I Wish I Could Vote for the BJP But…

The last 4 years haven’t covered the UPA with glory. While they might not have really messed anything up, the government has performed poorly on issues that matter to me like civil rights. Section 66A of the IT Act is still in place causing havoc, the laws on sedition haven’t been changed, and the government is still fighting with the Supreme Court about decriminalizing homosexuality. And now of course it is opposing marital rape laws and it hasn’t implemented police reforms. Though that last one depends on the states, but the center can push for it much harder than it’s doing so now. Police reforms are absolutely crucial to make the force independent of the political class.

The Devil and the Deep
The Devil and the Deep

For all this I want to punish the UPA and Congress. I want it to realize that there’s competition out there and that if it wants my vote it has to aim to do better. The problem is that the BJP is the only other party with a chance of beating it…and based on what I’ve seen I can’t give my vote to it. I wish I could – I’m not a Congress fan. But from what I’ve seen, no matter how bad the Congress is, the BJP is worse. Here are a few reasons.

BJP’s Ideology

Unlike the Congress, many elements within the BJP along with organizations linked to it like the RSS and the VHP have an agenda. They have this whole “Hindu” thing going on. This leads all kinds of lunatics to gain a platform. The chief of the RSS Bhagwat said that marriage is a contract where the wife has to do the household chores.

And this is just one example. There are utterances from these elements saying that they want “Hindu raj” and they go prattling about how India had a great past and they want to restore it and all that bullshit. Instead of focusing on the future. The RSS is now opposing the lowering of the age of consent from 18 to 16 on the ground that it’s “against society“. These things worry me. The BJP’s fundamental ideology is backward and disturbs me.

I can attribute the screw ups of the Congress to:

  1. Incompetence
  2. Corruption / Greed
  3. Vote bank politics
  4. Not understanding what our Constitution is about

These are bad things but they’re motivations of rational people – they’re not insane. The BJP on the other hand is all of the above plus it has a very powerful ideology in addition to them. I don’t trust people with crazy ideologies. They can’t be reasoned with. Rational and sane people respond to incentives. People with ideologies like the RSS cannot be trusted.

Bottom line: I prefer incompetence to insanity.

Modi Repulses Me

I’m not willing to vote for Modi as a PM. Regarding the whole Godhra incident, he hasn’t even apologized for letting the situation get out of hand or expressed regret that it occurred in the first place. I’ll bow to the court’s wisdom and concede that he didn’t deliberately set the whole thing up. But it’s abundantly clear that it was allowed to get out of hand as several commissions and reports have shown. I’d like him to at least say he’s sorry for the fact that it happened.

Secondly I don’t like Modi’s attitude, and the way he speaks. Too full of abuses, and personal attacks. There’s no graciousness in him. I don’t want a person like that to represent me and my country. I’ve heard him speak and the way he panders to the worst in people, setting communities against each other makes me sick.

Continually Obstructing Parliament

I think all parties do this. Over the past 8 years or so, the BJP has consistently opposed the government on every single measure. Not once have they said “Awesome – we really need this”. Whether it’s the nuclear bill, FDI or petrol prices, the BJP has stalled parliament and created a nuisance. As it is so many of our lawmakers don’t attend parliament. These shenanigans make the situation even worse.

To vote for the BJP, here’s what I want it to do:

  • Forswear Hindutva, the RSS and every single Hindu organization. Become a non-religious party.
  • Choose someone other than Modi as the Prime Ministerial candidate. There are actually quite a few reasonable sounding people in there (comparatively)
  • Promise to repeal section 66A of the IT Act, and show us that you affirm full Freedom of Expression for Indians

Only then will I see it as a reasonable alternative to the Congress.

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44 thoughts on “I Wish I Could Vote for the BJP But…”

  1. You said it. I couldn’t vote BJP even if they did all this. No trust…they all say anything to get votes, and even in that context, the BJP is not saying what I’d want to hear.

    Going non-major party, something completely idealistic that puts up good candidates. Because even if they don’t win, I can live with myself for voting with my conscience. Did you see the LokSatta party? The candidate they’re putting up in my area is someone I can so totally get behind. Know of and will be thrilled to see win.


    • In reply to Sangitha

      I hear you. I’d like to vote for a genuine or idealistic candidate too. There’s only one problem…in reality either the Congress or the BJP will win. Voting for a third party takes your vote away from the party you would normally prefer thereby increasing the chance that the other one will win.

      Some countries like Australia use ranked voting systems where you give your preferences. The your first preference doesn’t win, then your vote goes towards the second on your list.

      This to my mind is a better way of doing things


  2. The BJP can’t afford to disassociate from RSS, nor can it afford to disavow the Hindu cause. A large part of its ground support lies in its emphasis on Hindu values, Hindu culture etc etc.

    I can live with that if it makes clear that its idea of ‘Hindu culture’ is not the Victorian era one. And that individual freedoms will take precedence over any fantasy lands of the yore.

    But the last time it was in power, I personally was so harassed by random strangers who suddenly felt emboldened to question what I was doing and if my parents were aware of it and did’t I know Hindu culture any better? Mind you, I am not complaining – I had already spent years perusing the ancient texts and had scriptural answers to their every silly question. It pleased me to annoy them via Hindu culture….but that is a very bad situation to be in, by and large. People should not be required to answer why they are choosing to exercise their own fundamental freedoms. It kinda defeats the point.

    My biggest problem with a BJP govt in 2014 is Modi. He has been positioning himself as a prime ministerial candidate since 2010. His support is very strong within the party – some of the best minds and back room dealers are his supporters. His appeal to the mass cadre in undeniable. If his pattern over the last 3 years holds true, he will never claim the nomination, but will graciously accept it for the good of the nation when asked to do so by the party. He is good at the game, and more importantly, has the sense to choose an efficient team. Today, I would rate his chances of being the BJP PM candidate at 80:20, in his favour.

    Moving on, we come to his pan national appeal. Movement is already afoot to build a base for him in UP. He has started in Delhi as well. And many other states. Given the way he works, I’d assume that he’d be in a demonstrably stronger position each passing month. Modi’s PR campaign is the single most efficient PR campaign I have seen or read about in the history of independent India. I will not underestimate it.

    And that makes me very uncomfortable. Partly because what he is building is a personal support base, above and beyond the BJP support base. Partly because of the gap in the narrative in Modi’s political career: there are two Modis in public estimation – the Modi of 2002 and the development oriented Vikas Purush, the natural heir of Sardar VallabhBhai Patel and Swami Vivekananda.

    And there is no link between the two. There has been nothing said on 2002, ever. And i do not know which Modi is the real Modi. And that question’s answer will be critical for the nation should his mass base ever approach the point where the party is subordinate to him. I am not even sure how many in the party even realise that Modi might well be to BJP what Indira Gandhi was to the Congress.

    That is something of a digression, I am afraid.


    • In reply to Ritu

      These are valid concerns. If it’s any consolation, I doubt if anyone can impose an emergency on India today the way it was done 40 years ago. Not with the Internet, people watching, a strong opposition party etc.

      But yes – I don’t want Modi as the PM. He just smells bad. I would rather have an incompetent PM than a dangerous one. Modi’s fanbase is a bit too fanatical for my taste. I’m always suspicious of people who stir up feelings of patriotism and hatred. Even if it’s towards a perceived enemy like the Congress.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        It is not the thought of emergency that bothers me. Unfortunately, we don’t *need* to impose it anymore. The fatal flaws and weaknesses revealed during that period have been exploited and manipulated since then without taking such an extreme visible action.

        What I was referring to was the fact that Mrs G had spelled the end of any intra-party organisational democracy.


  3. > The chief of the RSS Bhagwat said that marriage is a contract

    Have you listened to this speech? If yes, then you wouldn’t have put this comment.
    What he actually told and what was reported in media or exactly opposite.

    > They have this whole “Hindu” thing going on.

    I want to understand this better. Can you please tell me what you understand by the word “Hindu” and why it is bad?


  4. lol..such an biased and faulty posts from you Author.
    You don’t dig up or care to search for truth.

    Mohan Bhagvat’s comment was twisted deliberately by Media to defame him.
    Here’s article to explain more about it.

    Even Sagarika Ghose apologized about her tweet on Mohan Bhagvat.

    If you have listen to the speech by yourself then you didn’t need to become subject of laughing by posting such fake lies.

    Your RSS Hate is nothing new for Ignorant people who never ever visited RSS shakha or participated in any social work with them.

    Don’t you agree that opinions are based on facts.
    Now fact is something most of RSS haters don’t wanna search..

    I am not a fan of RSS but I do have respect for the humanitarian work they do in the need of hour.

    I will tell you one real incident which happen in front of me.

    You know that there was Massive Earthquake in 2001 in Gujarat.

    I was in Anand District that time.
    I have seen from my own eyes RSS workers were collecting donations to help them.

    RSS workers were the first one to arrive on the place of earthquake to help the people.
    They set up blood banks, management committee which I think was best in that time.

    You have just repeated the ignorance like most of the other biased people who never care to search for truth.

    Coming to your sentence on Modi.
    Like I expected I knew it that post on BJP won’t be completed without Modi and Gujarat Riot.

    How much research you have done on this very subject to make your own opinion?

    Do you know that it was the Congress Workers who burnt the Godhra Train?

    Here are names:

    Mehmud Hussain Kalota – Congress District Minority Cell

    Salim Abdul Ghaffar Sheikh – Panchmahal Youth Congress

    Farroukh Bhana – Secretary of District Congress Committee

    Haji Bilal, Abdul Rehman Abdul Majid Ghantia – Congress Worker

    Congress has deliberately targeted Modi because He simply don’t bend into their ideology.

    Not trying to justify the riot but know from where it all started.

    Modi gave the whole state in the hands of Army and within 3 days riot were stopped.

    The Media created a fake propaganda and fake stories to make shatter Modi’s Image.
    They all forgot about 1984, Nellie Massacre and many such riots happened right from 1947 under the congress rule and You follow the same.

    Take the recent example itself of Assam Riot.
    Riots are still occurring in that state why no full proof action is carried out to curb the Riots?
    have you care to dig that up?
    Manmohan Singh got elected from Assam Legislative Assembly in Rajyasabha and no media asked him this question of why his state is burning and why he hasn’t took any action.

    Your article proves nothing but lack of research and assuming media propaganda and false rumor as facts and just copy pasting in article.


  5. shitty post by the author.
    He should find truth on its own rather than searching on the internet about it.
    You can’t find truth by sitting in your AC Room and by just searching some post which are not based on facts.
    I assume you are not living in India that’s why you don’t even know the ground reality.
    You have just posted the fake propaganda which Paid Media Journalist have initiated against Narendra Modi.
    By posting on the basis of their so called facts you have made yourself look complete fool.
    Next time do proper research before posting blindly following and acting as pseudo secularist.


  6. Biased article… Need to change the mindset…no way can be regarded as a rational and sane post. And what you are referring to Hindu thing….what’s wrong in being a Hindu? Or a Muslim?… U r born in Hindu, Muslim or any other religion…you have all the right in the world to practice or not to practice your religion you are born into or the religion you have chosen. But you definitely don’t have a right to hurt the religious sentiments of other people practicing their respective religion. I go to church, temple, dargah…but I practice one religion….and am proud of practicing my religion.

    And hello, what problem you have with person talking about patriotism? If our Jawans in the border felt like you, you wouldn’t have had the freedom to write this article. Patriotism is about attachment and loyalty to onece country. It like you love your family, love and loyalty to your country. Am proud to be a Indian…


    • In reply to Venkat

      I have every right to hurt someone’s sentiments – Muslim, Hindu, whatever. That’s what freedom of speech means. It includes the freedom to offend. Since anyone can get offended by anything, if we start caring about people’s feelings and all no one will ever be able to open their mouth.


      • In reply to bhagwad

        yes you can but with concrete facts not by exaggerated or unresearched thought based on your personal guts that too on sitting in at remote area from the palce where all this occurred.


  7. Freedom come with a great deal of responsibility. If anyone is trying to disturb the communal harmony by hurting religious sentiments of peole belonging to any religion, in the name of freedom of speach, its a shame and needs to rethink.


    • In reply to venkat

      The point is that it’s not illegal. And there’s no “responsibility” that comes with freedom. Either something is illegal or its not. Rights don’t have to be earned. We have them by right as human beings. That’s why they’re called “rights” and not “privileges”.


  8. You have put it in public domain.
    If you don’t want people to comment, then make it private…….
    When people shit on the road side, the smell will spread to the neighbors.
    So, it is not decency to shit in public. Do it inside the toilet of your house and make sure that, the smell doesn’t escape to outdoors. Then nobody will complain.

    Making shit in public (domain) and then asking people not to visit your road is very amusing!!


    • In reply to Bhagwad

      This blog is my house and you are a guest. The door of my house is open. I’m not forcing you to walk in. I didn’t hold your eyes open and make you read what I wrote. At any point of time you could have closed the web page and walked away.

      This is different from not having the choice to smell something.

      Take responsibility and grow up. Or at the very least get better analogies. People like you also demand that movies be banned because they’re “offensive” or art galleries remove paintings that “hurt people’s sentiments”. Grow up.


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