5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter

It never fails to shock me how a tip is demanded in the US. People simply refuse to listen to reason when we (yes, there are others!) tell them that leaving a tip isn’t necessary. Well, I’m hoping for too much here, but if you’re a waiter, here are 5 reasons why I will try my best not to give any money to you and why the reasons for tipping are crappy.

1. You act as if you’re my best friend

Just leave me alone ok? I don’t want to bloody chit chat with you. I want food. FOOD! Get it? It’s a restaurant. I go there to eat. I go because I want either Italian food, Chinese Food or something else which I can’t get in a McDonald’s. So I come to a restaurant to fulfill my cravings for it. I will pay for what I value – food. Not you.

Christ, you offend me – kneeling down next to my table, pretending to like me and chatting as if you’re my best friend when it’s obvious that all you’re after is the tip! I’m not a bloody money bag you know. I will pay the bill which includes the cost of the food, the environment and the salaries of the people involved – nothing more.

The only way to get money out of me that I don’t have to legally pay is by prying it out of my cold dead hands…

Bottom line: I don’t want to know your name, or interact with you for any longer than I have to in order to place my order. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the equivalent of a conveyor belt that brings me my food and a computer into which I input my order. Of course, I won’t be rude. But don’t expect me to interact with you any more than I would with some stranger.

Image Credit: cafemama


Did you earn this tip?


2. You don’t get paid enough

And this is my problem how exactly? It’s astonishing that customers are expected to make up for your employer’s cheapness in not paying you a decent wage. Please include the full cost in everyone’s bill thank you very much. I’ll pay it because I have to and the charge is there for me to see.

What’s really funny here is that no one seems to criticize the employers! All criticism is reserved for non tipping customers instead of the owners of the restaurant for not paying a decent wage. Wtf! Could it possibly be because you guys know you can make much more by tips and under report your income to the IRS?

3. You’ll spit in my food if I don’t tip you?

And I’ll shoot your kid if you don’t give me a million dollars. Seriously, am I even hearing this right? You’re actually using the threat of blackmail to make me pay you? Well as long as you’re openly claiming to be a criminal it’s all right I guess.

Fortunately that’s why I prefer buffets. Listen apart from it being illegal, this shows your poor integrity. But if you spit in someone’s food because they didn’t give you money you didn’t earn, then you’re a loser and deserve to be a waiter for the rest of your life.

4. Bringing me my food isn’t worthy of being paid extra

Did you cook it? Did you invent it? No. You picked it up and brought it to me. While it might not be easy, there are plenty of jobs which are much worse – shop floor workers for example. And I’ve been a shop floor manager, so I know. Face it – compared to other jobs, being a waiter is unskilled. You get paid what the market will think your services are worth. You don’t deserve more for your work over and above what your employer should pay you.

5. Money doesn’t grow on trees

I expect you to be grateful and pray for me at night if I tip you 10%. Be happy I gave you anything at all. I worked for the money in my wallet and by giving you some I didn’t have to, I’m doing you a favor. Learn to remember that when people give you something they don’t need to, it’s a favor. You don’t complain that they didn’t give you more!

By the way, the same thing above applies to all professions that demand tips including those on cruise liners.

So now that you understand why I won’t give you money you don’t deserve, stop with the “oh how could you?” attitude. I can. And I will.

Update: Here’s a rebuttal of the many silly justifications for tipping that people have given in the comments section.

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12,129 thoughts on “5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter”

  1. The author of this article complains that the servers / waiters / waitresses keep bothering him or her, asking if the food is okay or if they need more water. The author then goes on to state they do not want any of these things and the employee should act as a “conveyor belt”

    The problem lies entirely on you, not the establishment. You choose to go to a place that offers this service. If this is a service you do not want nor like you can flex your free market muscle and choose to give business to any of numerous establishments that serves mid to high end food with no wait staff.

    Oh wait. They don’t exist.

    Aside from fast food chains, low end niche food / greasy spoons and buffets, you can’t get this service you are asking for. Why is that?

    No one wants you are asking for.

    The vast majority of customers want that service. They want their water or other beverages refilled when it’s nearing empty. They want the ability to have the server come to them to speak with them instead of trying to awkwardly flag them down. They want their server to offer them *service*

    The author – and those who religiously oppose tipping – are in the minority… Tough luck. Add your 15% on top of the bill like you are expected to or simply choose not to eat at these places.

    For anyone on the fence go into your nearest Wal-mart and ask for assistance. See what happens when you pay your customer service representatives a “living wage”


    • In reply to Greg H.

      When I go to a high and restaurant of course I expect to be waited on hand and foot. This is the job of the waitress and waitstaff. I am the high-class customer that deserves this pampering. I refuse to tip the low class help. The only reason the help has a job is because people like me support the restaurant. I am of such high stature, the waitstaff is privileged to be able to cater to my needs. I do not tip the servants for doing their job. They are there to serve me and my guests. The wait staff should never feel entitled to a tip. That is very low class and pathetic. Lack of education and skills should make you very pleased to make meager wages.


  2. I waited tables at an Outback Steakhouse in Tennessee for six months while attending college and playing baseball. I made $2.13 an hour and NEVER walked out with more than $100 in tips for a night, even if I worked a double shift on a Sunday. It wasn’t my goal to support myself for life by waiting tables, it was however the only job that would work around my 18 hour a week class schedule and 25-35 hours per week that I spent at practice, games etc. At Outback, we had a 3% tip out from our total sales that went to the bar staff for fixing drinks. So if you sat in my section, ran up a $125 bill, and didn’t leave a tip, I paid the bar staff $.75 ouy of my huge hourly wage for the pleasure of waiting on your cheap ass. That means, of its a slow night, and you’re my only table for that hour, that I’m taking home less than $1.50 for that hour of work. In actuality, I’m taking home less, BC you shouldn’t claim less than 10% of your total sales when you enter your claimed tips because it will likely lead to a tax audit, because yes, even our shitty government isn’t as cheap as you. They expect decent people to leave at least 10%. So, after busting my ass waiting on you for an hour, you stiff me, I pay the bar staff $.75 out of my $2.13, and then to make the government happy, I have to claim that you tipped me $12.50, which is the amount I’m taxed on, not the actual $1.38 I made because you’re an asshole. If you don’t want to deal with a server, don’t. Go to a fast food restaurant, where I’m sure their service will be exceptional since they make minimum wage, or go to a buffet where they put you food on a “conveyor belt.”


    • In reply to Jeremiah

      Jeremiah to me you’re nothing but a walking talking conveyor belt. I order my food and drinks and you bring it to me. You are delusional if you think this is worth 20%. I say it’s worth the $2.13 an hour you get paid. Without my tip your employer must bring you up to minimum-wage anyways. My tip to you is don’t expect me to ever tip. You should tip me for the pleasure of waiting on me. I should get at least a dollar for having to listen to you tell me your name.


  3. The writer is the sort of obnoxious and self absorbed twit who cannot accept customs. An example is saying that wagers for wait staff are not his problem. But if he looked into it, he’s learn that waiters are exempt from even minimum wages – because of tipping. So the real question is, why are you (the writer) such an asshole. Or if you really don’t know, look up a book about social customs in the US.


  4. You’re an undereducated ignorant fool. I am educated and have held high paying jobs. I also own my own successful business for 8 years. I decided to close it to spend more time at home with my children. My husband is also highly successful and makes 6 figures. Probably more than your dumb ass. I chose to serve again while I go back to school to become a teacher and to stay home with my 4 children. Serving allows me to work just a couple nights a week and make instant cash that I need while in this life changing tradition for our family. If you can’t tip, don’t go out to eat. Sit in a drive thru you worthless human. At least I know I’m raising children to be more successful, smart and educated than you. This world has enough stupid and crazy people running around. I’m not your slave you ignorant fool.


  5. I live in vegas and work as a tipped employee.

    I took home $101,000 in 2014 and I work 4 days a week at an hourly rate – no overtime.

    Oh, I also took 5 weeks off to explore south east asia.

    You can save your 10%, most of us don’t need it.

    Did i mention i have full benefits?

    Enjoy your dining experience,



    • In reply to brian

      I’m glad to hear it. Every Christmas I stay at a five-star hotel in Vegas. I never tip the bellhop, valet, or any restaurant worker. You did just give everyone else a very good reason to never tip. I didn’t need a reason I just don’t tip.


      • In reply to Dave

        I’m a young male waiter who always is referred to as a waitress by customers and it makes me embarrassed and red in my face :-( I think maybe they say it on accident but some times I don’t know. I’m 23 and never finished college, and now I don an apron everyday and I see beautiful women with much better looking guys than me who don’t even acknowledge me when I approach the table. :-( they don’t ever even want to talk to me. I feel like I’m just such a low person in life in a low station.


      • In reply to The waitertress

        Sounds to me like you just serious self esteem issues man. Everybody has to have a hustle and make money in life. At least you have a job. Focus on the positive things that you have going for you in life. Instead of being so negative and depressing. Also who f**kin cares if they call you a waitress sometimes? Tell them to go f**k themselves! Women don’t automatically look down on you just cuz you’re a server. They look down on low self esteem and lack of confidence!


    • In reply to brian

      Good for you Brian! I’m so very glad to hear! You know, every time some cheap, yellow bellied retard walks into my bistro, we treat him accordingly. By the time his cheap ass is through with his discounts already, (senior discount…cop discount…military discount…coupon) management and myself, the head waiter have decided he isn’t even paying for lunch what I actually make in wages!! So, we don’t want people like that, back in our restaurant, and we’ve told him! (Yes we told him, we have a reputation to secure). He hasn’t returned on his normal days, and we’re happy because, cheap people take up real estate for more generous people. I’ve made $89,000 last year, that doesn’t include money I got back on a tax return, from submitting receipts, for clothes that I buy for my work uniform (which, I spend very good money on quality clothes).


      • In reply to The almighty one

        So you’re mad at a customer usng discounts that your restaurant offers? Only a greasy spoon would offer those discount anyways. You should tip the customer for eating at a dump like that. You are so full of shit the only way you made that much money is if you sold drugs on the side. Obviously your just mad you didn’t get a tip on a egg and toast special that cost 3 dollars. Get a real job loser


    • In reply to Peter

      There’s a very special place for people that need tips to survive. It is called Welfare, Food Stamps, and a life of Debt. Get a real job you lazy piece of shit. I’m not going to tip you for doing your simple unskilled retarded job.


      • In reply to I have money

        So instead of working for money you would rather them not work and just take money from the State that your ever growing tax’s pay for. Sounds really smart…oh wait!


      • In reply to I have money

        I really feel sorry for u, have money dont make u better than nobody and dont feel a god just because u have the opportunity to tip somebody. Your fucking 10% is nothing. I prefer somebody nice, helpful and friendly that doesn’t tip b than get 10% from a dick head like u. We are just trying to earn some money (its not my forever job, its just temporary and i am doing that because i need to pay my college fee) and we are not there to be your fucking maid. If u don’t tip, fine, don’t tip, but at least be nice to them.
        When i have mean, stupid people in my section, i just tell my manager that i am not serving them and she is fine with it.
        Also with u dont like chatting with your waitress just because there to get your food, i really feel sorry for u, what a small mind u have. I have met so many nice people and really made friends with some. One customer is a hairdresser, chatting with her i found out about it and now she is my hairdresser, another one is a painter ( i also paint in my free time) we always exchange paint techniques and he gave me a really nice painting for xtimas (thoses people never tip me, but just been nice and friendly its better than tip)


    • In reply to Peter

      We had a fancy Kobe steak dinner with wine and the bill came to $300.00. I paid my bill and left no tip. The waitress followed me out to my BMW and asked me if everything was okay. I told her everything was fine until you came out here to bother me. She told me that she relies on tips to pay her bills. I asked her if she knew where the unemployment office was. Before she could answer I told her that’s exactly where you’re headed. How dare this lowlife piece of crap follow me to my car. I had her fired and was given a free meal for a return visit. The restaurant owner manager had her shaking and in tears. Before I left he thanked me for my business. I thanked him for the way he handled this. How dare any waitress confront a person that has wealth and prestige.


      • In reply to Joseph

        Good for you Joseph, something similar happened to me. Just because we have money and can afford expensive dinners the waitress thinks we are going to leave her a huge tip. I don’t tip either. $2.13 an hour to me is fair pay for walking to the kitchen and bringing our food to the table. The wait staff that took care of us did a good job of butt kissing. I found it very annoying and practically begging for a tip. I find it hard to believe a grown man or woman would do this for a living. To me this is a kid job that deserves kids pay.


      • In reply to William

        The first time a patron stiffed me on a tip, I let it go, the second time, he sat for 20 minutes until approached and told him, “so sorry sir, this section is closed, you’re going to have to move”. My own personal busser even took out the vacuum and started vacuming 2 feet from his table LMFAO!!!!!!!! Believe me, he never returned because….I’m the manager also. Guess what retards, its very simple: you either, get with the program, or STARVE


      • In reply to Brian

        I am calling bullshit on this. If you ever treated a customer like that or made them wait or start vacuuming that close to them you would be fired. I would do everything in my power to make sure you did get fired. You wouldn’t be the first piece of crap manager I had fired. My tip line always says zero. You better make sure I have a good dining experience or you won’t have a job.


      • In reply to Edward

        Edward, you are a pathetic excuse for a human. I’ve never waited tables but I can peg you ass a douce bag. If your tip line is zero then you should have told your server in advance you’re not gonna tip. But a guy like you probably wouldn’t have the balls to do that, no, you’ll just let them take your order, refill your drink, bring your food, make sure the food taste good, clear your plates, and then leave no tip. You sad, sad creature. If you don’t want to tip them then don’t let them wait on you. Try McDonalds, you’d probably be really classy there.


      • In reply to Branson

        Branson, when I am at a suit and tie dress code restaurant. The waitstaff’s purpose is to serve me and make sure I am happy. I will not tip them because I’m better than them and they should be happy to wait on me. I never tip the little people.


      • In reply to Joseph

        AYou’re a piece of shit cause if it was me I would spitin you’re face beat the shit out of you in front of you’re guessts embeares you and take you BMW … That shows what kind of selfish prick you are low life


      • In reply to Jimmy

        Jimmy if you were stupid enough to put your hands on me over no tip. I would not hesitate to put a bullet in your head. I am a concealed pistol permit holder. I just hope no blood spray gets on my BMW. You are a fool to threaten rich important customers.


      • In reply to Joseph

        You are a self-righteous piece of shit. I am a 27 year old, married with two children waitress who has a bachelor’s degree. I serve because of the hours so I can be home with my kids during the day. So for someone to think they’re better than me because they are eating out food that I am take out for them, make sure is correct, get them drinks, and make sure that they’re night out goes well and they have a great dinner is completely wrong. “The waitress followed me out to my BMW……” You are really full of yourself that you had to add the BMW part in there. Do everyone a favor and stay home to cook steaks if you don’t believe your server is working to ensure you have a good night.


      • In reply to Alex

        Alex if you were part of high society. You would understand that fine automobiles are referred to as the brand of manufacture, not simply a car. So when you see me pull up to the quaint French restaurant in my Porsche 911 don’t expect a tip. You are so far beneath me I will not even look at you when you speak.


      • In reply to Zachary

        Calling someone a lowlife because they are a waiter makes you a piece of shit. You will have a certain place in hell where you get ass raped by hitler for the rest of your eternity. Its one thing not to tip, its another to be an asshole, and think you are better than a person who is about 95% of the time a college kid who is just being a waiter to get through school and make some money.


      • In reply to Joseph

        You can afford a $300 meal and a BMW, but can’t tip your waitress? Wow… you sound like a real ass… she probably only makes $3/gr8 to serve rich assholes like you… and her boss is an ass too.


      • In reply to Colleen

        Rich assholes as you eloquently put it. Is the reason people like you have jobs. The waitress is hired help. Tipping her is no concern of mine. The fact that she makes little pay is because she is a lower class person with a little job.


      • In reply to Joseph

        You’re just an asshole. $300 check and you couldn’t leave her a single dollar. What are you trying to prove? Some of them actually enjoy their jobs as a waitress or bartender, while you’re probably miserable at your job making less than them. They live off their tips and work for them. Without waitresses, you’d be stuck waiting in line for your food. Again, you’re an asshole


      • In reply to Liz

        Liz, I will tell you what he proved. That he can afford a $300 meal and does not give a shit about the waitstaff, bartenders, or anybody else in the restaurant industry with unskilled jobs that need handouts to pay their bills. People like us have money and we do as we please. I would say that he proved he is better than everyone else around him, that has to serve and clean up after people for a living.


      • In reply to Joseph

        To think that with all that prestige, you neglected to buy yourself any grammar of English lessons! What a shame. ;) Something tells me this occurred in your fantasy world because in the real world, people as illiterate as you do not make enough for 300 dollar meals.


      • In reply to you idiot

        English is my third language. Italian, Japanese, English. My expertise is in engineering not English grammar. When I compose reports I use a secretary. She was an English major and makes less then 50k.


  6. You’re a disgrace to humans. I’m a server and I’m not there to make friends with my customers, I’m there to get the money that they owe me in exchange for the service I provide them with. When you pay your bill you are paying for the silverware you just ate with, the chair your fatass is sitting in&&the table your ungrateful ass is sitting at. You pay for the vendors to deliver the food, you pay for the cooks, the bus boys, the managers, the prep cookers and all the other people receiving minimum wage in that diner but you are NOT paying for the waitress/waiter that is serving you-you pay your server for their service with a tip you idiot. Obviously you have never served in your life, you think its an ‘unskilled’ job?? Darling I promise you that you couldn’t last 2 minutes in my non slip shoes. I have pity for any server who has the unfortunate luck of having you in their section. Karmas a bitch&&your day will come. &&for the record I have an AMAZING work ethic, better than any self entitled asshole like yourself. I am proud to be a server as I work my way through college. I really hope one day you grow up and realize your stupidity&&naivety. People like you do not deserve to go sit down at a nice restaurant&&have the pleasure of someone serving them.


    • In reply to Julia Nicole

      Julia Nicole as I pay my $175 dining bill I leave no tip, because the $2 an hour you make is more than you are worth. I went to college, medical school, then 2 more years of medical school for a specialty. Being a waitress is an unskilled job that requires no training skills or advanced education. You’re lucky that even pay you two dollars an hour to do your job.


  7. As a non-American, like many non-Americans, I have a very different perspective on tipping. I currently live in Japan, a totally different culture towards customer service and politeness. The service in restaurants is amazing considering the wait staff make minimum wages and there is no tipping, there is no sense of entitlement and a deeply ingrained sense of pride in you job and not just the food service industry. from security guards to parking attendants to cashiers, to taxi driver : polite and friendly and smiling, a whole lot less attitude. Eating out is a pleasure and stress-free. When in the US I tip, the standard 15% I never had service that warranted more, perhaps when they hear the accent they stop trying as they know I’m not the standard prey? I once had crap service and genuinely felt the server deserved a lot less, but the rest of my party disagreed, they were far too kind and benevolent. It created real tension in a group, it was a shame as it had been a great day up until then.
    Other countries I have been to such as Australia the service in restaurants was satisfactory most of the time, other times it was hopeless, but if it was hopeless, people would stop going to such places, so thats the incentive to have reasonable service.
    Everyone should experience dining out in other countries and it will change the way you view tipping.


  8. I had to wait tables to get through medical school, and i worked my tush off. But had i not been serving i would have been doing more productive things like studying. I think that waiting tables is a distraction from real life and that’s why i don’t tip. I hope it sends a message to the workers to make something out of theirselves. If I can just reach one soul this way, it will have been worth it.


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