5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter

It never fails to shock me how a tip is demanded in the US. People simply refuse to listen to reason when we (yes, there are others!) tell them that leaving a tip isn’t necessary. Well, I’m hoping for too much here, but if you’re a waiter, here are 5 reasons why I will try my best not to give any money to you and why the reasons for tipping are crappy.

1. You act as if you’re my best friend

Just leave me alone ok? I don’t want to bloody chit chat with you. I want food. FOOD! Get it? It’s a restaurant. I go there to eat. I go because I want either Italian food, Chinese Food or something else which I can’t get in a McDonald’s. So I come to a restaurant to fulfill my cravings for it. I will pay for what I value – food. Not you.

Christ, you offend me – kneeling down next to my table, pretending to like me and chatting as if you’re my best friend when it’s obvious that all you’re after is the tip! I’m not a bloody money bag you know. I will pay the bill which includes the cost of the food, the environment and the salaries of the people involved – nothing more.

The only way to get money out of me that I don’t have to legally pay is by prying it out of my cold dead hands…

Bottom line: I don’t want to know your name, or interact with you for any longer than I have to in order to place my order. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the equivalent of a conveyor belt that brings me my food and a computer into which I input my order. Of course, I won’t be rude. But don’t expect me to interact with you any more than I would with some stranger.

Image Credit: cafemama


Did you earn this tip?


2. You don’t get paid enough

And this is my problem how exactly? It’s astonishing that customers are expected to make up for your employer’s cheapness in not paying you a decent wage. Please include the full cost in everyone’s bill thank you very much. I’ll pay it because I have to and the charge is there for me to see.

What’s really funny here is that no one seems to criticize the employers! All criticism is reserved for non tipping customers instead of the owners of the restaurant for not paying a decent wage. Wtf! Could it possibly be because you guys know you can make much more by tips and under report your income to the IRS?

3. You’ll spit in my food if I don’t tip you?

And I’ll shoot your kid if you don’t give me a million dollars. Seriously, am I even hearing this right? You’re actually using the threat of blackmail to make me pay you? Well as long as you’re openly claiming to be a criminal it’s all right I guess.

Fortunately that’s why I prefer buffets. Listen apart from it being illegal, this shows your poor integrity. But if you spit in someone’s food because they didn’t give you money you didn’t earn, then you’re a loser and deserve to be a waiter for the rest of your life.

4. Bringing me my food isn’t worthy of being paid extra

Did you cook it? Did you invent it? No. You picked it up and brought it to me. While it might not be easy, there are plenty of jobs which are much worse – shop floor workers for example. And I’ve been a shop floor manager, so I know. Face it – compared to other jobs, being a waiter is unskilled. You get paid what the market will think your services are worth. You don’t deserve more for your work over and above what your employer should pay you.

5. Money doesn’t grow on trees

I expect you to be grateful and pray for me at night if I tip you 10%. Be happy I gave you anything at all. I worked for the money in my wallet and by giving you some I didn’t have to, I’m doing you a favor. Learn to remember that when people give you something they don’t need to, it’s a favor. You don’t complain that they didn’t give you more!

By the way, the same thing above applies to all professions that demand tips including those on cruise liners.

So now that you understand why I won’t give you money you don’t deserve, stop with the “oh how could you?” attitude. I can. And I will.

Update: Here’s a rebuttal of the many silly justifications for tipping that people have given in the comments section.

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12,129 thoughts on “5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter”

  1. Your ignorance is truely astounding. Servers do not receive paychecks. They do not receive payment from the company, their wages are gained purely from tips. The 2.13-4.13 we make, (depending on state) covers our taxes. They are private contractors hired to give service, they are hired for this reason specifically. Restaurants are environments that allow you to recieve service from another. If you do not wish to tip, and you do not wish to be served there is a sign in the corner of each restaurant that says take-out. This allows you to enjoy that same food you seem to crave without all the bother of others. I advise you take your business there if you can’t understand the concept of tipping for making someone your servant. We have to listen to you complain, demand, request, and modify. That’s what we are tipped for. Again takeout is also available.
    P.s. They remember you, enjoy their spit.


  2. not very tactful in the delivery…

    i have many opinions about how society works, how the government is ran, taxes, the country’s employment rate, and to narrow it back to the subject, inflation, the standard of living and what we’re paid….
    its not that i dont find it necessary to tip, it just that i dont find it necessary to tip a lot. I don’t make a lot either so i see it like giving money to a church. i dont give them a percentage they see as fair, i give them a percentage i see as fair. and for the argument: if you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to go out and eat. i say: thats a good way for the public to be divided and conquered. so we may squabble over the small percentage of wealth the middle class has and forget about the bigger picture. THAT WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT. inflation is getting out of control, what the dollar can buy vs what it costs to live is keeping most of the world from catching up to the “upper class.”

    you can do something about being paid so little,
    write/call the mayor/governor. express your educated opinions on how much it costs to live vs what you can realistically make and move forward with your education without owing out the bum in loans, and suggest how you think it could work better.
    however one of the points from the article:
    ” Could it possibly be because you guys know you can make much more by tips and under report your income to the IRS?”
    (im not saying everyone is dishonest, or even most, just some.)
    is why most wont call or write. and thats not fair to society, to be a drain on the public’s wallet because your employer wont pay you enough.

    So when i say that i dont want to tip, im trying to encourage the rest of the world into doing something about it,for example:
    i am of the opinion that servers should just be paid what the minimum wage is now, for now, and keep OPTIONAL tipping. and the minimum wage for “non tipped” positions should be drastically increased. which would encourage more tipping all around because everyone is making a livable wage and has the ability to move themselves forward in life. which would then ultimately make the world a better, more educated place.


  3. It’s universally Known what waiters get paid hence the tip. Whether right or wrong that employers pay it, it is what it is. The people who serve you Work hard, or should at least, to ensure a positive efficient quality dining experience, hence the tip. If this doesn’t occur. No tip deserved. Also money is made out of paper which does indeed come from trees. This world we live in is an abundant one, so no need for a lack mentality. Why is it that some people starve while other are obese? Don’t be cheap and pay for the service you’re provided, and don’t be cheap. You work hard and so do the ‘most’ of the people serving you your meal. Be grateful not ungrateful and be okay with paying Those who serve you your meal even if they weren’t the ones who invented it.


    • In reply to mick

      Only in your little simple mind is a tip universally given. I am rich you are poor, I decide all things financial. I also think it is so funny, all you people think karma will take away all my money. First of all only a loser believes in karma. Secondly my money is invested in many sectors. Even if the stock market crashed it would only affect my overall wealth by 10 %. You don’t put all your eggs in one basket. That’s why the rich keep getting richer. I am not going to tip you because the common man is here to serve me. It is an honor for you to serve me.


      • In reply to Bethany

        actually “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” or “diversity” in terms of stock investment, is also known as “idiots who don’t know what they are doing” by Warren Buffett. Although most of us still go by diversified profile but at least I won’t go about to show off such incompetence to have absolute faith in an investment like you. Just in case you can’t understand, in other words I am calling you an idiot who wants everyone to know how much of an idiot that he/she could be.


  4. You are generalizing servers just like servers generalize “non tippers”. Just don’t tip. You don’t have to be so angry and hateful. Get a life. Stop writing stupid shit.


  5. He’s a fuckin Indian, what can be expected? This is how they roll, nothing new, nothing to see here. Cheapest motherfuckers on the planet. Everything has to be haggled. When I see them come in, I immediately try to lose them. Always complaining about the prices, the service, the food. Doesn’t help that they smell like SHIT. Yet they eat every last crumb on the plate and want a discount because it wasn’t “good”. Fuck this guy and all the stinky ass punjabs that want to haggle every time they go for their wallets. WE DON’T WANT OR NEED YOUR BUSINESS


    • In reply to will

      I am a wealthy Indian business owner. You sir, are a miserable unskilled poor servant. You may smell my curry farts while you serve me with no tip. If you dare to give me less then stellar service, I will compose a letter to the corporate office outlining your incompetence. I will have a free meal next time, and you will be unemployed.


      • In reply to Arvider

        Say what you will on the internet and after you leave the restaurant but I guarantee you don’t have the courage to tell your server your opinion on tips before beginning your meal. Eating out comes with the social responsibility to tip your server and if you don’t, you can take your ass home and force your fat wife to cook for you. Right of refusal, bitch. Welcome to America.


      • In reply to Arvider

        Fucking Indian. Always asks for “water with no ice” [with funny Indian accent]. What is wrong with you people? Indian people is the worst tippers in the planet. Are you from a country so poor, there’s no ice? When you order food, you will make sure there’s no fish sauce, completely vegetarian, no egg [funny Indian accent with shaking head]. What the fuck? Go cook your damn curry shit at home. Don’t expect service from restaurant waiters. If you’re too cheap to tip, why don’t you fill up your own drink, order the food directly from the chef, bring the food from the kitchen to the table, and clean up after your own mess. Cheap motherfuckers! Keep shaking your head while talking, maybe someone will tip you because they feel bad you can’t keep a steady head while talking. Morons!!


      • In reply to Mr. Waiter

        Can we all agree that most of what’s being said here are the worst stereotypes? I’m Indian and I never tip less than 15%. Every time I go to the gas station I give the attendant a $5 tip because if you didn’t know they are paid the same as waiters. Do you folks do this? Stop with the name calling and racist comments, only makes you look worse and shows who the real uneducated, worthless, non contributing members of society are.


      • In reply to Arvider

        I’m happy you’re a wealthy business owner, but how do you decipher the teachers who have serving jobs on the side to help make ends meet? Or the college students just trying to make it through with a job that will work around their schedule? How do you know your server is just a servant? Because of thoughts like this, I had to strip my way through college to not exit in debt. I was accepted to Stanford when I applied to colleges, the only reach school I applied to, but because of money I went to a cheaper, less known university. I am neither dumb, nor am I a servant. I scored incredibly high on the GRE and the LSAT, yet I can’t go to graduate school because I can’t afford it. Yes, I received scholarships, but I don’t want to strip anymore just to receive an education because when I was trying to earn an honest living, people like you refused to give me a decent wage. Yes, it’s partially the employers fault, and yes there are other jobs, but those jobs either don’t pay enough or aren’t looking to work with your class schedule. As a wealthy individual, I hope you consider these things next time you are at a restaurant. I would have made a great lawyer, but I would have to continue to sell my body to do it. Trust me, I worked two other jobs while stripping to break even. Tip your servants please, so maybe in the future another girl won’t end up in my position.


      • In reply to Natalie

        First of all I Always tip but there are some valid points to his argument and some that make no sens in yours. ONE teachers get paid well, My sisters starting salary was 55K a year as an elemtary teacher to say they need to make ends meet is a joke cause if you are a teacher for 3- 4 years you salary is working its way towards 70-80K a year and if you get a seasonal coaching gig that adds another 2-3k so that extra money is literally vacation and spending money as my sister would say. Secondly If you are in college you should not be working for a living, and good for you to come out w/o debt but still you are not making a living off of this just extra money to pay for your extra expenses. If you want to make more money get a job in a different industry, like mabey a cashier which is a 7.25 federal minimum wage, or something in labor. My big point is that this job is not made to make a livable wage, its made for extra money for expenses like shopping or a vacation or spending money. If you want to go to Grad school get a job in the industry you want to work you will probably make 20-25 an hour + cause you have a degree save for a few years then get it done. it is not an obligation to tip, we shouldnt have to feel guilty about it cause you decided to take a job that pays shit. Do i Pay when i get good service yes, do i decline to pay when i have a shitty experance, which is rare, YES. But dont hate on people for not paying at all for you deciding to take a job that only guarentees 2.50 an hour


      • In reply to mike

        Maybe you should consider having your elementary school teaching sister give you some lessons on grammar & punctuation. Spelling probably wouldn’t hurt either, but elementary is a tough weird to spell. You’ll get it next time, champ.

        And it’s great for her that your sister found a job at a school with such a high starting salary. But it’s a little unfair to generalize & assume you know how much EVERY teacher is making based off this information. I’m willing to bet that there are many teachers out there who have been teaching for a few years & are nowhere near the $80,000 you seem to think they make. Maybe sis can give you some lessons in mathematics too.


      • In reply to Arvider

        How dare you act on such a sinful way. Nobody is demanding a tip from you, you’re just one cheap dirt bag in the world and we probably never even notice you anyways. You may not tip but you are an overbearing human being. This is not healthy mental behavior and you will suffer the terrible karma that is to follow. Good luck in your endeavors, Satan.


      • In reply to Arvider

        When u come to this country from somewhere else and get a tax cut and pass it along to like 15 members of your family you couldn’t possibly know how this country really works. Americans don’t shove 15 people into one apartment, and share one gas station with 10 other family members. We actually work for every dime we make individually. If u don’t like our culture go back to where you came. We are not going to your homeland and complaining about how ur stuff works. Always makes me laugh to see foreigners complain about the country they themselves tried so hard to get too.


    • In reply to will

      Right, because a point is really driven home by resorting to racist stereotypes.

      That said, yes, the restaurant industry is garbage and yes, tipping for services still makes you a decent human being. Consider it a charitable exchange and stop whining about it.


    • In reply to will

      *slow clap* I absolutely agree. They don’t tip shit. Indian people are nice to your face, but a lot of them are snakes in the grass. Some are nice though(gas station clerks). But I’ve also worked with some that are friendly acting, but can’t wait to stab you in the back. But I guess any race of people could do that. Idk.


  6. Quick breakdown of this completely asinine article:

    1. You’re offended that people talk to you

    My deepest condolences. I know speaking with people to whom you clearly feel superior (is this a vestigial caste system thing? Genuinely curious.) sounds truly horrible, but believe it or not, some people actually enjoy it. Furthermore, many eating at a restaurant might have questions regarding the food or might desire an outside opinion on what’s best to eat. Yes, cloying servers clearly out for a tip are annoying, but the general norm at most quality American restaurants is to make the customer feel welcome and at home. Good servers are friendly in order to facilitate this kind of atmosphere, not just because they want something out of your pockets. Again, though, I’m really sorry you had to interact with another human being.

    2. You’re parsimonious as fuck

    I don’t want to get into it here, as I’m sure it’s been well explicated elsewhere, but servers in the United States are NOT paid anything resembling a living wage. In other parts of the world, this is not the case; I agree that it should be so here too. However, you must realize that the entire system is set up this way. It’s collectively the employers, sure, but it’s also state and federal laws that are responsible for such a state of affairs. By stiffing your server you are not going to encourage any sort of systemic pressure for change, you are just making someone’s night a little bit shittier. Good for you.

    This has also been mentioned, I’m sure, but raising server wages WILL have a dramatic increase on food prices. I won’t quote you some made-up number pulled out of my ass, but know this: the margins on food in many American restaurants are practically, if not completely nonexistent; the restaurant tends to make its money on drinks and desserts. If server wages rise from $3/hr or so to something “livable” like $10/hr, this significant increase in cost to the employer will unequivocally be reflected on the menu in front of you. Make no doubt about it. Again, I’m not totally against this, as I agree that it would be nice to see the true cost of a meal right away, but try not to get all indignant when you dine somewhere and discover that food costs a lot more all of a sudden.

    As for your whole “not my problem” argument: it’s your prerogative to be an asshole if you want. Looking down on those “lesser” than you – again, feeling some caste bullshit here – is entirely your choice, but it makes you a pretty inconsiderate customer and tourist. I don’t parade through the streets of your country eating a god damn cheeseburger like it’s my divine right, but then again, I try to respect foreign customs when I’m abroad. Silly me.

    I know you fancy yourself a philosopher, but nothing in this argument is philosophy. It’s simply extreme parsimony and selfishness couched in a pitifully thin veil of puerile “intellectualism.” Like, several notches below Ayn Rand puerile. Thanks for playing.

    3. Your deluded notion of tipping as a sort of bribe

    Total strawman argument. At any decent restaurant, no one’s gonna mess with your food no matter what – never mind the logistical difficulties of retaliating for a lousy tip when the latter occurs well after the food has been served. The pissed off servers making threats in this comment section lend plausible credence to this point, sure, but this is the Internet and they’re pretty emotional after reading about what an asshole you apparently are.

    No one tips because they fear the consequences of not doing so. They tip because they are capable of sympathizing with the servers, understand that their menu price does not reflect the true cost of preparing and serving the food, or were open-minded enough to actually read up on some cultural norms before imposing themselves on another society. Again, thanks for playing.

    4. Your ignorant condescension towards an “unskilled” occupation

    You really did a number revealing your ignorance on this one. Nothing about serving is unskilled. NOTHING. Yes, it doesn’t require a college degree or advanced certifications, but serving requires far, far, far more than just “picking up your food and bringing it to you.” I was a standout student, attended a top-tier private university, and have worked several “real” office jobs. None of that even remotely compared to the stress and difficulty I encountered when I spent a summer waiting tables. I was utter shit at it at first, and to be honest probably wasn’t much better come fall. There is an art to serving, and I don’t think most people are cut out for it, but everyone should do it at least once to gain some fucking perspective. You seem to be in dire need of it.

    While you’re at it, brush up on your economics. As I mentioned before, the entire pay system is set by government regulation – therefore, the market has very little say in the matter. Servers aren’t paid their market value, they are paid what their employers can legally get away with. Don’t trot out that bastardized Adam Smith bullshit if you don’t actually understand the difference.

    Oh, you were a shop MANAGER? Definitely the same as a shop WORKER. I won’t pretend to know what happened in that shop of yours, but typically the manager delegates while the workers actually do the hard work. Even if you were truly in the thick of it – and I have my doubts – none of this is even remotely applicable to the American food service industry. Weak effort.

    5. Again, you’re a parsimonious asshole

    Damn, you work hard for your money? I’m sure none of the other restaurant customers do, which is why they have no problem throwing in a few extra dollars for a decent meal and service. Money comes easy to them, so they’re very willing to dole out favors every time they eat. You really think this? Get fucking real.

    The grand irony here is as follows: were things to be the way you want (with servers paid real wages and tipping not normative behavior), you would be paying the (higher) amount you should be, and ostensibly not whining about it. You are only paying less right now because you are essentially exploiting a loophole in the system to deny your server a livable income over a few measly dollars. You are paying less than you should, and no half-baked “philosophical” justification will successfully refute this fact. You should, in fact, be grateful for the current system, because it lets you be a stingy asshole and get away with it.

    The next time you elect to grace this country with your angelic presence, you would do well to try and understand the situation of its service industry employees. Maybe even attempt a little sympathy, if you could do so without an aneurism. Until then, I have nothing but scorn for you when a boorish American tourist walks down your street and pisses you off.

    Oh and PS – I read your shitty rebuttal, and everything I said here still stands.


    • In reply to lyrabelacqua

      Your job is an unskilled joke. That is why I don’t tip plain and simple. Unfortunately you have to be paid minimum wage if you don’t make it with tips and base pay. So stop your whining bitch.


    • In reply to lyrabelacqua

      You are so funny. You think being a waiter is stressful and so hard. This is how I know you never had a real job. If you want a living wage then don’t be a waiter.
      http://www.dol.gov/whd/state/tipped.htm even without tips, a joke like you is still paid minimum wage. I am so sick and tired of waitresses crying that they only make two dollars an hour. Liar liar pants on fire.


      • In reply to Bianca

        I don’t wait tables anymore, I’ve worked several “real” jobs, and you would have known this if you possessed any sort of adult reading ability. Let me know what words you couldn’t understand and I can try to dumb it down for you.


      • In reply to lyrabelacqua

        lyrabelacqua, I thought you were the smartest person on this page. Writing this article was clearly meant to start some problems and it worked. I’m sure i’m not the only one thankful for you putting the author of this article in the right place. Completely ignorant to even write this.


    • In reply to lyrabelacqua

      A waiter should be seen and not heard. You claim to have had a real job, yet you still think being a waiter was complicated and stressful. This is a dead giveaway you never really had any other job then being a waiter. I don’t care if it’s not a living wage I’m still not tipping you. Run along and get me another beer, waiter boy.


      • In reply to Dave

        Do you want that beer in bottle or draft? Tall or large?

        Go ahead and don’t tip but be sure to roll your own silverware, stock your sugar caddies, proof, bake and butter your own rolls, get your own ice, an be sure to refill it for the other people, get your own soda and tea and coffee, if the tea/coffee is out then go ahead and brew new coffee/tea, change the syrup for that coke you need, be sure to grab your salad from the window, better hope they made it without those onions you didn’t want, you better get your own ranch,blue cheese and that extra sour cream, it seems you have no one to complain to because you forgot you don’t like salsa on your quesadilla, too bad you didn’t write that on the ticket for the chefs, you better pre-bus your own table so you have room for your dinner, better get your own refills and more napkins for yourself, your steak was over down, well it is a good thing you can walk right to the back and yell at the chefs that they overlooked it, oh wait they didn’t, your an idiot that doesn’t know what medium well is? You better get yourself that bbq sauce and A1 sauce you love so much, don’t forget to refill your drink while your up and about, you might as well grab yourself those extra rolls that you wanted but be sure to put more into the oven for the other guests. Now that your finished you can get yourself those boxes, and take your dishes back to the dishwasher, plates of the same size get stacked on top of one another but your smart so that should be obvious. Don’t forget to order desert and grab extra spoons before you sit back down at your table. Now that your all finished and you don’t want any coffee, you can go ahead and pay. Before you leave though make sure you wipe the table down and put new plates and silverware on it so that the next guest can recieve the same experience. Congratulations you served yourself with out anyone else helping and without getting in the way of the other 250 people that wanted the same items as yourself. Maybe next time you’ll just stay at home and cook for yourself surely that’s the same thing, I mean what’s the difference right?


      • In reply to Chris

        Unskilled? Go wait tables then you’ll see the scum of the earth. You’ll learn to hate people with a fiery passion no matter how much you fight it but all you have to do of course is look in the mirror. You are probably a customer who comes in and dehumanizes their server. Feels really great when people treat you like a conveyor belt when all you wanna do is provide a great experience and make sure everything that comes to that table is perfect. All your server is trying to do is make your meal as great as it can be and all you can do is look down on them and give no appreciation. Eat at home do the general population a favor.


  7. He’s Indian? It makes sense. The men are disgusting. They expect female to serve them and treat them like trash. I had a group while I was waiting tables I high school, and I had to have my manager kick them out because they propositioned me for sex in the bathroom. Disgusting right? I’m not sure if it’s a cultural thing, or they’re just all assholes.

    To the author: make sure you tell your waiter all of this in the beginning, so they give you the type of service you deserve.


    • In reply to Ashley

      Sex in the bathroom?Now theres a new concept.Sex with dinner and not before or after.I wounder if you have sex in the bathroom it there supposed to be a tip?


  8. You are such a (for a lack of a better description) piece of shit. How about instead of eating at the restaurant, you take it home and spare these hard working people their precious time, because guess what? Your selfish needs are costing your waiter time and money. He/she could lose a tip for tending to your needs. It’s clear you have never been a waiter a day in your life. I know what it’s like, it’s what got me through college and yes, it was a very stressful job. Do us all a favor and stay in your piece of shit country, it’s people like you that ruin it for the Indians, another statistic. I hope you get severe food poisoning as karma so you won’t be tempted to step foot in another restaurant ever again.


  9. The amount of the tip is arguable, but 0 tip is just A-hole act. I am a restaurant owner. Those who say waiting staff get pay minimum wage or more. 1) many restaurant owner will terminate the one who can not get tip to make up their minimum wage, and call it under performing. 2) Waiting staff is most likely a part time job their for do the math, if you really just make minimum wage then you are likely making less than most of many full time minimum wage worker.

    those who say they will rather pay higher bill? If there will be an increase in the bill to make up for the tip, then it will be a minimum of 10-15% increase. The exact amount which you are expect in most place to tip. Although bad service should deserve nothing. Also by doing so it will lower the quality of service, as waiting staffs are no longer getting paid by their quality of service but time period. Also go to north, like NY, where you pay the tips in the bill and you still get the social pressure to tip. That is what will happen when law assume nobody tips.

    Bartender wise, I am a bartender too, tip or not tip is up do you, its like to be or not to be an ass is up to you too. You just have to become a bartender to respect a bartender.

    BTW the part where you say you own a business really surprised me, as most of people that I know who owns business, and I mean other than restaurant business, they know those basics; such as service is part of the product you buy. Even if they don’t understand, they will at least show respect. Cheap owners? please run a restaurant and show me how you are not cheap when over 50% of the starting restaurants are not making money. Also to the person who ask the manager to choose between “server who spit in the food” vs “customer” I will choose the customer side whether he/she tips or not. HOWEVER, if you ever dare to insult my employee in my restaurant because you think you are better, get your ass ready, cause it will be kicked HARD. As an owner, I prefer mutual respect.


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