5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter

It never fails to shock me how a tip is demanded in the US. People simply refuse to listen to reason when we (yes, there are others!) tell them that leaving a tip isn’t necessary. Well, I’m hoping for too much here, but if you’re a waiter, here are 5 reasons why I will try my best not to give any money to you and why the reasons for tipping are crappy.

1. You act as if you’re my best friend

Just leave me alone ok? I don’t want to bloody chit chat with you. I want food. FOOD! Get it? It’s a restaurant. I go there to eat. I go because I want either Italian food, Chinese Food or something else which I can’t get in a McDonald’s. So I come to a restaurant to fulfill my cravings for it. I will pay for what I value – food. Not you.

Christ, you offend me – kneeling down next to my table, pretending to like me and chatting as if you’re my best friend when it’s obvious that all you’re after is the tip! I’m not a bloody money bag you know. I will pay the bill which includes the cost of the food, the environment and the salaries of the people involved – nothing more.

The only way to get money out of me that I don’t have to legally pay is by prying it out of my cold dead hands…

Bottom line: I don’t want to know your name, or interact with you for any longer than I have to in order to place my order. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the equivalent of a conveyor belt that brings me my food and a computer into which I input my order. Of course, I won’t be rude. But don’t expect me to interact with you any more than I would with some stranger.

Image Credit: cafemama


Did you earn this tip?


2. You don’t get paid enough

And this is my problem how exactly? It’s astonishing that customers are expected to make up for your employer’s cheapness in not paying you a decent wage. Please include the full cost in everyone’s bill thank you very much. I’ll pay it because I have to and the charge is there for me to see.

What’s really funny here is that no one seems to criticize the employers! All criticism is reserved for non tipping customers instead of the owners of the restaurant for not paying a decent wage. Wtf! Could it possibly be because you guys know you can make much more by tips and under report your income to the IRS?

3. You’ll spit in my food if I don’t tip you?

And I’ll shoot your kid if you don’t give me a million dollars. Seriously, am I even hearing this right? You’re actually using the threat of blackmail to make me pay you? Well as long as you’re openly claiming to be a criminal it’s all right I guess.

Fortunately that’s why I prefer buffets. Listen apart from it being illegal, this shows your poor integrity. But if you spit in someone’s food because they didn’t give you money you didn’t earn, then you’re a loser and deserve to be a waiter for the rest of your life.

4. Bringing me my food isn’t worthy of being paid extra

Did you cook it? Did you invent it? No. You picked it up and brought it to me. While it might not be easy, there are plenty of jobs which are much worse – shop floor workers for example. And I’ve been a shop floor manager, so I know. Face it – compared to other jobs, being a waiter is unskilled. You get paid what the market will think your services are worth. You don’t deserve more for your work over and above what your employer should pay you.

5. Money doesn’t grow on trees

I expect you to be grateful and pray for me at night if I tip you 10%. Be happy I gave you anything at all. I worked for the money in my wallet and by giving you some I didn’t have to, I’m doing you a favor. Learn to remember that when people give you something they don’t need to, it’s a favor. You don’t complain that they didn’t give you more!

By the way, the same thing above applies to all professions that demand tips including those on cruise liners.

So now that you understand why I won’t give you money you don’t deserve, stop with the “oh how could you?” attitude. I can. And I will.

Update: Here’s a rebuttal of the many silly justifications for tipping that people have given in the comments section.

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12,129 thoughts on “5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter”

  1. Folks.. This entire argument was taken from a fictional film called Reservoir Dogs by my Character Mr. Pink. Now, Mr. Pink’s argument was completely flawed since he made his money as a criminal, taking down scores like banks and jewelry stores. It wasn’t meant to be taken seriously by a bunch of retards especially since Mr. Pink says Waitresses make minimum wage…which they don’t. But as usual with tarantino movies, too much dialogue filler and not much else..


  2. What I am noticing is the failure to recognize that restaurants are for dining purposes. I hear you “people” saying get a better job. What is wrong with serving? And if all servers quit, then I guess you’d have to eat at McDonald’s because there would be no more sit down restaurants. Now I know we all know that won’t happen. So respect the fact that you can go in, sit down, relax, eat and not have to do any clean up. Respect your sever. Oh and I’m not a dumbass. Just a server.


  3. I never waited tables before but I’m pretty sure it’s common knowledge that when we go out to eat, we’re going for the pleasure and the experience of service, hence we’re all paying for service when we dine out. Otherwise pull your retarded ass up to the second window and pick up your Whopper with cheese, medium fries and large coke.


  4. Obviously you have never worked in restaurant before. Though, with your personality and attitude towards one, McDonalds wouldn’t even hire you. I’m twenty years old and have been working in the restaurant business for the past four years of my life. Thankfully, I have only dealt with a few people like you in my serving experience.
    Hopefully I’m not asking you for too much here, other than to read the reasons on why you SHOULD tip your server.

    1.We don’t want to be your best friend.
    If you would like to get left alone when you go to a restaurant, then stay home and cook it yourself. Walk your lazy ass to the grocery store and save us all some grief. If you want Italian, Chinese, or Greek then go to the google search bar, and find the recipe and the ingredients. We did not ask for you to come to our restaurant, much less our country.
    We don’t kneel next to your table to act like we are buddies, most likely it’s because we have spent 40+ hours that week on our feet toting heavy trays of food and drinks back and forth to our tables. Servers in larger restaurants walk somewhere around ten miles per 6 hours of work. But since you prefer buffets, I’m sure you have no idea what it is to walk on your feet for that long. Much less be able to carry 20+ pound tray and walk at the same time.
    We are nice to you in hopes of a good tip because we provided you with excellent service. We fill up your drinks, bring you condiments, and when you order something absolutely absurd, we are the ones who take the heat from the cooks. You, on the other hand, only have to lift a hand to unfold your napkin and feed yourself.

    Bottom Line: You really need to make a conveyor belt that will bring you your own food and drinks. Then you would be rich and not so stingy with your money.

    2.We DON’T get paid enough.
    Trust me, there are some days I wish I could be a shop floor manager and not have to deal with the 200+ customers I get a night. Thanks to the nice tippers out there who know how hard we work, if not I wouldn’t be able to support myself through college. Our wage isn’t your problem, and that’s why you don’t live in the United States. So let me explain to you how it goes. Say your burger costs you $8.50 when you go out now. Your server gets paid about $5.50 an hour plus TIPS. If your server were to get paid hourly, let’s say 10.00 an hour, your burger now costs you DOUBLE of what you were paying before to cover the restaurants employee costs. Now that $2.00 tip you should have left on the $8.50 bill doesn’t seem too much does it?

    3. We don’t spit in your food.
    Goodness you must be really gullible to believe someone would spit in your food. If you are going to restaurants that have a good reputation and a reputable facility you should know that when cooking the food the waiters normally do not come in contact with it until it is on a tray ready to be escorted to their table. Let me make this even more clear, THE FOOD IS OUT FOR DELIVERY WHERE EVERYBODY IN THE KITCHEN CAN SEE YOU. Why would I risk my job to spit in your food? I wouldn’t. I’d take my sweet time bringing you the bill. Or, if you’re a known stiffer, then I would take my time and not worry about any of your needs. Need ketchup? That’ll be an extra 15 minutes.

    4.Bringing me my food is worth the extra FEW dollars.
    Did you get up to go get your five refills? No we didn’t cook it, but what would you do without your server? Get in from the cooks? HAHAH I don’t think so. If you think your hatred for tipping your server is high, the cooks hate you way more than you could ever imagine. As a shop floor manager did you have to memorize their orders/drinks and cater to over two hundreds peoples needs and complaints in a single shift? Did you have to memorize the materials that every piece of clothing was made of if a customer asked? I didn’t think so either. Don’t even let me start on the drink menu they have to memorize along with the regular menu. If you can’t afford to tip a couple extra dollars on your meal then don’t sit at a table. Sit your ass at the bar or get your meal to-go.

    5.Money doesn’t grow on tress.
    If it did we sure as hell wouldn’t be slaving our days away to make you happy that you dined at our restaurant. We work for every penny we make. If you expect me to pray for because you gave me a tip, then you better start praying that your boss decides to sign your check.

    The only exception for a crappy tip is if you receive bad service.


  5. https://www.facebook.com/kvjshow/photos/a.127411107285821.20241.125043830855882/625501164143477/?type=1&theater
    and in case your dumb ass didnt know, THE TIP MONEY IS THEIR PAY CHECK. Waiters and waitresses literally get payed half of minimum wage, and it isnt because their employers are “shitty” or “cheap” its because thats is literally what they get payed… just about anywhere at any restaurant they will ever work at. So if you want to get payed 2-4 dollars for an hour of work and see how well you live on that and STILL not give these poor people a tip, then you get what you deserve when you go and get shitty service or someone spits in your food. I dont work at a restaurant, but I do work for the food industry and I bet you are the type of person that wells at the person taking your order just because the CHEF left something off your plate, or put something on your food you didnt want, and just you know blame the waitresses for something they couldnt prevent… and for the record if I was a waitress, I wouldnt be able to do it because I honestly dont even think I get payed enough to deal with the people that I DEAL WITH on a regular basis and I would never, EVER be able to put up with a customer as ignorant as you.. and Ive had some pretty fucking stupid customers too.


    • In reply to Brittany

      I call bullshit on this answer I worked for 10 years in the food industry and have seen so many servers claiming to be poor! most servers make MUCH MUCH more then they claim on their tax forms! servers on an average in a decent restaurant make in the 4 digit per week range! I have personally witnessed over and over servers cashing their tips in for the night and taking home 2300$ cash while claiming 40 or 50 $ on their taxes! I think tipping should be abolished and ade illegal! pay them a competitive wage for the skill level involved and experience level!


      • In reply to james

        Well I have one thing to say to you and let me say that I have never been a waiter or server. You are a HUGE DICK HEAD!!!! Thanks and go fuck yourself you dumb mother fucking prick. This goes for any Cock that feels the same as this SHIT HEAD!!!


      • In reply to james

        Haha I can’t help but to laugh at the mass amount of stupidity your brain has been impacted with throughout your very obvious miserable life. I served from 16-20 the most I had ever taken home was mid 400 range. Since you are uneducated I’ll elaborate 4 years 4×365= 1,460 days and only one I made 1/5th of what you seem to think we take home on the daily fool. Second point I am very sorry that your brain never outgrew it’s adolescent and immature stage which obviously stunted your ability to reason and logically make decisions before you say such utter trash that spews from your dirty mouth. On this note I leave you with a good luck when someone screws you over with a nice flew infested spit word which you will never be able to see because they will incorporate into your food in ways you could never imagine. Have a wonderful day


  6. After years of seeing my great servers running around, and the impeccable skills of multi-tasking that they’ve learned, I honestly don’t even think I could do it! I have an office job in advertising and I swear, waiting tables has to be the hardest their is! So, anyone here talking shit about no leaving a tip is completely and utterly full of shit because either they don’t have a job to begin with and are comfortable not giving away the money everyone else has given to them, through the Government and their government Welfare, or they’re so rich that they simply don’t care about anyone else but themselves. I hope their children die horrible, HORRIBLE DEATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


  7. I have to say that I agree and disagree. I waitressed all through college until I received my BS degree. It does take skill, but it is easy to learn. However, it is very hard on your body. Most nights I have to come home and put my feet up bc they always in pain. I went out and got a “real job”, but after having a baby with disabilities I had to quit my day job and return to waitressing. It is the only decent paying, flexible, evening position that is always hiring. I do agree that it is wrong for restaurant owners to pay their employees below minimum wage and expect the customers who are already spending an arm and a leg for a decent meal to pay the servers wages. I’m pretty sure America is the only country that does this. And I do think it is ridiculous for customers to be expected to tip 20% at all times. Just because your $30 meal cost more than the $15 meal doesn’t mean the server is really doing any extra work to get it to your table. But unfortunately, it is the way it is. In Florida we make $4.75/hr, so if you could find it in your heart to tip at least $4-5 to make it minimum wage that would be greatly appreciated. If you make less than me and just want a nice meal cooked for you, I completely understand and do not fault you for not tipping. But if you make more than $18,000 a year and do not care to contribute to our economy by tipping your server…. Then you really should stay home or get fast food.


    • In reply to ihaveadegree

      If you have a degree why are you so stupid? The employer has to make up your wage to equal minimum wage. So even you dumbasses in Florida have to make at least minimum wage. Which is way way more than you were worth. I never tip because I feel what you do does not deserve a tip. Just do your simple job and be happy server of people with more money than you.


      • In reply to Dax

        While it is true that restaurant owners are required to make up for their worker’s pay not equaling after a night’s work, you would be shocked at the amount of places that DON’T do this. Or require the server to pay for the food if one of their customer’s walks out without paying. Both acts are illegal, and both acts are also commonplace. You’re just a jerk that doesn’t care about anything or anyone other than yourself.


      • In reply to Gary Coleman

        Gary Coleman you are correct I don’t give a crap about the waitress. If her employer is not following the law I don’t care. Not my problem. However you are wrong about me only caring about myself. I care that my teenage daughters have the latest trendy clothes, designer purses and Ugg boots. I give them money to have fun at the mall. I make mid 6 figures because I have a MBA and attend continuing education classes throughout the year. Any highschool droput flunkie can be a waitress. I don’t give a crap she is scraping to make ends meet not my problem.


      • In reply to Dax

        Your an asshole.
        Stay home to eat, you fatass pig.
        Never in my life have I read so much ignorance from an asshole.
        You should be stamped on your forehead so everyone knows not to serve you or let you in.
        Hey! And applause to you for buying your daughters UGG(ly) boots – those expensive cheap Alaskan looking pieces of shit that you probably didn’t even bash an eyelid about paying for but won’t even tip a dollar to those that have to serve you.
        Did I mention, you’re an …wait for it…asshole.
        Take your careless blog up your butt.


      • In reply to Dax

        Not your problem if the employer is “breaking the law” but you tards care if servers under report their tips? Lmao you idiots really are stupid!


      • In reply to Dax

        I am waitressing to put myself through school. I am currently working on a doctoral degree. While it is easy to be a sever, to be a good server is actually quite government does not require my hourly rate to be at minimum wage. It is not my fault that you think we do not deserve fair pay. What is my fault is if you receive poor service from me. I have had tables on busy nights that I am greatful for a few dollars, because I know I did not do my job properly. But when a family comes into my establishment and demands modifications on every meal, a refill every couple minutes, and needs this or that every time they see me I expect to be fairly compensated. It is the servers who push for your good to come out hot and fresh in a timely manner. The cooks do not care. It is the servers who deal with your bull shit trying to make a viable income. The managers do not actually. It is the servers who deal with you’re complaints about prices, comfort, and other establishment problems. If you feel I don’t deserve to be able to support myself then you my friend do not deserve to come into such establishments. We are all human beings just trying to get by. If you do not understand, please get off your high horse and spend some time in someone else’s shoes.


      • In reply to Kasey

        You are being paid minimum-wage so you are being compensated. You have a simple unskilled job just do your job and stop complaining. You do not deserve a tip for doing your job. You are more than being fairly compensated. If I had it my way you would only make two dollars an hour. Refilling drinks and bringing people’s food to them is your job stupid. You think you are deserving of extra money. Grow Up Bitch.


      • In reply to Dax

        Well I have one thing to say to you and let me say that I have never been a waiter or server. You are a HUGE DICK HEAD!!!! Thanks and go fuck yourself you dumb mother fucking prick. This goes for any Cock that feels the same as this SHIT HEAD!!!


      • In reply to Dax

        Wow I can’t believe we are talking about this, I never been a waitress, but I always leave a tip you don’t know what’s going on in their life not to leave a tip is poor characters, and i cant believe you are raising a teenager your teaching her not to tip shame on you they could be working 2 jobs 3 jobs trying to raise their kids because the husband could have left them, you’re just a jerk that thinks his s*** doesn’t stink because you have money. you can think Florida they have it written out if you get tips you don’t have to pay minimum wage so take it up with Fl not the waitress, it’s not their fault.


      • In reply to krystal

        Krystal I go to a restaurant to eat. If the waitress is raising kids on her own going to school has money problems I don’t give a crap. She messed up her life I don’t want to hear it and I could care less. I expect her to wait on me efficiently bring me my food and do not speak unless spoken to. I am not going to tip her because she is supposed to make minimum-wage even if she does not get it with tips I don’t want to hear how hard she works because it is unskilled labor and unskilled labor is hard work. I do know of a waitress that tampered with food and she went to jail for eight years. I am not going to tip you for doing your job get over it and grow up. I am wealthy because of hard work and education. That is why I don’t have those problems that a waitress has.


  8. If you don’t want to tip don’t go out to eat simple as that, you get your food no chit chat and you can eat in peace. I work my ass off everyday to make my guest happy and give them an amazing experience. Cheap jackasses like you should just stay home. And next time you are at a restaurant don’t ask your server for anything special since you don’t think they enjoy your tip.


    • In reply to sean

      So you bust your ass as a waiter every day. You sound lazy to me. It is your job to wait on me. Thinking that you are deserving of a tip is funny. You are just doing the job you’re hired for. I think it’s really funny that you think just bringing me my food makes you so entitled to a tip. It is not worthy of a tip. Sounds to me like you’re doing the bare minimum of your job. And you should bust your ass it’s an unskilled job any retard can write down an order and bring it to a table. Last I checked no training was involved at the soda machine. No education or skill is involved in your job. Trust me nothing you do is skilled. Since you are so simple and dumb I am sure you think it’s very complicated. Let’s think about what you do. You write down a customers order walk to the kitchen with the order walk to the bar place drink order. Back to customers table. Sounds very simple and unskilled to me


  9. Then get your food to go n stay home, you pathetic, lonely loser. I can’t imagine you’d have many or any friends at all and certainly none that would dine out with you anyway, since you’re about as charming as a thumb tack lodged under a bare foot, so taking up an entire table for a cheap, rude and miserable excuse for a human is a waste of valuable space.


  10. Wow, you need to spend some time eating out in another country and learning to appreciate the excellent service American servers usually give. Eat in a cafe or pub in the UK? You’ll pay the same or more for a meal or soft drink as in the US, but smaller portions and no free refills. You’ll get a can and never see your waiter again. Your table may or may not have been wiped between customers. You might be grabbing the ketchup, salt and pepper from the next table over or you might even have to get it yourself from a central communal station. You want ice, here’s a cube. You want lots of ice? Here’s two cubes. The differences between adequate service and excellent service are endless. I think you’re just too spoiled by American service to realise it. Incidentally, I went to college in the US and worked in two restaurants during that time. It was fun, but exhausting. Actually most of the people I worked with, like me, were students. Or in the case of the grave yard shift, moms who turned up for the 7pm-6am shift after their husbands returned from work.

    I’m guessing unless you dine alone (extremely probable) the people who eat with you are either embarrassed by your cheapness or fellow jackasses. If anyone can do it, why don’t you get a second job (assuming you already work) and do 3 shifts as a waiter before you make your judgements?

    Your only defense that makes any sense is that the employers ought to be paying more. So why pick on the unfortunate? Why not pick on the employers that are taking advantage of their employees? If you really feel it’s wrong, why are you eating at those places?


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