Why Your Reasons for Demanding a Tip are Wrong

Waiters are understandably upset about why I don’t tip and have given many illogical reasons in support of this ridiculous practice. Here’s a rebuttal of the most common ones.

Bullshit 1: We only Pay for the Food. Service is Extra

The menu price doesn’t include just the cost of preparing the food and paying the chef. It includes the restaurant setting, the tables, the cutlery, the effort and investment that the restaurant owner has put into the dining area. Now guess what? Since I’m paying for it, the restaurant has to give it to me. And how do they accomplish this?

Waiters. Ding ding!

See without waiters, the restaurant has no way of delivering the dining experience to me that I’m paying for. I’m paying for sitting down in a nice place. I’m paying for the air conditioning. I’m paying for the nice tablecloth and for my food to be delivered to me in a reasonable time. The menu price covers all this. Waiters are just the restaurant’s way of bringing me my food. Of fulfilling their part of the contractual obligation.

Bottom line. Servers are not independent contractors. They’re not an “extra” that you have to pay for. By hook or crook, the restaurant needs to deliver the product. Whether they use waiters or conveyor belts (a term that many seem to object to), is not my business. I don’t care. The waiters can just melt into the background and let me enjoy my food in peace. If the menu includes free refills or whatever, then waiters are required to deliver that as well. Why? Because…wait for it….I paid for it!

Bullshit 2: It’s the custom. It’s ‘merica!

Yeah right. You do realize that not all customs are created equal don’t you? Slavery was a “custom” back in the day and so was race and sexual discrimination. Anyone with an ounce of integrity does what they feel is right. There are many harmless customs in the world like bowing instead of shaking hands, or using chopsticks instead of forks etc that are morally neutral. It really makes no difference if you follow them or not.

But tipping? Hell no! It’s not morally neutral. If you get better service because you’re a good tipper, then you’re essentially paying a bribe to servers to get them to do their job properly next time. All customs have a limit. And tipping is such a convenient custom isn’t it? Hell, I wish I had a custom in place for people to just throw money at me.

And just in case someone feels I don’t appreciate the US, there are many great things about this country that I love and I’ve blogged about repeatedly. Freedom of expression, the way Americans show respect to their armed forces, the politeness of people as you walk by on the road, the work culture, the individuality.

I just don’t like tipping. It’s not as if a person has to blindly accept everything in a country without judgment. There are good things. And there are bad things. Just like everywhere else.

Bullshit 3: The cost of food will increase dramatically

Someone needs to do basic math. Increasing the price of food to pay minimum wage to waiters will not double the price of food. Some have even gone so far to claim that it’ll increase 4-5 times. Ridiculous. Totally, utterly ridiculous. Let’s dissect this rubbish.

As an example, I’ll take Chili’s. A waitress at Chili’s was so kind as to comment saying that the price of food at her restaurant will increase by 3 times – $30 for a $10 burger. Using the statistics she herself gave in her comment, there are 12 waiters (at full capacity) who need to be paid minimum wage. That’s $5 extra per hour per waiter making it a net total of $60 per hour that has to be added to the price of food on a full day.

$60/hr? For 12 waiters. That’s it! It’s peanuts. If you assume even that each waiter is serving just four tables. That’s $5 an hour extra they have to make from four tables. Even if we say that each table sits for a massive two hours, the extra paid per table is way less than $5. On the total bill. Worst, worst case scenario.

You know what? Customers won’t even notice. So stop the garbage about the prices of food going up several times to pay minimum wage. It’s utter nonsense. The only reason waiters don’t want this system in place is because they earn a hell of a lot more than than minimum wage using our tips. And they come across as the victims.

Waiters are Struggling Mothers/Students

Look, it’s not as if I don’t have sympathy for those who struggle in life. I just don’t think it’s my problem. And I specially don’t like it being impinged upon me. Generosity is one thing. Having money demanded from you is something totally else. Any tip I give is out of the generosity of my heart and I expect some gratitude for helping those in need. It’s not something I have to do since…refer to Myth 1.

Bottom line: Socially mandated tipping is a scam. I can’t believe how intelligent people have been hoodwinked into it. Probably because they like to come across as “nice” people and feel sorry for servers who hover around looking expectantly. Well, I find that irritating and I won’t buy into it.

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868 thoughts on “Why Your Reasons for Demanding a Tip are Wrong”

  1. Bhagwad, you are that guy that comes out to the bar, orders drinks, and doesn’t tip. Then, you come back up to the bar and you’re confused about why you are waiting so long for someone to server you more drinks. Understand that. You will sit and look like an idiot as people around you are taken care of, because you’re a douche. Plain and simple. Enjoy that.

    Actually, you’re probably too socially awkward to even go to bars and clubs, so nevermind.


  2. I guarantee that if you walk into my restaurant, your food will be cold, your drinks may never show up… we might go as far as to not seat you at all. We hate you, every single one of us. Have fun being a dick.


    • In reply to Aaron

      Really? You’re going to know who tips and whom does not before the bill arrives? How do you do that? If you can tell the future, you wouldn’t be waiting tables to begin with, because you’d see your dead in future before you wasted time waiting tables.


      • In reply to WheresyourCrystalBall

        Exactly right no one is demanding that you tip. You are just an asshole if you don’t. You’ve clearly never worked in the service industry and have no clue how hard those jobs are. You’re constantly moving and catering to the needs of (depending on the restaurant up to 20 people let’s say) who all expect every thing as soon as humanly possible if not sooner. People can be assholes they are entitled snobby little babies who think they are the only person in the restaurant and they need all of your attention but need you to be invisible when they don’t need you. Waiting is not as easy as it looks you obviously have no idea what it entails or you would tip 20% regardless. For the shit they have to put up with it’s the least you could do.


      • In reply to Trevor G

        No, you are wrong. I was in the industry doing everything from dish-washing to owning a place with a partner.

        I can write what I say with 100% confidence that I am correct because I WAS a waiter and have seen with my own eyes. Everything I’ve said is true.

        Nice try though.


      • In reply to whenyouASSume

        If you were ever in the service industry, you would know servers, on average, get paid 2.13/hr. depending on where you live. When our 2 week checks arrive, it is usually ZERO DOLLARS. Its a law that the Restaurant Association put into place that CANNOT BE CHANGED FOR AT LEAST 22 MORE YEARS. WE LITERALLY LIVE OFF TIPS. You smug fucking prick. I am willing to bet my next years income (which I make off TIPS) you have never been in the service industry.


      • In reply to Zach Davis

        Then you would lose your bet because I have. Mortons, Ruth’s Chris, Oceanaire, Buca, and a lot of independent places when I got tired of the chains.


      • In reply to whenyouASSume

        What a joke. You obviously are the liar here. Or maybe your business went under for your lack of experience. Either way you’re full of shit. But nice try though!!


      • In reply to WheresyourCrystalBall

        The thing is as a server I know who tips well and who doesn’t. If a Black person comes in and complains once I conveniently forget about them and let them suffer while I help my other guests because I know I’ll get less the 10% anyway. An Indian, from India, shares food gets water with no ice and tips 5% everytime so I make them wait a nice long time to get their water their orders taken etc. old people will tip 10% and I generally have to just keep them content otherwise they’ll talk my ear off. Children under 21 don’t tip so I don’t care if they walk out because they didn’t get everything their snobby asses wanted. These are just a few groups of people, and yes you are catagoriezed because we already know how you tip and we suck it up most of the time because we do not hold grudges against your kind, we accept that you’re dicks and warn our fellow co-workers about the snobby asshole you are for the next time you walk into our restaurant with your entitled snobby outlook on life. You do pay for service in a tip and if you ever wondered why you’ve received such horrible service it’s because we know who you are before you walk in the door.


      • In reply to WheresyourCrystalBall

        Actually, if it is a restaurant that takes names and numbers for reservations or credit card paid bills, some make a “no service” list in the computer that gives them a heads up when bad customers return. I work somewhere that does this, and it works surprisingly well, especially since we aren’t in a big city.


      • In reply to Anonymous

        I’ve been in the biz 20+ years, working for Mortons’, Ruth’s Chris, Oceanaire, and others and never seen that practice. Good thing it’s in a “little” city that way I never go there.


      • In reply to No1OwesyouaThing

        Again, you sir, are a dirty liar. This I’d actually a commen practice that’s becoming more and more popular. Maybe you haven’t seen or heard of it because you never actually own a restaurant or even work in one. Stop the charade and get off the comments. You just look like an idiot.


  3. Sir, no one is demanding money from you other than what you owe for the bill. If you can not afford to tip or simply do not want to, that is fine. But please do not make assumptions about our financial situation and use faulty excuses to justify your choices. Good, decent people know how to behave in the world. All I have to say is if you do not want the heavy burden of servers there are many establishments that require no formal service, they will even give you your food super fast, in a bag, and in the comfort of your car… Which should be very nice since you saved so much from never tipping!!


  4. Ok, here it is in basic legal terms. Workers are required by law to make minimum wage. The restaurant could increase the price of the food in order to have enough revenue to pay the waiters minimum wage, or they could allow the customer to supplement the lower wages by tipping, thus providing the money the waiters are legally required to make in return for the work they provide. The second way actually gives the customers more power over the waiter’s ultimate final pay: If the service is good, the waiter can earn extra money and make more than minimum wage (rewarding and incentivizing skill); if the service is bad, the waiter will earn just minimum wage. This will be either through a combination of bad tips plus supplemental wages from the employer (as required by law) or through accumulated tips just bad enough to reach minimum wage but not much more.

    One way or another, customers collectively have to pay the extra money needed for the employees to make minimum wage, that’s just how businesses work. The manager wouldn’t pay out of his own pocket, it has to be generated by the business via the customers. In this way, not tipping is abusing the system. It might be alright for a few ignorant dicks to get away with it, but if enough people decided to do it, it would bring down the system. Everyone would have to pay more for their food and service would be terrible. It’s a business application of the tragedy of the commons theory, basic economics.

    So no, you’re not legally required to tip, but tipping is the mechanism by which customers actually have the control over the waiter’s wages as a way to incentivize good service. Waiters wouldn’t care half as much if they made the same amount no matter how well they did their job: just look at McDonald’s workers or any other food workers who don’t make tips.


    • In reply to jibbylawyer

      No it’s not Economics. I am in school working on my C.P.A. and if it were simple “Economics” then more industries would go to this kind of system.


      • In reply to WhereisyourPHD

        I’ve never been a waiter before, but to me it’s common sense to look at your average McDonald’s worker’s attitude. They get paid minimum wage, they almost always have the worst customer service, and if you want to talk about something that requires no skill, they’re actually thinking of using computers at some McDonald’s.

        Is that what you really want when you take out a friend to a nice sit down restaurant? I’d rather have the power to let a server know “hey you did a shit job” or “hey you were awesome”

        The restaurant business is no joke. I’ve worked harder in my teens at domino’s pizza (which wasnt even that bad except for the rude phone customers. At least i didnt have to look at them and fill their sorry ass drinks) than as a computer repair technican. You can call them unskilled if you want to, but don’t judge till you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.

        Last point goes to your other article where you claim a preference to buffets. I actually laughed when I read it. Buffets are the most unhygenic places to eat food. You know that snotty lil kid who you saw at the door? Well he just stuck his fingers in the mashed potatoes. Bon appitit!


  5. You obviously have never worked in the hospitality industry. All the reasons that you have given are completely and utterly flawed and it shows simple ignorance as to the situation you think happens inside a restaurant.


  6. wow you are all dumb. frist of all as many of you say u get paid 2.15 a hr well we as ppl coming to eat don’t care. this is something for u and ur boss if ur the dumb ass that said hell ya I will come work for u for nothing so stop trying to blame everyone cuz u desided when u got that job not to get paid. your boss that makes 550 – 600 a week could pay u out of pocket and still make by. so why is it our job to pay u for ur rice boss shorting u out of money when most of us only make 8 – 10 bucks an hr our selfs. also there are a lot of place that pay ppl 7- 8 bucks an hr and still ask for tips for there waiters if u don’t like 2.15 an hr FIND a better job and stop bitching about the one that you got. I already paid u in the bill don’t have to do it agin at the table I don’t pay twice for my gas im not doing it for my food. everyone else I just hear you crying and bitching about other ppl. maybe u should stop and think about ur self cuz u may not like it but ur the one that agred to getting paid like a slave when u picked that job… you should start looking for a new one. you only like it cuz most days u make 10+dollers an hr with tips and u don’t clam half of it so u can get out of paying taxs. well now ur income is that off a drug dealer. you found something ppl would pay for all u do is pick it up and bring it to them and when we pay for it u want us to pay u for walking 15ft from the kitchen to my table 3 or 4 times. same thing as paying a middle man 5 bucks to walk down the rode to grab some pot. not gonna happen so y dose this free exchange? and many of u other posters say blah blah blah but this is the u.s. try going out of the u.s. and tipping they be like looking funny at you and be like but u already paid what u doing…. this is true I already paid so fuck u :P


    • In reply to steven

      If I had the time I would actually go through and correct all your horrible spelling mistakes. But I don’t have the time to do that right now. And you seem to know quite a bit about drug dealing. Could it be that you are on drugs yourself? I mean with all those spelling mistakes you are either plain stupid or you are high. But some people don’t just choose to be a waiter or waitress. They are in school working towards a higher education something you seem to lack but they need money to do that and since they do not have a diploma yet or a degree which is required for many jobs now waiting tables is the only option they have.


    • In reply to steven

      Holy shit, I honestly cannot believe you had the nerve to call other people dumb! I am in complete shock right now. PLEASE, for the love of God, drop WHATEVER you’re doing right now and RUN back to school! Start at pre-k, it’s your best bet!


  7. I sincerely hope with everything in me that you lose your job. And the only option for you is to become a waiter. And then I hope that no one ever tips you and see how you like it. Giving 10% is not much at all and there you go complaining about it. Hell some waiters and waitresses deserve to be tipped way more with some of the rude, ungrateful customers such as yourself. If you don’t care to pay a tip then by the groceries and cook for yourself in your own home and stop complaining about the wait staff at a restaurant you low life piece of shit.


    • In reply to dean

      I wish EVERYONE would cook at home, so restaurants nation-wide would close and whiny, unskilled, entitlement-minded, real-job rejects would have to get real jobs and earn every penny like the rest of us.


      • In reply to IwishYOUwould

        That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Let’s see a lot of restaurants have students that are waiters/waitresses who can’t get anything else cause they are also in school getting either their high school diploma or working towards a degree in order to start a career. With that being said coming into work, seating customers, taking your meal order, bringing you drinks, food, refills, and anything else you need while also taking care of several others and then cleaning up after you just so they can do it all over again is a real job. Hell like someone else said I work 2 jobs right now while in college. I work as a crew member at firehouse subs and also I’m a mental health specialist at a childcare facility. I do more work at firehouse than my other job and I don’t even wait tables like they do at a sit down restaurant. What exactly do YOU do since you have a “real” job.


      • In reply to whatsarealjob

        And that is anyone’s concern why? Try to be exacting, elaborate but please try to be succinct.

        Or ramble incoherently for ten paragraphs, impotently raging at an anonymous scapegoat, finish the bottle of wine/vodka/case of beer and wonder why you are the sad lazy unemployable wretch your teachers said you would be.

        Yours most sincerely E


      • In reply to Embe N Atembe

        Wow you must think you know alot. But there is some problems with your comment. First of all I do not drink anything. And secondly at 20 years old I am proud to say that I make 15 dollars an hour at my job. And what do you make? Also my teachers knew that I would be able to get any job I wanted because I worked hard in school and graduated top of my class. But thanks for trying to be cool over the Internet. But your argument and opinion is irrelevant. Please go kill yourself.


  8. hey, I’m a server and I’m fine with you not tipping me! as long as you tell me ahead of time so I can give you the terrible service that your cheap ass deserves. (: because why should I pretend to be best friends with you and expect you to tip me on the service I give if that’s not what you want? don’t waste my time or yours.


    • In reply to Marina

      This is an option? I kid of course this is the way of things. TIP To Insure Promptitude whereby the “well to do” would make themselves know, thus differentiating there service from the other “scum” waiting to be served.

      When after the separation of the colonies, this practice was not very popular amongst Americans who view it as non-egalitarian, read un-American.

      In short and to close this missive, you could use the intrinsic system or move to your new/old system but do so knowing it was an anathema to the ideals that your country was founded on.


    • In reply to Marina

      “why should I pretend to be best friends with you”

      So you’re admitting that you’re a non-sexual prostitute? Sorry, I should call you an escort. Much classier.


  9. Excuse you, but no you haven’t paid for waiters to bring things to you. There are restaurants that offer other options where you place your order and get the food yourself, but you are the one choosing to go places that require you to pay a middleman. It’s like if you wanted to buy a limo, but not hire a driver. Restaurants are more expensive than fast food and buffets partially because you are expected to pay to be pampered. It is a luxury, not a right. That’s why customers are given more control over the waiter’s wage, for motivation. I work at a bar where we wait tables and customers pay as soon as each round of orders arrives, and if customers don’t want to tip/pay for a waitress, they can go order directly from the bar. I don’t expect tips from tables that got up, put their own orders in, and waited at the bar for slightly slower, less prioritized service, and then returned to their table – good for them. But if I’m expected to attend to the every need of my customers, with a good attitude, checking on them frequently so they can enjoy an evening in more luxury, I expect money for it. And the more they pay each round, the more priority I give their wants, and the happier they end up with their night out. I’ve had tables that threw a fit over having to get their own drinks/food from the bar/kitchen because they didn’t tip, so I stopped servicing them; and when they complained to the manager/owner, he said they didn’t pay for the service so they didn’t get it. They left and we then had room to seat a table from our waiting line that tipped very well and helped our nightly profit. Also, my friend works at a restaurant where non-tippers are recorded and refused future reservations, because they waste our time.

    And yeah, if I was only paid minimum wage, you can bet your ass I would quit and take a different minimum-wage job that didn’t require me to dress up nice, act friendly and professional, and keep detailed organization of every customer of the night. I’d slack off properly at McDonalds or on some labor crew expending minimal effort in the workplace until I graduate (I’m in college) and get a full-time job. And you can put up with a sour-faced, unwashed-hair, less intelligent, slow moving, order-botching, unmotivated waitress that would be stupid enough to take a waitress job that paid minimum without tips.

    Bottom line, no one is forcing you to go out to eat, and you don’t get to tell a restaurant that waiters are a god-given right. Stay home for all we care, if we find out who you are, we won’t serve you anyway.


    • In reply to Danielle

      I’m sorry but I’m not “required” to pay a middleman. Since I can choose to not dole out money, I’m not “required” to do anything. When I buy a limo, I buy just the limo. You have to ask “what am I buying?” If on the other hand, you buy not just the limo but also the service to be driven around, then I will indeed not be required to pay extra for any driver. Why should I?

      When I pay the menu price? What am I buying? Just the food? No. I’m also buying the ambiance yes? That’s why some restaurants are more expensive than others. Now I just have to sit back and receive what I paid for. The waiters are the restaurant’s way of delivering that experience to me.

      Restaurants are more expensive on the menu price than fast food. So I’ve already paid to be pampered. Now why do I need to pay more?


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Well if I knew who you were and I worked at a restaurant and you came in I would not serve you at all. Since you don’t want to also tip a waitress or waiter than you can just wait around. Or I would take your order, purposely give you the wrong food or wait until it’s cold and only get you one drink and hope that you choke on your food. I mean I don’t make the most money in the world working 2 minimum wage jobs. But I guarantee you that if I decide that I want to go to a restaurant like a steakhouse or something then I’m going to make sure that I have enough money to tip 15% if I have good service and if I have bad service then I’ll tip the expected 10% but I mean if you are that worried about money then maybe you.need to eat at a fast food joint. You get what you pay for their too. Nasty food and shitty service.


      • In reply to youwontgetanitherwaiter

        I’ve seen plenty of servers get fired for that over the years. In my restaurant, I would have fired you or anyone on the spot for refusing to serve a customer. I remember a Server, and her girlfriend in 1998 getting fired on the spot at Buca because one of them refused to give service and then the other server spoke up against the manager trying to force her. They both got canned right there at the host stand.


      • In reply to IWISHyouWOULD

        I don’t give a fuck if I get fired. If i am having a bad day. Yet I still come into work with a smile on my face, and you treat me like shit and don’t tip me when I do everything for you then the next time you come in I will either tell the host not to seat you in my section or I’ll just pay more attention to my other tip paying customers. Why should I go out of my way to please you when you don’t do the same for me by just giving a tip. If you don’t have the money to tip the main person at a restaurant that takes care of you then you don’t need to go to a restaurant. Without waiters you’d wait forever on your food. You’d wait forever on a drink. You’d wait forever on everything. Yall just some cheap ass batches who think the world owes them something apparently. I wouldn’t serve you shit. They can fire me all they want to and then when I get fired I’m gonna wait for you in the parking lot and beat the shit out of you.


      • In reply to DoyouthinkIcare

        Then you’re not only getting fired, you’re also going to jail, lol. And don’t be so sure that you’ll be the one standing. Violence is a double edged sword.

        And yeah if you don’t care about getting fired, then you’re not going to last more than a week. Good luck. If on the other hand you’ve been serving for a long time, then you’re just posturing. No one can work in a job that long and not care about getting fired.

        Internet hero.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        Well I’m pretty sure I have the upper hand considering I’ve been training in mma for 6 years now. But I don’t have to work. My family is very wealthy. Right now I am working 2 jobs just to keep myself busy and know the value of a dollar but I don’t have to have a job. My parents pay for anything I need. I get 2000 dollars in my bank account every week. I just enjoy working. So I don’t necessarily need a tip. But other people do. And jail isn’t scary at all


      • In reply to idonthavetohaveajob

        Dude, like your the only one fucking training. I LOVE taking guys like you down. The ones that have to mention MMA or talk about the money they have are the same guys bragging about their size being laughed at by the girls…..

        please, give us an indication of who you are and where you work. I’ll be your huckleberry.


      • In reply to idonthavetohaveajob

        I give my son an allowance too. That’s cute.

        But if he were to be seen by me or someone I know posting and boasting like you, I’d cut his ass off in a heartbeat.

        Why not get off your parents dole and get a real job? If you’ve been training 6 years in MMA, why haven’t you made it to the big time? After 6 years, you might want to ask yourself that….


      • In reply to DoyouthinkIcare

        Come at me bro. I’m a 6’4″ Infantry Veteran that grew up in Detroit as a “white boy” and I LOVE when people try to start something. 99% of the time, I’ve been able to finish it. I doubt someone that carries plates for a living has a chance, but I’m game to let you try.

        By the way, waiters don’t do the hardest work. Cooks, dishwashers, hell even bus staff work harder. You pre-Madonnas do the LEAST…. I should know, I was in the industry for YEARS myself.

        If restaurants want to exist, they get the food to the table, on time, warm, and with or without you, they have to do it, or will go out of business.

        A monkey could do your job. A computer will soon replace you. Have a good day :-)


      • In reply to IWISHyouWould

        I do not know what you are talking about. At the place i work we do all of the cleaning and prep the dishes. We do not have someone clean off our tables for us. The dishwasher sits in the back watching movies. All he has to do is put them in a tray pull a lever down and put them up.


      • In reply to youwontgetanitherwaiter

        Enjoy getting fired. And I don’t pay for nasty food. I pay for the best food the restaurant’s cooks can come up with. By trying to act smart, you are robbing the restaurant and breaking their implicit contract with me. Just do your job ok?


      • In reply to bhagwad

        If you do not want to tip order to go. The same bill without having to worry about tipping a waiter. Yes servers have their own way of getting back at somebody that never tips when they come in. My mnager does not care if i give bad service she just thinks i forgot. I will not get fired for it. You see there are ways of going about it and we remember who does not tip because i waited on that table for at least thirty minutes. Next time your drink will be forgotten, wrong, or spit in. Your food will be cold, with the wrong topping, or just plain wrong. I might accidentally spill hot soup or drink on you. Also forget to bring you napkins.


      • In reply to k

        Most of that stuff will not only get you fired, but arrested. Most of you servers must not know that putting a foreign object (i.e. spit) in someones food is a criminal offense.

        Again, please tell me who you are and where you work. I will gladly put you to the test. You spit in my food or injure me, I’ll have you arrested and will sue the restaurant so fast that it would work circles around you.


      • In reply to Okay K

        You would get mad at somebody for an accident? You would not know the spit is in anything unless i told you so how would you be able to sue? If you just go around arresting everybody that accidentally spills something on you then you must be a terrible person.


      • In reply to k

        After you go look up obtuse,

        Stop. If you mention that you would do it, you know it’s not an accident, you C#NT.

        And with cameras on everyone’s phones these days, you never know who will see you put something in someone’s food. Any manager or chef worth their salt would keep an eye out for this behavior and fire you and anyone else doing it. Why? Because all it takes is one person to record it for a business to go out of business. If it came down to me keeping my job, or firing someone else to protect it, I’d fire them everyday.

        And yes, I’ve had members of my own staff reported back when I was a manager. I don’t cover for people doing such awful things. Again, I wish you or one of the other waiters on here would tell us who you are and where you work so we can take you up to your threats.

        You won’t. You are all as cowardly as you are unskilled morons working in a dead-end, menial job.


      • In reply to Don’tbeObtuse

        I am the mma trainer with a rich family that you tried talking shit to earlier. I live in augusta ga for the most part but also like staying at the beach house in Florida. So take your pick I would gladly meet you at either one and show you what an ass hole like yourself deserves. I ain’t scared of no man alive. Ask my friends. I’ve shot myself in the arm before because someone tried threatening me with a little 22 pistol. And I still fought so let’s go ahead and set something up please.


      • In reply to fromaugustaga

        You’re the big bad guy on the page that needs to talk about how big and bad you are, you come see me. You see, I’m a little tied up right now with work in EUROPE. But you can certainly check out my facebook page. I may not train for MMA, but I do Crossfit to stay in shape now that I am no longer on Active Duty. I usually make it back to Chicago a few times a year.

        When is your next fight Rockefeller? Maybe you can post a link so we can all pick up tickets. We’ll go out to eat afterwards and you can leave the tip for me.

        Cpt. Morgan Lefay


      • In reply to YOUcometomehomeboy

        I like how you tried to mention how you are a veteren. While I do thank you for serving our country I don’t not respect you at all. And I’ll ask my grandad if we can get tickets to europe. I’m sure it wont be a problem since last year we did a lot of vacationing over there. What part of europe if you don’t mind me asking?


      • In reply to stillnotgettingrespectfromme

        I don’t want your respect. Never did. I served for my own reasons and it certainly has nothing to do with asshats in chatrooms.

        And the feeling is mutual homeboy.

        Oh, my friend Chris Lytle says the ones bragging the most about their training in chat rooms are the ones that will never find themselves of the level he’s been at, he never brags. Guess that’s why he’s the champ, and you’re just waiting tables while you train for six years.

        Where’s your next match? Whom are you facing? Whom have you fought? What’s your record? I have two friend that are actual fighters in MMA, one I served in the Army with. I’d really like to know. Perhaps we’ll come watch your match. I’d like to see what six years of training accomplishes.


      • In reply to P.S.

        I actually am no longer a waiter. I am a mental health specialist for abused and neglected children. I just don’t see why it’s such a big deal to tip the person who literally makes your experience at a restaurant. Without waiters you wouldn’t have shit done at a restaurant


      • In reply to youwontgetanitherwaiter


        Again, he is not saying he NEVER tips. Just pointing out that he is well within his rights NOT to.

        And servers are NOT within their rights to refuse service. If they try, they might be fired, why? Because the point the writer is making, the restaurant gave a promise of food, drinks, atmosphere, and all delivered to the place where the customer is sitting. Most restaurants will make sure customers get what they pay for, by forcing staff to serve, even if they might not get tipped.

        Bottom line, do your job, or get fired. Or quit if you don’t like it.


  10. Ok so this guy isn’t ever gonna get it. I’m a server and at this point in his posting it would be much like the second time you see someone who doesn’t tip well in your restaurant. You ignore him. Don’t treat him like a guest treat him like someone who is going to leave. Continue doing our job even though he’s an asshole who doesn’t tip. Yeah it doesn’t seem right to treat someone with respect when they don’t deserve it. But if he comes in we still have to do out job. He says we have it easy but how would he know. He seems to be a pretty good writer, but is he a sever. No. He. Has no clue what this is like. He’s a kid who never learned to swim. A person who sees the title of a book and doesn’t open the pages. He’s one of those people who the only way he’ll learn is by doing it, but I doubt he has the balls to try this job where we make a living by not really doing anything at all. He’s just mad cause he has to work hard at a desk typing blogs while we talk to people and they give us money. The life of a blogger is tough. There are enough ass holes in the world everyone. He chose his place. Let’s choose ours, and be better than him. I mean, we already know we are… At least i do.


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