5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter

It never fails to shock me how a tip is demanded in the US. People simply refuse to listen to reason when we (yes, there are others!) tell them that leaving a tip isn’t necessary. Well, I’m hoping for too much here, but if you’re a waiter, here are 5 reasons why I will try my best not to give any money to you and why the reasons for tipping are crappy.

1. You act as if you’re my best friend

Just leave me alone ok? I don’t want to bloody chit chat with you. I want food. FOOD! Get it? It’s a restaurant. I go there to eat. I go because I want either Italian food, Chinese Food or something else which I can’t get in a McDonald’s. So I come to a restaurant to fulfill my cravings for it. I will pay for what I value – food. Not you.

Christ, you offend me – kneeling down next to my table, pretending to like me and chatting as if you’re my best friend when it’s obvious that all you’re after is the tip! I’m not a bloody money bag you know. I will pay the bill which includes the cost of the food, the environment and the salaries of the people involved – nothing more.

The only way to get money out of me that I don’t have to legally pay is by prying it out of my cold dead hands…

Bottom line: I don’t want to know your name, or interact with you for any longer than I have to in order to place my order. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the equivalent of a conveyor belt that brings me my food and a computer into which I input my order. Of course, I won’t be rude. But don’t expect me to interact with you any more than I would with some stranger.

Image Credit: cafemama


Did you earn this tip?


2. You don’t get paid enough

And this is my problem how exactly? It’s astonishing that customers are expected to make up for your employer’s cheapness in not paying you a decent wage. Please include the full cost in everyone’s bill thank you very much. I’ll pay it because I have to and the charge is there for me to see.

What’s really funny here is that no one seems to criticize the employers! All criticism is reserved for non tipping customers instead of the owners of the restaurant for not paying a decent wage. Wtf! Could it possibly be because you guys know you can make much more by tips and under report your income to the IRS?

3. You’ll spit in my food if I don’t tip you?

And I’ll shoot your kid if you don’t give me a million dollars. Seriously, am I even hearing this right? You’re actually using the threat of blackmail to make me pay you? Well as long as you’re openly claiming to be a criminal it’s all right I guess.

Fortunately that’s why I prefer buffets. Listen apart from it being illegal, this shows your poor integrity. But if you spit in someone’s food because they didn’t give you money you didn’t earn, then you’re a loser and deserve to be a waiter for the rest of your life.

4. Bringing me my food isn’t worthy of being paid extra

Did you cook it? Did you invent it? No. You picked it up and brought it to me. While it might not be easy, there are plenty of jobs which are much worse – shop floor workers for example. And I’ve been a shop floor manager, so I know. Face it – compared to other jobs, being a waiter is unskilled. You get paid what the market will think your services are worth. You don’t deserve more for your work over and above what your employer should pay you.

5. Money doesn’t grow on trees

I expect you to be grateful and pray for me at night if I tip you 10%. Be happy I gave you anything at all. I worked for the money in my wallet and by giving you some I didn’t have to, I’m doing you a favor. Learn to remember that when people give you something they don’t need to, it’s a favor. You don’t complain that they didn’t give you more!

By the way, the same thing above applies to all professions that demand tips including those on cruise liners.

So now that you understand why I won’t give you money you don’t deserve, stop with the “oh how could you?” attitude. I can. And I will.

Update: Here’s a rebuttal of the many silly justifications for tipping that people have given in the comments section.

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12,129 thoughts on “5 reasons why I won’t tip you if you’re a waiter”

  1. http://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/faq/esa/flsa/002.htm
    Anni, apparently you are so simple you don’t know how much money you make.
    The above link shows you that you make federal minimum wage which is $7.25 an hour. If your state minimum wage is more you make that instead.

    You do not make $2.13 an hour so stop the lying bullshit. Only a waitress could be so stupid, that she doesn’t even understand her hourly wage. I am sure your simple job is mentally stressful for you. There is no such thing as a smart waitress.


      • In reply to Abby

        Did you read the link? It explains the law on the subject:

        Notice, that’s the Department of Labor, not some weird backwater site. They’d know the labor laws better than anyone. It says:

        “If an employee’s tips combined with the employer’s direct wages of at least $2.13 an hour do not equal the Federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference.”

        Since you’re apparently illiterate, I don’t think you’re really qualified to call somebody an imbecile (especially since you can’t even spell it correctly).


      • In reply to What a joke

        What a joke, is it just me or are these people even dumber than the last page? Getting called an imbecile, by a dumb bitch that can’t even spell the word correctly is funny.


      • In reply to $Bill

        And they are entirely ignoring the link, despite the fact it is clearly the DoL and a credible source!

        There’s simply being uneducated and not knowing, but to outright deny verifiable facts when confronted with them is pure ignorance.


      • In reply to Abby

        I think you should work at a strip club. Even though being a waitress is a really simple job; taking your clothes off is about all you can handle.

        That link from the Department of Labor shows exactly how much money you have to paid by law.

        Since you are too much of an imbecile, I am sure it is way too complicated for you to comprehend.


      • In reply to tmay

        You clearly didn’t read it.

        “If an employee’s tips combined with the employer’s direct wages of at least $2.13 an hour do not equal the Federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference.

        Thanks for trying, though. I imagine it took a lot of effort to sound out those few words you DID read.


      • In reply to What a joke

        Actually, as a lowly server, I’ve approached a customer before who accidentally gave me a $30 tip on their credit card slip and let them know their math was way off and there’s no way I did $30 worth of extra for them and asked them to fix and initial next to the correction. Tips are not mandatory, but appreciated (obviously). If my customers feel that I’ve done a great job keeping the dining room area clean, if they believe I’ve been pleasant without being bothersome, if they see that I’ve been efficient and timely with their dining order, and they WANT to tip me? Awesome! That’s great and I genuinely appreciate it. If they don’t tip me? I still get a paycheck at the end of the week and all is well. Is my job difficult as a whole? Not in the least. Do some customers make it difficult? They can, but only if you allow it. Hourly wage for my position is $6.07, a far cry from the $2.17 it was back in the late ’90’s and I’m alright with that, if I want more money, then I’ll go get another job. In the meantime, I’ll still be the smiling face who brings your food.


      • In reply to Michelle B

        Federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.
        So $6.07 is not your hourly wage.

        I would never accidentally tip you. If you were five years old I would give you a piece of hard candy for a job well done. As an adult doing this job you are pathetic. Plus you’re so stupid you don’t even know your hourly wage.


      • In reply to $Bill

        $Bill I think I’d technically count her on “our” side, even if she got the wage wrong. She stated that the work isn’t difficult, and that she’d get a better job if she wanted more money (instead of expecting people to tip).


  2. Grow up sweetie, you are a bottom feeder. I don’t need an excuse not to tip you for doing your job. Nothing you do is worth anything more then you are already paid.


  3. I used to be a waiter. I had to tip out 3% of my sales so if you don’t tip, then you were directly causing me to spend my own money to do my job. I suppose restaurant owners could just pay waiters more, but if they do that, then you can expect the price of your meal to increase exponentially. Would a couple bucks really break you? Are you really that much of a shallow, selfish and callous bitch that you can’t help out your fellow man? Whether you agree with it or not, utilizing someone’s service knowing they rely on tips to make their living and then not paying them for their work is just an asshole thing to do. I remember serving people like you and I recognized them when they came back, and I did the bare minimum for those people. The way I looked at it was if I was going to be paying to work for you, then I’d make sure I gave you service worthy of not tipping. Thank God I don’t have to serve thankless, selfish fuck heads like yourself anymore. Cook your own meals at home, asshole!


    • In reply to Jon

      Several of your “reasons” have been demonstrated untrue. For instance, prices would not increase “exponentially.” Bhagwad actually covered this in his rebuttle post: http://www.bhagwad.com/blog/2014/philosophy/why-your-reasons-for-demanding-a-tip-are-wrong.html/

      Even if you tip out (and a legal tip pool only consists of people who can contribute to it), the restaurant still has to make sure all employees get at least minimum wage with or without the tips, which is reasonable for the job.

      Are you really that much of a “shallow, selfish and callous bitch” that you believe you deserve to be paid extra for doing a job you’re already being paid to do, when most other people don’t out of the pocket of somebody who actually put in the work for that money?


    • In reply to Jon

      You are full of lies and bullshit. Even if you have to tip out, NO money can ever come from your pocket. This would violate labor laws, and tax laws.


    • In reply to Loud server

      America should be capitalized dummy. I was born in America, tipping is not a custom.
      Tipping was brought over here from aristocratic Europeans as a show of wealth. They made waiters grovel and beg for a few extra pennies. They also used it to bribe the kitchen to serve them immediately.
      You are a stupid ignorant piece of shit. How do you like your custom now?


    • In reply to Loud server

      Apparently so is racism.

      However, it’s really not an American tradition. It didn’t come here until the 1800s and was picked up from wealthy Europeans who did it to show off their wealth by demonstrating how the common folk would do all sorts of things for a nickel.

      Even if it were a tradition, so was slavery, segregation, and treating women as second class citizens.

      You know what else is traditional in America? The upper class treating the common class like garbage. It has been that way since the founding fathers (who were wealthy) decided that the common citizen was too stupid to be trusted to vote, and instituted what would become the Electoral College.


  4. To Bill and all the others filled with negativity: It boils down to this simple fact. You are downing out because you (1) don’t want to cook (2) don’t know how to cook or (3) want to treat yourself to a meal you wouldn’t normally have. Part of dining out is paying for services rendered. The price of your meal is calculated by adding the actual cost of food plus the proprietors mark up for a profit margin. If their were no mark up, then the proprietor would make no money. The only service provided by the proprietor is the building in which you are dining and the food. The service that you are receiving is a multi-faceted. It is a talented crew of people that tailor make your dining experience in the restaurant. These people have your specific needs in mind and have made them their priority. For you to say that these skilled people do not deserve your money is blatant disregard and appalling. The root of the word restaurant comes from the phrase “to restore.” These fine individuals are giving you their undivided attention in order to “restore” you. If you don’t have the decency to tip, then you shouldn’t ever dine out. Buy a cookbook or take a cooking class and please stay home. I am certain you are not in the habit of applying your own set of personal skills for free. Think before you speak.


    • In reply to Darin

      Service is definitely included in the price of the food. Legally it must be because the restaurant MUST be able to pay their servers minimum wage should the employee not make enough in tips to cover the difference of the tip credit.

      Tipping is not a requirement. Even “mandatory service charges” have been found to be not legally enforceable: http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Theft-Charges-Dropped-Against-No-Tip-Couple–71865807.html

      It is not the responsibility of the customer to pay the server. The server is the employee of the restaurant, and is paid by the restaurant to serve customers. If you paid the cable company for a service call, and the guy showed up demanding extra money or he wouldn’t do his job, what would you do? If you were at a store shopping, and (after checking out and paying) the cashier held out their hand expecting 15-20% of your grocery bill, what would you think? If you went to a Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s, ordered, and when they brought your food out to you they lost their shit because you didn’t hand them a fiver, how would you react? What about a doctor? The amount they are being paid doesn’t matter – they are being paid an amount equal to the effort it takes to get the job and do the job. What would you do if a doctor refused to treat you unless you were willing to pay an additional 15-20% just to them?

      Yet, somehow the idea of restaurant employees doing just that is justifiable to you? Others making similay shitty wages who do as much or more work don’t get paid extra for it – and it definitely is extra. You cannot state that the fact that it a restaurant makes it okay or sensible.

      You claim you have an IQ of 142. What test did you take?


    • In reply to Darin

      But the cost of this “service” you speak of should be included in the hourly pay shouldn’t it? If not then customer should be given the chance to take their own orders direct to the kitchen and picking them up when their number is called. Really, businesses should pay their workers a decent wage and we wouldn’t have to be having this argument.


  5. I do realize I made some spelling errors in the previous post. Clumsy fingers. Please don’t bother criticizing. I have an IQ of 142.


    • In reply to Darin

      You are delusional, and on drugs if you think the waitstaff is talented at anything. The job itself is classified as unskilled. If you think serving tables is skilled your IQ has to be 42 or less.
      The waitress and water girl adds nothing to the dining experience. They are just the conveyor belts that bring me my food and drink.

      The unskilled server boys and girls, are giving me their undivided attention because if they do anything less they won’t have a job. The hired help should never speak unless spoken to or reading the evening specials.


  6. I hope you get hit by a bus and end up in a wheel chair for life, so that you have to be served your food, then when someone shoves it down your pathetic throat so you choke, I’ll laugh my ass off. I pray that I get you as a customer, because if I know it’s you, I’m going to spike your food with enough laxative to make you shit through a key hole. Fuck off and die you pathetic piece of shit.


  7. Please show a picture of your face and your occupation, career, whatever. Show us your websites and company names and such. You seem proud of your opinions to which you are just as entitled. I’d like to see the face and name behind the great and mighty work that you so competently created for yourself.

    Maybe not even a name or face because I assume you have half a sense of shame (not much more, it seems). I want to know what businesses you run and what kind of work you do. What company you created or represent.

    And do everyone a favor.

    Tell your server that you’re not going to tip them at the beginning, before they take your order. You should be honest with them and to yourself – stand by your opinions regarding tips and be just as vocal about your opinions face-to-face with people, not just rant on a blog and hide behind a keyboard.

    Show your face, coward.


    • In reply to I know you won’t.

      Why don’t you show us YOUR face? Show us the websites and company names YOU work for?

      Have servers ask if the customers plan to tip before providing them service. Tipping isn’t a requirement, and there’s no reason to tell them you’re not going to tip because it shouldn’t be expected.

      You’re not only a coward, you’re also a hypocrite.


  8. Kill yourself. I know people who started off as waiters until they were almost 30, worked their ASSES off and one is now working in Hollywood (probably making more than you now, you pompous twat), the other working in corporate for the very restaurant he started as a waiter years ago – they BOTH had bills to play, up to their necks in debt from student loans, barely making ends meet. Guess what? These people who have my utmost respect who would say you’re an ignorant, self-indulgent pissant.

    You know what kept them afloat? Good friends and good people who didn’t think the way you do, thank fucking god. You use history to bitch about how you shouldn’t need to tip in the modern world. Now THAT’s a joke. You are SO absorbed about paying an extra $10-20 dollars about your meal that you have to use one of the ugliest times in history to justify your actions. Funny, you resonate with the way elitist, aristocratic racists treated people hundreds of years ago. I find that uncannily amusing.

    Okay, so let’s assume you have a decent paying job (bless your coworkers’ souls by the way). Yeah, wealthy Europeans blah blah blah, servers grovel over a nickel. What a beautiful picture you painted there, I’m sure you’d be right there in your little white wig basking in the wealth you’re so proud of. Really? That’s your reason to not tip?

    Obviously amidst your self-proclaimed greater contribution to society and superior knowledge you forgot to read even a bit into sociology. Guess what?

    Some people can’t afford college. Some people are faced with circumstances that force them to work well over 50, 60, even 70 hours a week to make ends meet. Some of these people I know myself. These circumstances are outside of what you fucking preach on your high horse. And even then, the beauty is that some still beat the odds and make it. Even more, they come from humble enough backgrounds to make sure they don’t turn into ugly pieces of shit like you.

    The minimum wage doesn’t do SHIT. You glorify wealth and education. Sure, that’s fine. It wasn’t too long ago before college became criminally overpriced and the minimum wage was drained by corporatism and greed that people could work minimum wage jobs and actually pay themselves through college, even make a living. You know, when factory jobs still existed and unions were not torn apart to give big companies leverage over paying their employees less to maximize their profit.

    No, being a server is not a job that people would want to do for their whole lives. Most don’t. The thing is, in any job, there are good employees and bad ones – the ones with potential and the ones that don’t deserve a tip, let alone a job.

    Here’s the side of reality that you can’t see because you’re too busy choking on some silver spoon that you had as a kid or you have now.

    Some of these people have kids. Some are paying medical bills they can’t afford. I’m sure bells are going off in your head thinking that it’s their fault and they’re incompetent. Sure, some did make mistakes. A lot of servers I worked with had a baby before they were ready. Some were drug abusers. Everyone makes mistakes and falls down in life from time to time. You… haha man, you seem to get off on putting them down though. You’d rather save the few dollars you can comfortably afford and then justify it through whatever self-righteous way you want, so you can have a clear conscience through blame and privilege about stomachs going to sleep hungry at night.

    But I know you can’t teach an old dog new tricks (keel over, by the way).

    Go ahead. Go live your life so blind to the real struggles that people have to face.

    I never expect a grand tip. People are happy to give them to me because I’m professional and make their dining experience great. I don’t beg at their feet and kiss their ass. 90% of the time I couldn’t give a shit less about their day or what they had for lunch, how nice the weather is outside. But I am damn good at making sure not just your but 5-6 other tables’ food goes out accurately and on time. They tip me because they don’t have some stick up their ass about tip and then sound like a broken record about labor laws and American-European history.

    Well, no, I do get assholes like you. And I brush it right off because little taints like you are bound to come in once in a while. I’m just here grateful that the grand majority of people are not like you. But what do I know, I’m only twenty-one.

    Anyways, I digress.

    Kill yourself.

    Sincerely on behalf of every good, hardworking server, please, please, please,

    kill yourself.


    • In reply to You’re a disgrace.

      **”Kill yourself. I know people who started off as waiters until they were almost 30, worked their ASSES off and one is now working in Hollywood (probably making more than you now, you pompous twat), the other working in corporate for the very restaurant he started as a waiter years ago – they BOTH had bills to play, up to their necks in debt from student loans, barely making ends meet. Guess what? These people who have my utmost respect who would say you’re an ignorant, self-indulgent pissant.”**

      Waiting tables isn’t difficult work. It’s simply not. We’ve had former servers here talking about how it was the easiest job they’ve ever had. We’ve had people who have done both fast food work and waiting tables, and have admitted that the fast food job was actually “worse.” If they had/have bills to pay, the sensible thing to do is to get a better paying job that pays the bills, which it sounds like they did. If they have student loans, why aren’t they using their degrees? Did they drop out? Fail out? Did they pick a major that had no chance in hell of landing them a job like an art degree?

      **”You know what kept them afloat? Good friends and good people who didn’t think the way you do, thank fucking god. You use history to bitch about how you shouldn’t need to tip in the modern world. Now THAT’s a joke. You are SO absorbed about paying an extra $10-20 dollars about your meal that you have to use one of the ugliest times in history to justify your actions. Funny, you resonate with the way elitist, aristocratic racists treated people hundreds of years ago. I find that uncannily amusing.”**

      I am a good friend, and a good person. I treat my friends to things they couldn’t afford otherwise. I volunteer time in homeless shelters and soup kitchens. I donate money to charities and scholarship funds. I’ve personally BEEN homeless, and am most definitely not an elitist aristocrat by any means. We talk about ugly times and ugly traditions in history because the servers, who have shown far more racism here, by the way, fall back on the “it’s tradition!” excuse. We’re pointing out that just because something is traditional doesn’t make it a good thing.

      If you want to talk about racists, you should probably go back and look at all the racist comments servers have been posting. Or look up the waitresses who were fired for refusing to serve black customers because they “don’t tip.”

      **”Okay, so let’s assume you have a decent paying job (bless your coworkers’ souls by the way). Yeah, wealthy Europeans blah blah blah, servers grovel over a nickel. What a beautiful picture you painted there, I’m sure you’d be right there in your little white wig basking in the wealth you’re so proud of. Really? That’s your reason to not tip?”**

      I’m rather well-liked among my coworkers, actually. As for wealthy Europeans, this completely contradicts your prior paragraph. You accuse us of being like the aristocrats, yet we point out that we don’t support their system. That the reasoning behind tipping is insulting. That we absolutely believing in earning our wealth – something aristocrats didn’t generally need to do.

      **”Obviously amidst your self-proclaimed greater contribution to society and superior knowledge you forgot to read even a bit into sociology. Guess what?

      Some people can’t afford college. Some people are faced with circumstances that force them to work well over 50, 60, even 70 hours a week to make ends meet. Some of these people I know myself. These circumstances are outside of what you fucking preach on your high horse. And even then, the beauty is that some still beat the odds and make it. Even more, they come from humble enough backgrounds to make sure they don’t turn into ugly pieces of shit like you.”**

      Everyone can afford college. Every single person in America. I got into college and had it entirely paid for by grants and scholarships. I was HOMELESS and could afford college. You don’t get a more humble background than that. Can’t get grants and scholarships? There’s the GI Bill. Serve your country, they’ll pay for your education. Disabled? The government will pay for your education, too. If I can do it, and my friends can do it, they sure as hell can.

      On the other hand, not everyone can afford to leave a tip. Are you saying that the poor people who scrimp and save should not be allowed to have a nice meal in a restaurant once in a while just because they can’t afford to pay you for a job you’re already being paid to do?

      **”The minimum wage doesn’t do SHIT. You glorify wealth and education. Sure, that’s fine. It wasn’t too long ago before college became criminally overpriced and the minimum wage was drained by corporatism and greed that people could work minimum wage jobs and actually pay themselves through college, even make a living. You know, when factory jobs still existed and unions were not torn apart to give big companies leverage over paying their employees less to maximize their profit.”**

      You have a really, really poor understanding of history. People on a minimum wage were not paying their way through college while making a living. That’s a myth. The minimum wage in the US has /never/ exceeded the poverty line. oregonstate (dot) edu/instruct/anth484/minwage (dot) html That’s from Oregon State University. It has come close, but never broken it. People getting a minimum wage weren’t paying for school or buying houses. Oh, and, by the way, more people are going to college than ever before: www (dot) census (dot) gov/prod/2012pubs/p20-566 (dot) pdf The minimum wage is minimum for a reason. It’s not meant for people to live off of or survive off of. Jobs that pay a minimum wage are meant for high schoolers or college students to earn a little extra spending money. Not money they NEED, mind you, but money they’d like to spend. It’s to give them some work experience to show that they can reliably show up to work so that they can get better jobs.

      **”No, being a server is not a job that people would want to do for their whole lives. Most don’t. The thing is, in any job, there are good employees and bad ones – the ones with potential and the ones that don’t deserve a tip, let alone a job.

      Here’s the side of reality that you can’t see because you’re too busy choking on some silver spoon that you had as a kid or you have now.

      Some of these people have kids. Some are paying medical bills they can’t afford. I’m sure bells are going off in your head thinking that it’s their fault and they’re incompetent. Sure, some did make mistakes. A lot of servers I worked with had a baby before they were ready. Some were drug abusers. Everyone makes mistakes and falls down in life from time to time. You… haha man, you seem to get off on putting them down though. You’d rather save the few dollars you can comfortably afford and then justify it through whatever self-righteous way you want, so you can have a clear conscience through blame and privilege about stomachs going to sleep hungry at night. “**

      This whole section is “poor me!” crap. Since I’ve already repeatedly pointed out I’ve personally been homeless, and know many ACTUALLY homeless people, excuse me if I don’t feel sorry for you or anyone else who tries to play that card while actually capable of getting and doing a job. Like I said, the point of these jobs is to show you are reliable enough to get a better job. Not try to live off of.

      Oh, and it isn’t my responsibility to pay your wage. That duty belongs to your employer, just like every other job.

      **”But I know you can’t teach an old dog new tricks (keel over, by the way).

      Go ahead. Go live your life so blind to the real struggles that people have to face.

      I never expect a grand tip. People are happy to give them to me because I’m professional and make their dining experience great. I don’t beg at their feet and kiss their ass. 90% of the time I couldn’t give a shit less about their day or what they had for lunch, how nice the weather is outside. But I am damn good at making sure not just your but 5-6 other tables’ food goes out accurately and on time. They tip me because they don’t have some stick up their ass about tip and then sound like a broken record about labor laws and American-European history.

      Well, no, I do get assholes like you. And I brush it right off because little taints like you are bound to come in once in a while. I’m just here grateful that the grand majority of people are not like you. But what do I know, I’m only twenty-one.”**

      You shouldn’t expect any tip. You’re doing a job you’re already being paid to do. They tip you because society has pressured them into thinking they need to or they will be shamed and ostracized (hey, look, sociology at work!). Nobody thinks tipping is good. Even the Huffington Post, one of the most liberal sources you can find, has an article about why you shouldn’t tip: www (dot) huffingtonpost (dot) com/2014/10/17/abolish-tipping_n_5991796 (dot) html And you know damn well conservatives don’t agree with tipping, since they believe in actually earning your way up in the world. They may have different reasons for it, but it all downs to justification not to tip.


      Anyways, I digress.

      Kill yourself.

      Sincerely on behalf of every good, hardworking server, please, please, please,

      kill yourself.”**

      And this is the best part. Your whole, long-winded rant can be summed up to the point that you’re a freaking hypocrite. You talk about how horrible people who don’t believe in tipping are, yet you sit there and repeatedly tell them to kill themselves. Just because you don’t like what they have to say, or their practices. You claim the non-tippers are the bad people, yet the threats of violence and wishes of harm over these nearly 500 pages of comments are testament to exactly what kind of people servers really are.

      You call us entitled, yet we /earned/ our money. Even $Bill, who comes from wealth, still did the work to build up his own company and earn what he has. We aren’t the ones making excuses as to why we should be paid extra for a job we are already being paid to do. We aren’t the ones claiming that we are special snowflakes among the earners who deserve to be given extra money for our jobs.


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