Male equivalent of “Bitch?”

My wife has often complained that a woman can be called a bitch, but there’s no equivalent word in English for men. It seems that “bitch” is a particularly nasty word to apply to women, and I can’t deny the truth of this. Here goes:

“You Bitch!”

Alternative to "Bitch" - what does one call a man?
Alternative to "Bitch" - what does one call a man?

See how it kind of explodes on the lips? The tone is important – you gotta put all your effort in the “bi” part and mix it with appropriate scorn and loathing. The end result is something that is unique, remarkably pejorative, and when appropriately applied, dare I say it, deeply satisfying?

It’s kind of unfair to men that no similar word exists in the lexicon for them. What can you call a guy? An asshole? A dick? Faggot? The last one is pretty nasty, but unfortunately I end up judging the person who uses it rather than the person it’s aimed at. None of these words really encompasses the full impact. Let’s say that one more time:


I’ve heard some women on TV call men “You Rat” with quite good effect. But it seems you need to have the right personality to pull it off. I can’t imagine a quiet but effective “You rat.” But if you want to use “Bitch,” the possibilities are endless.

So those of you who haven’t faced this problem, educate the rest of us. What do you use for swearing at men with the same effectiveness as “Bitch?”

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75 thoughts on “Male equivalent of “Bitch?””

  1. I too have often wondered why there isn’t an equivalent word for men…The closest is ‘bastard’ but it’s not as effective as ‘bitch’…It’s obvious that these terms have been coined by men and since words to describe women in a derogatory way are generally meaner and nastier than similar terms used to describe men, my conclusion is that men have an innate hatred for women…Another example – men get upset if they are referred to as a ‘pansy’ or a ‘faggot’ but don’t care if they are called a ‘bastard’ or a ‘dickhead’…Why? Because the terms have female connotations…

    Anyway, since ‘bitch’ is an epithet flung at women who have opinions and who speak their minds, I take it as a compliment…


    • In reply to Sraboney

      Nothing to add on this weighty topic :-) beyond recycling some thoughts from Bhajji’s monkeygate:

      There is a lot of subjectivity and cultural context that decides how the person on the receiving end reacts to an insult. During “monkey gate” it was pointed that Oz and Eng players routinely use “bxstxrd” as an invective against touring teams and that in traditional or more orthodox Indian (mostly subcontinental, probably even Asian) contexts this can be a severe insult – except when used joshingly btwn friends, the rcvr can react with physical violence if the speaker doesnt apologize and most street codes will side with him/her.

      Monkey OTOH is frequently used as an endearment, a term of affection, and rarely means anything more serious than mischievous – at least in S.India the worst connotation is unruly or ill-disciplined.

      However we play not just the game, but also set these contexts on other’s terms and so monkey is severely racist and ban-worthy while bxstxrd is acceptable or at max deserving of just a reprimand.



  2. Bastard actually insults the guy’s mother, with the connotations that society gives.

    To me, dog is a compliment. And swearing shows my lack of control….so yeah, what I am saying is that there is no word! :-D


  3. I think bastard’s about right. When you call someone a bitch, you’re insulting the (guy’s? girl’s?) parents by calling them dogs too, right? I mean, human beings wouldn’t produce female dogs, would they? Dunno, just my opinion.


  4. If you know spanish [and if your target knows spanish (although, even if he doesn’t, it’s still a pretty effective word)] I would suggest, wait for it: pendejo. Litterally, it means pubic hair, but it can be used to call someone stupid, or a dumbass or whatever.


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