Second.The American system is a costumer friendly system.By not paying a high rate the restaurant owners can hire more servers to give a better service especially because of the tips.No, if, let say, tip will be outlawed and the restaurant owners will have to pay really high wages; where this money going to come from? The bill . So now you will be forced to pay and going to get a bad service since the waiter is not going to try to do anything extra.
        You have the right not to tip,but be careful: Carma is a bitch.Don’t worry about the waiters spiting on your food.Dealing with lowlifes is part of the job so nobody going to do anything but call you “CHEAP BASTARD”


      • In reply to luto

        I think Rachelle was speaking about those who don’t want to tip should go to Europe cuz they don’t take tips.. Think you read that wrong. Maybe it’s just me.


    • In reply to Jeremy

      I hate poor people, they are so whiny. I have never been a waiter, because I come from a rich educated family. Generation after generation we exploit poor uneducated people. It is very profitable for us, and you will continue to produce uneducated children for us to make money from. I should really thank you for being stupid and poor. As a waiter or waitress you are cheap uneducated labor. I am not going to tip you, or pay you a better wage because you are there to serve me like royalty. I don’t care if you don’t like it, we both know you won’t better yourself anyways. People like you allow me to live in a mansion. I run several businesses and restaurants employing desperate poor people like you. If it were legal I would give you cheap liquor so you would spread your legs more often in your trailer and have more kids for me to make money from.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Does anyone else smell that? That almost ripening stench of pure sewer? I can’t be the only one smelling this…. Smells like straight asshole to me! Glad you don’t live in my hometown, because if I had to deal with that stench all day, then you better believe I’d fly across the world to get away from your narcissistic ass. Speaking of your ass, when was the last time you tried to have that dick removed? I think it’s what’s causing the smell.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Dear Mr. Sir,
        It seems to me that you are only using the term “poor” in the simplest and most basic way conceivable. I’d like to inform you that it means more than just a lack of having material possession. It can be used in many ways, as to express someone’s “poor” attitude, or maybe perhaps someone’s “poor” demeanor on a particular aspect in life. From your own comment, I personally can tell you are both poor in attitude AND in your demeanor in how you treat other human beings. As you put it yourself, you “are so whiny.” You’re complaining about a commonly accepted practice that really shouldn’t impact your life in any way, shape, or form. I can’t help but pity you, because that means that as you put it, “[You] hate poor people…” If you are poor, that means you hate yourself. And just for clarification’s sake, I’d like to establish that those monetarily-poor, “uneducated” people (as well as the majority of them knowing how to place commas between two adjectives when a conjunction is not used) gain something from being in business with you too. They choose to be in business with you, and whether you realize it or not, you would be NOTHING without them. To even talk anonymously down upon them is pitiful, and once again emphasizes you’re poor attitude. I can suggest a book to you to help you get over this slump of self-hate though. It’s called How to Win Friends and Influence People. It’s great. You should read it. Thanks. -M.D.Scott


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        I don’t quite follow why servers are poor and uneducated. I’m 18 and a server. About to start college. The whole point of tipping is for the service we provide. At the restaurant I work at, I pretty much do it all. I help prepare a lot of the meals. I bring it to your table, I get your drinks, I bring back desserts or any extra things. I clear away your plates when you’re finished and wash the table. And I do it all with a genuine happy attitude. But if you’re a douche bag customer who never tips. You get nothing from me. Your food will not look beautifully prepared. You will go thirsty through your meal. You will sit with dirty dishes at your table or I will sit you at a table that I haven’t cleaned yet. You can walk your self righteous ass up to my boss and complain if you’d like. But he’d know that if you were there about me that the fault was your own. You’re not going to go broke over throwing down a couple extra dollars to a person who literally is the reason you get to eat if you go to a restaurant. So to all of you non tippers. Don’t go to a restaurant. Honestly, I hope you all get anal fisted by a guy named Bubba. Or that when you go to sleep at night, all you can picture is Jesus softly rubbing your nipples while whispering in your ear that he died for you to be a dirty boy. A dirty boy for Jesus. I hope that every day you’ll step on cracks, but I’ll send your mother flowers because she’s a nice lady. And maybe that your only sons lifelong passion will be ballet. You’re all some fucking chupacabras…


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Are you kidding me? You’re aren’t royalty. FYI Majortity of the people you AREN’T tipping are people are paying for their education. I am putting myself through school, so I don’t want to hear how your are a spoiled son of bitch. Your parents shouldn’t have had kids. They obviously don’t know how to raise a decent human being, because honestly at this point I’m not sure you are one.
        Second, I just want to point out that no it is not your fault I don’t get paid enough, but it isn’t my fault either. It is corporates fault, and they, not unlike yourself, don’t give a damn about their employees.
        Third, I don’t usually do this, but at this rate I don’t care. Do not classify me as a poor, uneducated, inhuman rude ass scum that I deal with every day. I find that completely uncalled for. If you haven’t worked in a restaurant I do not what to hear what your spoiled ass has to say, because you will never understand the independence, skill, and strength it takes to provide for yourself.
        So kindly,


      • In reply to A decent EDUCATED human being

        One day you will knock up a dirt poor girl in the trailer park. The kids will work for me for two dollars an hour, while I get richer. The cycle will repeat itself again. You will always be nothing and have nothing. They all say, they are working for a degree. You will drop out and be cheap labor. People like you make me richer.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Dear Mr. sir,
        It seems that you have not taken my advice in reading the book I advised that you read, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Maybe you thought that it was a joke or something, but let me assure you, it wasn’t a joke. It’s a real book that I genuinely feel you could use to better yourself. I apologize that seemed unclear.
        I would also like to state that post towards “A decent EDUCATED human being” was quite uncalled for. You seem to be putting yourself up upon a higher pedestal than everyone else, and you don’t realize that that pedestal is made up of those “People” that make you richer. I would like to reiterate that you would be NOTHING without those people. You treat them like scum for no other reason than they don’t have more money than “your family”. You see the majority of society as a pit of primitive apes. It’s actually quite amusing and ironic you think yourself better than them. You think you are better than them, but you wouldn’t be able to live without them. You DEPEND on these “poor” people, and you can sit there and treat them as if you are better than them. Pathetic.Absolutely pathetic.
        I do hope that one day, you see the many errors of way, and strive to change them, to strive for greatness. But until that day, I will continue to pity you, as you are nothing to me. Yours truly -M.D.Scott


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Seriously how pathetic are you? Let me let you in on a little secret, people who are successful do not have to brag about it over and over again. You must have a microscopic penis. I actually feel sorry for you. You can claim that you are rich a million times, it still will not be true. I used to wait tables and the reason people did not tip was because they could not. I would stick to crappy corporate chain restaurants if I were you. Privately owned restaurants will not put up with you if you are half the dick you claim to be. Don’t worry though, Applebee’s will be more than happy to take your money. It is also really pathetic that you comment on your own article using multiple names so that it seems as if there are people as miserable as you. I hope your tiny penis, lies, and shifty attitude make you happy.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Some net trolling douche bag who hides behind a computer and says shit like this, way to go bud you are a grade a piece of shit. You think you are royalty? Wow, I bet you are nothing but a whining little boy who has not had to actually work a hard day in his life to get what he has been gifted. You are the poorest of people, because you lack basic human decency and scoff at those who you feel are below you because your bank account has a few extra zeros attached the back of it. You can treat people that way all you want, but when you are alone and old and on your death bed do not be shocked when you spend your last days, months and years alone. You see money might make you feel powerful, but when that is all you have left sir that then makes you the poorest person alive. I personally do not wish harm on anyone, but I hope you lose the one thing that makes you happy and that seems to be your money.


      • In reply to Mathew

        It’d be nice if this insanely rich arrogant douche bag revealed himself so all of the servers in the world could sue him for defamation and take all of his earnings and give them to the people who deserve it.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Mr. Sir,

        Your attempt at “online trolling” seems to have been a success. Everyone is reacting to your oh-so-obvious off the rails “I don’t give a fuck about waiters they are below me” comments and I guess you have nothing better to do.

        Just to reiterate and elaborate on why you’re not a corporate big shot and really actually probably just a teenager in his bedroom is for a few reasons:

        – You go to McDonalds regularly, if you were so educated – this wouldn’t be where a big shot would dine, like really.
        – Big shots don’t come onto the internet bragging about their money, they’re too busy driving nice cars and going to parties/important business meetings.
        – You seem to have a vast knowledge of trailer parks.. Perhaps you live in one?
        “One day you will knock up a dirt poor girl in the trailer park.”
        Sounds like that’s a mistake you made…

        Finally, I’d just like to point out that for the last few years I’ve worked in Michelin star restaurants in England. We get paid a decent wage and the tips are extraordinary. At Applebee and Dennys level I’m sure you don’t get the respect you deserve, as people see you just trying to get yourself through College and pay your bills. But if you take the career seriously and really want to progress, Michelin star service is definitely a good career choice.
        I’ve had etiquette training from Prince Charles’ royal butler, I’ve shook hands and talked about my life with billionaires, I’ve had wine tastings with a Master Sommelier, one of only 80 in the world, I’ve had cheese training from Paxton and Whitfield, and to top it all off – Coffee training from the No.1 Barista in the UK.

        I suggest you look up Michelin star salaries – some of the opportunities pay more than Doctor jobs.

        Happy trolling.

        – A professional.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Lmfao you are one funny stupid mother fucker ahahaha you come from a rich educated family generation after generation ahahaha you stupid dumb fuck. Do you know how stupid and uneducated you fucking sound?? You hate poor people. Really?? You aren’t rich Bitch. You came from a fucking rich family you have no business talking You spoiled little shit. The only reason why”rich”is because of your family if you weren’t born in to that discusting ass family that never showed you how to be nice and humble to others you wouldn’t have shit. So fuck you and your stupid ignorant comment you should be fucking thankful for people like that. Because if it wasn’t for those “poor people” your spoiled rotten ass would have to lift a fucking finger you ignorant fuck. :)


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        The ignorance in this paragraph about poor, uneducated people seriously astounds me. I’m currently a full-time college student and a part-time waitress. As are most, if not all of my co-workers. Restaurants all over the U.S. pay their wait staff and approx. $2.15/hour because we make the rest off of tips. Your comment about liquoring up a poor person simply so they will produce more children for you makes me want to give you a nice punch in the face. You’re a grade A asshole. I feel really sorry for whoever works for you, and I feel even more sorry for people who actually know you.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Hello sir, though I am nowhere near poor or do I lack of material possessions, I can not understand your strong hatred feelings to those who have done nothing wrong to you, yet you treat them like if they were the scums of the Earth. Don’t you have a heart? I may be pretty well off myself, but i never treat anyone with any disrespect because I wouldn’t want that done to me. I surly hope you were only kidding with that very mean disgusting comment you posted, and hope you do have a heart to understand the struggle that low income citizens have to face on the daily basis. If i were you, I would treat my waiters and waitresses with respect and tip them well because I would be able to afford it and it would make their day.
        Please do yourself a favor and evaluate yourself, and ask yourself what you can do to improve someone else’s life instead of making it worse.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Have you ever thought some of your waiters are educated people trying to pay their way through college? Always remember, when you pass away you can’t take money with you. Try to be nice to others and maybe you will find a happier life.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Cut off Mr. Sir’s dick. Mount it on something and put it over your fireplace.

        Oh ohhh also castrate him and deep fry his balls. Make him eat his deep fried balls. Delish


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Your arrogance and degrading demeanor is disgusting! If you put value on a persons worthiness based on their income; poor vs rich and the poor become unworthy in every sense but be the reasoning for your income, which I’d presume you yourself are an overpaid individual who finds a gratification in materialistic bullshit that you buy with your overloads of money. You have no value in the simplicities of life, and probably lack relationships with human beings in which every single one can greater your perspective on life and what actually matters. Hopefully one day you gain a heart and some character post you shoving every meaningless dollar up your ass! Get over yourself.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Let’s not forget the most important fact about serving jobs…most severs are working on degrees, going to college, and/or working hard towards promotions. Coming from a rich family doesn’t mean a damn thing when at the end of the day, karma pulls a bitch move and, for whatever reason, your accounts are empty. But wait! you don’t know how to work hard to provide for your family. You can’t serve at a nice restaurant because you have no experience! No one wants your cheap ass liquor, you can keep it and cheers to your gross personality! But thank you! Your words motivate me to always be better. To focus on my education and to focus on my money until I’m rich like you!! Maybe I’ll even fuck around and take all your wealth!!! But until then don’t tip, we will remember your face and refuse to take your table the next time you come in to eat. I’ll focus on my CEO future and all the wonderful people who come right behind you and tip for the both of you!
        Servers of America


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        From one “rich and educated through generations” person to another, who happens to work in a restaurant, remember what good your paper and plastic is when everyone you present your ugly thoughts to would see your next waiter crack your fucking diner plate over your ignorant fucking head, and ask if youd like a straw for your drink or to shove up your own ass.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Mr. Sir,

        Please inform me how I a person who just graduated from university am stupid? Please tell me how it is my fault that I work for tips while I am searching for a full time job. I get the distinct hint that you are a very sad little man, nay boy, who has never worked a day in your life. I am so glad that you have a rich mommy and daddy that you can suck off of their money for the rest of your life. I hope you choke on your own vomit one day and all the people you live off of are there to watch you die so they can laugh at your misfortune. You are the scum of the world. You deserve nothing that you have.


        Someone who works my ass off for the tips that I earn.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Good for you that your family is rich and so are you but most people in this world have to bust their fuckin ass to get what they want not everyone has the luxury of getting shit handed to them. Coming from an 18 year old waiter I started working in the restaurant business when i was 15 years old, i worked my way up from a busser to a waiter and were not just people who bring your food we buss your tables, get your alcohol/drinks we cater to you all. So by you saying that we are lazy uneducated people you are the perfect example of a rich cocky little fuck who probably had mommy and daddy buy everything for you growing up and didnt have to work for a single thing in life. Go fuck yourself dude seriously take a long look at your self asshole.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        Y’all, I’m fairly certain this “Mr. Sir” guy was being sarcastic. In the case that he was totally serious, he’s hopeless and not worth getting angry over. It’s apsolutely pointless and he doesn’t deserve the attention.


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        I can’t even begin to believe the ignorance you have. I’m someone who waited my way through a bio Chem degree and onto medical school. I’m no a neonatologist making almost 8 figures a year, none of which got handed to my by my family. I’m not going to bash you on your way of thinking, I’m simply going to laugh at you. I’m 26 years old living in a million dollar house driving my choice of a mercades or bmw all because of serving. Without my serving job I never would’ve been able to afford school because of the great money I made and my flexible hours. Keep your cheap alcohol and your tip! Servers make enough without you sweetheart!


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        This is by far the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read. Who gives a fuck if your rich, your a fucking idiot!! I hope you die a horrible death in your “mansion.” Fuck you!!


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        I wait tables because I am in college on the way to earning a degree is Physical therapy. I am very educated and was valedictorian in high school and maintain a 3.75 GPA in college. Waiting tables provides me with just enough money to pay for my living expenses where as a minimum wage job would not. So, fuck you, you spoiled asshole. Congrats on being born into a family where you don’t have to work for anything and are therefore worthless. Money doesn’t make you happy, but the feeling of helping someone in need out does. Everyone may not have the same size wallet, but all of our graves are the same and you being rich will have no meaning.


    • In reply to Jeremy

      Ignore them. As a cook, I can tell you that most servers don’t do anything worthy of a tip. You talk about being in the servers shoes? Be in the cooks shoes. We clean up the messes you make in the kitchen. Fix the mistakes you made on something as simple as forgetting tto ring something in. Servers feel that they deserve a tip. They don’t. The TIPS acronym is To Insure Proper Service. If you don’t make enough from tips as a server, get a job that needs some iota of skill and actually do a job.


      • In reply to babyshaker

        I agree, the waiter does nothing worthy of a tip. I enjoy upscale restaurants very much, but I hate the kiss ass waiters. I like to stick around to see the waiters face, when he sees zero written on the tip line for a $175 bill. The reason I spend a lot of money in a restaurant, is because of the skill of the chefs. The waiters and waitresses are just the piss ants of the restaurant. A step below the dishwasher.


      • In reply to Stanley

        You are so pathetic it is actually funny. First off, no truly successful person has to brag about it so much. You really sound as if you are trying to convince yourself. Crappy chain restaurants like Applebee’s will kiss your ass and give you free desserts. Good restaurants will not put up with you if you are half the prick you claim to be. Finally, your penis must be microscopic. Good luck finding happiness having to lie about being successful, being an asshole, and having a tiny dick.


      • In reply to Nick

        I live in New York City. I never tip at upscale restaurants, and I’m always welcomed back. As a waiter or waitress you are nothing important. A restaurant needs repeat customers, not unskilled waiters with attitudes. If a waiter at a nice restaurant ever showed disrespect to a customer, it would be your last day of employment. I really think it is funny you think you’re so special. The chefs went to culinary school. The waiter never went to school. The school of hard knocks doesn’t count Servant boy.


      • In reply to Jen

        Nice try but I am not a waiter. I did wait tables while in school at an upscale restaurant and asshole were told to not come back. I also do not have to brag about myself to make me feel better about being an asshole and having a tiny penis.


      • In reply to Stanley

        I have never had a check at a restaurant thats under a million dollars. That is literally so POOR of you and I would never be caught dead somewhere, where tap water isn’t well over 500 dollars. Sometimes if the bill isn’t a million dollars, I ask if they can make something more expensive on the bill.


    • In reply to Jeremy

      It doesn’t matter if you’ve worked as a waiter/waitress or not, it’s a job like any other. If you don’t want to deal with difficult people or if it’s too hard or stressful for you then get another job. There are plenty of other jobs that are way more difficult and stressful than a food server. Why should we tip you for doing your job? We’re already contributing to your wages by eating at the place you work. If we didn’t there would be no business and you would have no job. We don’t tip anybody else in any other occupation why should you get special treatment? You shouldn’t.

      People like you shouldn’t work in the food industry if you think someone “deserves worse than spit done to their food” just because they don’t think you should receive extra money for doing a job you were hired to do.


    • In reply to Jeremy

      I’m currently in school to be a nurse anesthesiologist and I serve at a fine dining establishment. One of the ones that you ostentatious, rich, pretentious, assholes go to dine at regularly. Thankfully, not everyone is like you. The majority of the people that walk into the establishment I work at are old money and they know what it’s like to work hard and earn what you work hard for. They know that when they go out for a fine dining experience, part of the experience is the service received. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had people tell me that I have been one of the largest factors to their evening out – that maybe it was my compliment to their wife or elderly parent brought a smile to a face that might not have been smiling before the meal. Or maybe for a group of businessmen, it was that I helped lighten the mood after a stressful day of meetings. Where I work, we have to have a lot of knowledge, regarding types and parts of meat, the entire growing and cooking processes, and let us not forget wine-knowledge (we have to know everything there is to know about the 200+ wines we have on our wine list). Most people, whether rich or poor, know how to appreciate that. Part of your experience is knowing you’re in good hands. And people that come in to fine dining, for the most part, do tip based on the service. As for people who come in and think it outrageous to pay such a high tip for a $1,000+ meal…well, it does require more knowledge on the server’s part on how to describe to the guest the food or $300 bottle of wine accurately, and answer any questions. Sure we have to act like we like you even if we don’t – you’ve come in to have a good time and the last thing you want is to be disagreed with. I also have regulars who come in, requesting me each time, purely because of the fact that sometimes it’s nice to be able to just sit down with someone who knows you and knows exactly what you like. If you want to have our service included in your bill, just ask for your server to auto-grat your bill (that way, the cost of paying us will automatically be in your bill and you technically won’t have to add a tip!). However, if you ever do intend to go in to a dining establishment and not tip, please inform the manager on your way in so that he/she can inform the server, so that they can properly accommodate you with service in accordance to what they will be paid. Just keep in mind, no tip (to any server) means no service. And as opposed to ending this on a negative note, I’d like to say (very positively, indeed) that I’m so grateful of the nice rich people out there who give a damn about someone other than themselves.


      • In reply to Educated and a server

        I am new money, and enjoy fine dining. I find your illusions of grandeur to be hysterical. The meal and wine is the star of the show. You are just the errand boy that puts my meal on the table. When I need to select the proper wine, I won’t consult you. I will open the app on my iPhone. I will never tip you because you are beneath me, and you are an unskilled nothing.


    • In reply to Jeremy

      Yes it would be great if waiters/waitresses were paid more by their employers. However the whole concept of tipping should equate to how well the person does their job.
      Maybe in some countries and in some places USA, a minimum tip is Mandatory, however
      would you like that to be on your bill no matter how BAD the service was? If it’s all included
      in the bill what motivation does the person have to do an outstanding job.
      Also if the food takes a long time to get to the table, would that be the waiters fault? or
      the cook(who usually gets paid a higher wage) I have been told a couple of times where people
      tipped for excellent service, because they realized the delay originated with the kitchen staff.


  4. This popped up in my FB feed and I’m just amazed that the post was from 2009…this guy is a total fuck and I don’t know what waiters hourly pay is in CA but as a pizza deliver guy no tip is not a big deal I just will stop to get lunch or a snack with your delivery in the car if I know you don’t tip…if you call and complain I just direct you to our tedious help center and tell you that you have to go through them to get your money back or free pizza. Oh ya and I’m perfectly capable of doing that from inside the store but eh fuck em it’s like a mutual understanding of shitting on each other


  5. Looove this article. This shit was hilarious. Don’t like getting paid shit, n not receiving tips? Get a real job that requires you to use your brain, and is actually beneficial to the world lmao


    • In reply to Jessica

      Yes, because you’re really speaking as if you have a brain. You’re clearly doing big things in the world and contribute to society with your valuable insights.


    • In reply to Jessica

      I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that every server chose that to be their career for the rest of their life? I don’t think any server ever was just using their job waiting tables as a stepping stone while they went to college to further their education? You are so intelligent, clearly, for knowing that!!! I just graduated college with honors, and I am now attending a different college now to become a Radiation Therapist to help treat people that have cancer. I am doing something meaningful with my life, I am pretty damn smart, and I’m a server right now!! So unbelievable, right? Obviously you have never been a server and don’t understand the hard work it takes sometimes. If you ever had to take on a waitressing job you would fail miserably. It isn’t as easy as it looks. Everyone is worth something too. You are pathetic for treating others like they are beneath you. You can be anyone you want behind a computer screen. You probably typed this on your greasy keyboard while eating potato chips down in your moms basement to try to make yourself feel like just for a moment you are better than other people.


  6. If you don’t want to tip, that’s fine, but don’t act like you’re the King or Queen. Don’t ask for lots of refills, special orders, side orders, etc, and don’t make stupid complaints like “there’s too much sauce on my pizza” or “I didn’t get a slice of lemon in my gin and tonic.” If you’re not going to tip, then you need to expect a bare minimum service. You’re still an inconsiderate jerk, but you’re a notch above the scumbags who waltz into restaurants, make the entire staff miserable, and leave without showing any gratitude for the HUMAN BEINGS who have gone above and beyond for them. If you’re not going to tip, then expect the bare minimum. I will happily deliver the minimum with a smile on my face.

    By the way, I’m a waitress who graduated in the top 5% of her college class at a prestigious liberal arts college. I’m a member of Phi Beta Kappa and an award winning artist and musician. So stop making generalisations about my “three kids from three different dads” and my “lowly station in life.” When you make these comments, you’re just showing your own ignorance, hatefulness and low-class mentality, which is pretty sad for you.

    To be honest, I feel sorry for you. I don’t wish you any ill will, because I don’t HAVE to wish you any ill will. I know that bad things will happen to you because of your horrible, nasty worldview and disrespect for others. When you’re spiteful and callous and rude, you welcome hate into your life. It’s true, but I can’t make you understand that. You’ll have to experience it yourself. I really do feel sorry for you. Actually, I wish you all the best of luck. I know you’ll NEED IT…


      • In reply to Mr. sir

        She said ‘liberal arts college’ not she has a liberal arts degree.. You ignorant troll. You can get an engineering degree at a liberal arts college. Or did you not go to college and do not know this? ha! You are just a loser at home who has never been to a classy ‘NY restaurant’ you so claimed to have been. Plus, if you own all these buinsses why did you post on this with such a busy schedule this was on my timeline because of server friends. So.you.are.a.fake.troll.catfish. ha! For believing what people say on the internet. The only person who’s opinion that matters is my own and the opinion of this articles author who was probably banned from restaurants nine years ago when thus article was written. So go out there and act smart for everyone…hahahaha. If your a regular non tipper your food has probably sit under the hot case for 40 min… And I probably grim at the very site of you. Your food took to long..your martini glass is dirty..your seated in a terrible area..I wonder why.


  7. You are one of the biggest parts of what is wrong with this country. What do you do? Did you invent that thing or concept? Then I guess you shouldn’t be paid for doing your job either. Yeah, I like that.


  8. 1. You act as if you’re my best friend.
    — You should be so lucky. I have a lot of great friends that are servers; they are some of the most genuine people I know, as they have to endure constant belittling and evaluation if they’re not 100% perfect. Very few people bust their asses like servers do to make a living.

    2. You don’t get paid enough.
    — You’re right, it’s not your problem. However, there is a societal standard, and also something called a conscience. I mean, you’re welcome to be a sociopath. Takes all kinds. Don’t forget that the restaurants/companies aren’t at fault for the poor server wages. Most corporations will screw their employees out of money if it means lining executive pockets. This is permitted by our wonderful government and its stupid labor/wage laws.

    3. You’ll spit in my food if I don’t tip you?
    — I don’t quite understand this one. Generally you pay after you eat, which means you tip after the food has been served. So how can a server spit in your food for not tipping? Oh, that’s right. Because you return after being a complete piece of shit to another human being. You should just keep going to those buffets; hopefully the sub-par food they serve will kill you off.

    4. Bringing me my food isn’t worthy of being paid extra.
    — Actually, it kind of is. At fast food restaurants, you go to them, order your garbage there, and leave with it or take it to a table yourself. At the grocery store, you buy your food, cook it, and clean up after yourself. Those tips don’t JUST go to servers. Most often, they are shared among the porter staff too who works to keep the restaurant clean for you. And not only that, but the servers ensure your needs are met by bringing you more soda/tea/water and ensuring you have enough butter for your potatoes. The who purpose of a server is to make sure you are comfortable and have what you need so that you can ENJOY a meal, not just consume food for the purpose of sustenance. If you don’t like it, please refer to #3’s response.

    5. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
    — You’re damn right it doesn’t. If you can’t be kind and generous to someone who works to be kind and generous to you, you don’t deserve to have a server wait on you.

    One last thing I’d like to point out: the law dictates that a business has a right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, so long as there is no race, color, religion or gender discrimination. Simply put, if I were a restaurant manager, and you were consistently a twat to my servers (as I’m guessing, with your attitude, you would be), I would refuse you service and politely point you in the direction of the nearest grocery store or fast food joint. A restaurant is not just somewhere you go for a simple meal. A restaurant is where you go to be waited on, cared for, looked after, and sold food that is already cooked to save you the time and effort of having to shop, prepare, cook, and clean all by yourself. If you’re not willing to pay out the extra money to ensure the restaurant staff is taken care of, then you should be fully prepared to shop, prepare, cook, and clean all by yourself.



    • In reply to Brian

      Your job is a joke. I have no respect for you. I’m supposed to care because they pay you squat? Get a real job. You are paid terribly, because your job is not worth being paid well. The only thing servers are good for is complaining they don’t make enough money. I am not going to tip you because two dollars an hour is enough for what you do. So shut up and bring me my food.


    • In reply to Brian

      I think it’s so funny, waiters think they are the experience people crave when dining at a restaurant. You are very wrong. We go there to eat, and catch up with family. The waiter or waitress it is not part of that experience. You are just the annoying part of going out to eat. You are a butt kisser, ego massage, bottom feeder at a restaurant. All waiters and waitresses should be eliminated to improve the dining experience. I won’t tip screw you.


      • In reply to Dale

        It is a waiter’s job to wait on you. I see no reason to tip a servant. The only reason they do this job is because they’re qualified to do nothing else. Get a better job if you want more money. I’m not going to tip you.


      • In reply to Dale

        dude you realize that I am in college, had to make my own money from 18 on, and picked to be a server because it is the most profitable for someone with limited job experience. when i get that 0 tip, after serving someone hand and foot to get through college, imagine how that feels. take your privileged self and have fun when you die and realize that this was all for nothing and you will literally have to repeat the whole thing only in worse less balanced circumstances.

        you think that’s extreme? think about how you treat everything else in this world, besides not tipping. negatively. think about who honestly cares for you? probably not that many, and the people who do, do so ever so painfully.


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