“Be a man” – Sanjay Dutt’s Mardangiri Campaign

Some people in India seem to have mastered the fine art of getting worked up over nothing. Sanjay Dutt’s crazy campaign to tell males in India to “man up” pretty much takes the cake though. Check out this video on Youtube  – thanks Surbhi!


For those who don’t watch the video, it’s all about Sanjay Dutt ranting over how Indian men are too “effeminate.” The evidence is that they’re spending time in the kitchen (gosh!), counting calories (the sissies), taking care of babies (which father does that?), growing their hair (shocking) and not wearing “manly” colors like black and blue. All this for a man whose photograph on his Wikipedia page portrays him as the epitome of manhood:D .

Avoiding the obvious question of how the hell what other people do concerns him in the first place, my personal opinion is that his own manhood feels threatened. After all, he’s always been the macho guy with machine guns and muscles – who’s gonna look up to him if men in India ditch that ultra macho crap?

In the meanwhile, here’s a primer for women to “woman up.” They need to:

  1. Sit quietly in the kitchen which is their rightful place
  2. Move out of the offices and have babies
  3. Stop wearing jeans
  4. Stop having these “bob cuts.”
  5. Stop smoking, drinking, enjoying sex, talking loudly etc etc.

I don’t know this crazy guy’s motivations here, but the fact that he thinks he has a target audience who will listen to him is itself disturbing. Let’s hope he’s wrong and everyone just keeps laughing at him.

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27 thoughts on ““Be a man” – Sanjay Dutt’s Mardangiri Campaign”

  1. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry…Didn’t he have long hair at one point? Such an idiot – a sad one at that too…

    I’m putting this up on FB…


  2. fiinally!!! was waiting for a reply from atleast one ‘mard’…lol..
    i watched da entire video hoping it was a joke too….


  3. Like you Bhagwad, I thought it was a parody at first. Especially according to the Wikipedia about him he’s a comedian. But I watched it twice actually and..well yes he’s an idiot. I don’t get these types of people? Don’t they realize that sometimes gender isn’t always black and white? I agree he feels his own masculinity is threatened because he wouldn’t be concerned with telling men to “man up.?

    Taking care of babies? Oh dear, we can’t have fathers taking care of their young!!! *eye roll*


    • In reply to RenKiss

      Strange that Wikipedia states that he’s a comedian. At the most he’s acted in a comedy film…but he’s an actor all the way. Or rather, he was one and is pretty much past his prime.

      Perhaps this is a bid to revive some of his past glory :)


  4. 1. You missed the part where he advises men not to ride those sissy scooters :-)
    It was a performance right? At the end he looks off camera at someone seeking their approval.

    Is there a movie Mardangiri or something that they are trying to get free publicity for.

    2. however I didnt quite get the “masculinity being threatened’ part. If somebody advocated their vision as being a caring nurturing guy with *sterotype alert* artsy looks and behavior and deprecated the free riding biker/ climber/ hiker/beer-drinking/ athlete, they are perhaps also feeling “their masculinity threatened”?

    when these things become easy to flip, they seem less meaningful to me.



    • In reply to Jai_C

      I think that preaching about one’s favorite style of how people should be is definitely insecurity of some sort. If a person talked about how guys should always look “artsy” and deprecated the free riding biker, I would definitely say that their identity is being threatened because that’s how they like to view themselves.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        somehow i feel a huge swathe of free speech comes under this then: any talk in any group of any kind that is not absolutely politically correct is that group feeling “threatened and insecure”. I would be surprised if anything but a very small fraction of humanity is unthreatened and secure :-)



  5. Is he serious? I think he isclowning… but can’t forget this same mard aadmi had in the past objected to his sister Priya Dutt using their family name, (because she was married and winning elections). He is consistently disgusting.


  6. Good publicity for his latest movie. Hopefully, enough interest would get generated and continue to hold interest in the NRI market until the movie gets released.


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