7 Reasons why Christopher Nolan’s Batman Movies Suck

The upcoming “The Dark Knight Rises” has many movie lovers in hysterics. They can’t seem to stop oohing and aahing over the trailer and singing the praises of the most recent Batman franchise. Amidst all this ruckus, I have to bring some sanity back here.

I’m a rabid Batman fan. Have been for most of my life. I’ve done my duty and run through an obscene number of DC comics and have read all the famous (and not so famous) story arcs in the Bat universe. So you can say that I “get” Batman. I know what he’s all about. Sure, it’s unrealistic in so many ways but it’s an awesome fantasy. A normal human being able to achieve the things he does. It just gives you a high.

But Batman movies? Not so much. I always found that they pretty much suck big time. I respect the character of Batman too much to see him mutilated. Which is why I hate the recent Batman series by Christopher Nolan. What surprises me is that everyone raves about them as if they’re the awesomest movies ever made. Sure, they’re probably better in comparison to the Joel Schumacher version, but that doesn’t make them good. In fact, I find them awful.  And here’s why:

Batman’s Appearance – The “Helmet”

hate Batman’s appearance in Christopher Nolan’s universe. There are so many things wrong with him that I don’t know where to start. He’s not menacing enough. He just looks like a funny guy in a suit. The suit itself is a horrible wreck, looking like a clumsy piece of armor rather than something flexible that can be moved easily in. And before the fans start shouting “It has to be realistic!”, let me assure you that Batman as a concept isn’t very realistic at all. But more on the “realism” aspect later.

He’s not scary. At all. Just look at his “mask”:

Batman's Horrible Mask
Batman’s Horrible Mask

That’s a helmet! He doesn’t look in the least bit scary. His mouth and lips are “squeezed” into a gap, making it bunched up. No wonder Bale talks with his lips parted so often! Next up – the eyes. Why, oh WHY can’t Batman movies make the eyes white like they are the comics? Dammit, this guy actually has makeup on his face around his eyes. MAKEUP! It makes me want to cry when I see what Nolan has done to my favorite comic book hero.

For reference, here is how Batman’s cowl should look like:

How Batman should REALLY look
How Batman should REALLY look


See the difference? Now that is scary. THAT is a sight I wouldn’t want to see at night swooping down at me. The guy in the first picture? Some loony clown on drugs wearing a costume. Pchaah!

Crappy Armor – Horrible Cape

I don’t even know where to start. I mean look at that suit. It’s a bunch of disjointed pieces fitted together haphazardly. It’s not uniform or elegant. It just looks shoddy. There we go again with that whole “realistic” mantra that Nolan loves to try and inject into this character. Please Nolan huh? Go make movies of Superman or something and leave this guy alone – please.

Batman’s cape has always been part of his effect. And yet it does nothing for him in the movie. It doesn’t even merge in color with the main suit! It’s a deeper shade of black that ruins the “solid” effect of night that is Batman. It breaks the illusion that this is one gigantic bat – almost supernatural. Instead, it tells us that this is just a costume worn by a guy for unknown reasons – since it’s clearly not scary. Here’s a nice shot of the real Batman style:

The genuine Batman style
The genuine Batman style

Let up with the voice huh?

We all know that Bruce Wayne disguises his voice as Batman to make it scary as well as to keep his identity secret. Works great in the Batman animated series, so why can’t Nolan give us a real crackling voice huh? In various media, Batman’s voice has been compared to “stepping on broken bottles”. In some comics, Batman literally uses his voice as a weapon to scare criminals into submission whenever he can.

And once again, Nolan turns Batman’s voice into a joke. You can barely understand squat of what he’s saying. It’s obvious that his voice is fake and put on. And coming from that squished out mouth of his, it just makes you want to puke. Someone needs to tell Nolan’s Batman to shut the fuck up.

The Batmobile

Ok – I get it. You were trying to compensate for the “blue lighted” batmobile in the Joel Schumacher movies. But come on! That’s not a batmobile – that’s a tank! Where’s the “bat” in it? It’s not stylish, it’s not elegant. It doesn’t make a statement. And remember that Batman is all about style. That’s why we really like him so much. More about that in the “realism” section.


Gotham city is an integral part of Batman. It provides the setting, the atmosphere and sets the mood of the comics. It’s even called Gotham city for a reason. Because it’s gothic. Nolan’s Gotham is a ghastly departure from what Gotham should be. Where are the soaring cathedrals? Where are the gargoyles? Where is all the goth? He’s just gone and turned Batman’s city into Chicago! What the hell was he thinking?

Here’s is Nolan’s Gotham – aka Chicago:

Nolan's "Gotham" city
Nolan’s “Gotham” city

And this is the “real” Gotham:

THIS is Gotham City
The REAL Gotham City

Poor Fighting Style and Posture

Everyone knows that Batman is one of the greatest martial artists of the DC universe. He’s the master of hundreds of fighting styles. He’s agile, knows his reach with mathematical precision and conserves the minimum amount of energy and movement while fighting.

And yet, Nolan’s Batman fights like a thug. There’s the scene in a pub which I cringed while watching. He’s like a boxer, even taking up a stance to fit. He looks ridiculous:

Batman Fights Like a Thug
Batman Fights Like a Thug

Notice by the way, how his cape is of a darker color than the suit. It doesn’t mesh. It breaks the continuity and looks just like just another piece of cloth. Not a part of him. It just looks funny. Here’s how it should look:

Authentic Batman Style
Authentic Batman Style

Notice how the cape drapes, how it “merges” into the cowl. Also see how Batman covers up his eyes. It makes him look scary instead of just a guy in a suit. Remember how cool Ironman’s mask looks when his eyes light up? Why the hell can’t we have the same thing for the bat?

Fake “Realism” in Nolan’s Movies

I’ve saved the worst for last. Nolan and many of his fans excuse all the above mistakes by saying that this is a “realistic” take on Batman and Gotham. I call bullshit on that claim. Because even as depicted, Batman is horribly unrealistic. You want realistic, get rid of the cape. It hinders you, can get caught on stuff, and you can trip over it. The marginal utility of being able to slow your descent and hide some stuff in it is heavily outweighed by the disadvantages. Even Nightwing has remarked that a cape cramps one’s style too much.

But yet we keep it. We have to keep it. Why? Because it’s about image. Because it makes Batman what he is. It’s about style. It’s about maintaining the atmosphere. Even Nolan can’t get rid of the cape without destroying Batman. Moral of the story – this is a comic book. Style and atmosphere trump realism. And I’m just scraping the surface here. Superman is in Batman’s universe as well! Talk about aliens and unrealistic in the same breath?

Spare me the junk realism please. Give me something that for once stays true to the comics. Two great movies I’ve seen that replicate the mood and the style of their respective comics perfectly are “Watchmen” and “Sin City”.

Can we please have a Batman version of “Sin City” for those of us who appreciate what Batman is really about? We’ll gladly leave the Christopher Nolan’s fans at the altar alone.

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244 thoughts on “7 Reasons why Christopher Nolan’s Batman Movies Suck”

  1. I disagree, Nolan’s Batman is far superior in all ways compared to Burton’s and Schmacher’s pieces of crap. Batman Begins is an okay movie just away to get started. But the Dark Knight to Batman to a level we have never scene before in a movie ever. I though nothing could ever beat the Dark Knight until I saw the Dark Knight Rises. The 3rd installment of Nolan’s series just blew me away. There were moments where I was trying hold back tears it was so breath taking. And another thing Nolan brings to Batman is more supporting character involvement; Commissioner Gordon, Alfred, Harvey Dent all played major roles in these movie, while in the other one they just stay on the side lines helpless. Unlike Burton’s and Schmacher’s in which the movie just get progressively worse as they went on, Nolan did a rare thing and topped himself with every time. That’s why Nolan’s Batman is better and I now refuse to take the older one seriously anymore.


    • In reply to Alex

      Well, nothing is worse than the original batman movies. they were campy crap. But Nolan is better than turd, which isnt hard to do, nolans batman unfortunately missed the mark more than one occasion as he isnt a good enough director. He’s the firs to try and do a serious batman movie but considering there’s no other batman movies to compare except the pathetic ubrton and shoemaker ones, it’s not hard to see that nolans batman is better, by the fact that the original batmans were so god awful.


      • In reply to Robin

        the original batman movies especially burtons are not “campy”, they are dark and gothic and pretty disturbing but had a more humourous touches whereas nolan was all serious which is stupid cuz how serious can you be in a comic book movie. you are just another nolan troll turd fan.


  2. i completely agree and what the hell is up with bane in TDKR i mean hes not even foreign wheres the venom hes not even tall plus the joker looked like a guy who put on make up and breathed in alot of laughing gas.also in the dark knight rises what the hell robins real name is robin this makes no sence clearly nolan has never read a batman comic.all the robins are called dick grayson, jason todd,tim drake,damian wayne and a girl robin who i cant remember her name god and man of still what is that about crap fishing what the hell and is that ment to be krypto


    • In reply to batmanfan123

      Hey check out Fan Bois are Sad Losers! He talks big but he cant back it up. Read on to see for yourself if you want to see justice be brought to this blog.


    • In reply to batmanfan123

      nolan is just ruining the superheroes we know and love by injecting his ultra realism into something that can never be realistic. its like gay marriage, they can pretend its real marriage but it can never be because marriage is only between a man and a woman, it can never in the sight of God be between homosexuals.


  3. Wah…wah…Chris Nolan’s Batman doesn’t look anything like the Comic Books or my juvenile fantasies of the comic books so I’m going to bitch and moan and cry myself to sleep as I masturbate into my sock….wah…wah… Give me a break. Nolan’s adaptations are the best thing that could’ve happened to Batman or any other comic book: it made it relevant and interesting for normal, socially-functioning, adults as opposed to just spotty, adolescent boys and socially-inept nerds (you know, the kind of morons who dress up like the Joker and go around shooting up movie theaters). So either enjoy the films like the rest of normal society or stick to reading silly comic books in the basements of your parents’ houses.


      • In reply to johntoreno07

        “Shut up ! he has a FREEDOM OF SPEECH !” Oh no, fanboi has turned on the caps lock, he must be really angry…I’m so intimidated…please don’t caps lock me to death. ‘Freedom of speech’ applies to everyone, not just the people you agree, which means I’m also entitled to give my opinion. Do you get that you spotty, socially-disfuntional nerd? “Nolan sucks cock deal with it ! you’re just a nolan fapper !!” Really? Is that the best you can come up with, you retard? Come back when you’ve learnt to string a coherent sentence together and then we’ll talk. In the meantime, enjoy masturbating into a sock while reading your comic books.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        Haha it’s funny how u talk so much shit about fanboys when ur probably the biggest pussy in this blog who just tries to knock on others because ur insecure about urself. Ur obviously got a tiny cock that wouldn’t even fit into that sock u speak of. Meanwhile I’m a massive comic book nerd. I didn’t like Nolan’s adaptations of batman for the exact reasons mentioned by the op. does being a fanboy make me socially dysfunctional? I guess if u consider being good enough to be collegiate wrestler who somehow cojures up enough social skills to score a smokin hot girlfriend dysfunctional…the I’m totally dysfunctional. But still no as dysfunctional as ur limp cock that can only get up to Nolan’s shitty batman and bashing fanboys. U got guts over a blog but reality is that I would drop ur ass just like frank millers dark knight would drop Nolan’s. so fix ur own insecurities before u begin bashing nerds and fanboys pussy.


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        “I guess if u consider being good enough to be collegiate wrestler who somehow cojures up enough social skills to score a smokin hot girlfriend dysfunctional…the I’m totally dysfunctional.” Hahaha, in your dreams deluded fanboy. Go back to crying yourself to sleep over how “Nolan’s Batman is not like how I want him to be”, while masturbating into your sock (aha your ‘smoking hot girlfriend’).


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        Haha yeah you can say its delusional but the reality of it is that it kills u inside to know that a nerdy fanboy like me is physically superior mentally superior and even socially superior. Normally I try to stay out of these blogs but I saw a lousy piece of shit bagging on people who are fans of the comics and I just had to try as best as I could to put u in ur place over a blog (we know that if we were sitting face to face right now u would have already been put in ur place). But that’s besides the point. The point is that u an shit talking tool. This was a fine blog were several good arguments were made both for and against the movies. But then I read the comments by u were u just bash other people for being fans of the comic books. How can u bash comic books or nerds while diss using a comic based movie? Hate to break I to you dumb ass but had I not been for bob Kane and comics, the dark knight movies never would hAve been made! Ur a fucken retard who couldn’t put together an actual argument so u turned to bashing others. For no reason! But if one thing was to be learned from from Nolan’s movies its that some people just wanna watch the world burn. That’s u asshole. Except ur not even worthy of being related to the joker cuz he is was too cook for u. Ur more like a crazy quilt…batmans lamest Villain cuz ur obviously a piec of shit who has nothin goin for him so u have to make fun of the true batman fans. But u still try to make conflict. Ur crazy quilt bro! So before u start incoherently telling people to masterbate in a sock come up with a real respectable argument for Nolan’s movies. After all I would rather jerk it into a sock than a dudes butthole like u do. As comic books would say WHAM!!! U just got verbally slapped in the face by a sock I jerked into bitch! Long live batman and comic books that forged his great legacy!


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        Still pretending to have a social life and ‘a smoking hot girlfriend’? You say it is so, so it must be true. Hahaha, nice try loser! The fact is all the evidence points to you being a sad and pathetic fanboy, who has an unhealthy obsession with Batman and comic books. Did you become distraught when Nolan’s Batman didn’t resemble the delirious fantasies of you and your nerdy virgin friends? Did you all hold hands and cry yourselves to sleep? Nolan’s trilogy is a great one, enjoyed by millions of normal, socially functioning adults. The fact that you nerds can’t stop whining because it didn’t cater to you and your ridiculous tastes is your problem. So deal with it, because frankly no one else cares.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        (Im the one that wins)

        (Im the one with orange shoes and and a red shirt)

        (there i am playing rugby against one of Europe’s top rugby clubs, the Welsh U19 national side)

        Sorry what were u saying about evidence of me being a sad and pathetic fanboy? haha. I obviously know im not the best wrestler or rugby player, and im not the smartest, and i am not the best looking guy ever, and i dont have the charisma of Tony Stark, but still i guarantee im better than you at everything in this life except being a bitch. Iive proven myself. You havent. You have only proven that your a close minded fuck. As said in the movie Wanted, “what the fuck have u done lately?” I wish i could upload a picture of me and my girlfriend to this to prove how dumb you are for talking shit about someone you dont even know. But i cant put pictures in this comment. I can email them to u if u really feel like hating urself haha. What do you got to show? nothin but ur ignorant and thoughtless comments about stereo types of fanboys. I am obsessed with batman, what of it? He is possibly the coolest comic book character created. i can also email you all my pictures of my comic books and my nerdy drawings of batman and all my t shirts of batman. And to prove u wrong yet again, my best friends actually arent nerds at all. They are all athletes and noncomic readers. They all love nolans movies and i debate with them about it all the time. But we are still firends because they dont run their fucken mouths bashing comic books or nerds like u do. I embrace being a fanboy cuz i am comfortable in my skin and have a great life goin for me. The telltale sign of insecurities are when people randomly start putting down others to make themselves feel jolly. Thats u buddy. So of course im gonna step in when i see you putting down my fellow comic fans. Ur a tasteless prick with no respect for comic books that allowed nolan to make 3 fucken movies. And also u have no respect to these people that are clearly better and more intelligent than u like those batman fans u criticized. But its ok cuz even though i cant know u in person to kick the living shit outta you for your mouthy bullshit that u spew, im sure somebody will (if not already). Haha. We will see who cries themself to sleep tonight after you realize how much better this fanboy and every other nerd out there is than you. POW!!!


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        The fact that you have to resort to posting fake pics to support your ridiculous statements is just sad. By your own admission you’re “obsessed with Batman”. Add to that your willingness to spend so much time putting together a long, rambling and incoherent, essay filled with juvenile nonsense about how great your life is, how cool your friends are, and how hot your girlfriend is, proves beyond a doubt that none of that is true. People with meaningful and fulfilling lives (that don’t revolve around comic books) just don’t waste their valuable time the way you do. As for ending your essay with “POW!!!”- that pretty much tells me all I need to know about you! Go back to spending your lonely days reading your comic books and applying acne creams to face in your parents’ basement, while dating your hot girlfriend (aka your sock), as you’re not fooling anyone.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        hahahahahahahahaha! “People with meaningful and fulfilling lives (that don’t revolve around comic books) just don’t waste their valuable time the way you do.” says the guy who responded to my post within minutes. Obviously ur the one sittin in your mamas basement on your laptop nonstop jerking it to girls you could never actually get. So you can say you got such valuable time but ur wasting it by losing an argument to a comic nerd. Ur an idiot who just sank his own argument! haha. And I like how i totally just prove you wrong about fanboy stereotypes but you are just in denial so you say it is “fake”. haha i would send you a picture of myself doing something distinct like flipping you off and kissing my girlfriend at the same time, that is not from the internet, to prove it is me in all those videos that you wish were you….however i dont wanna give you a picture of myself cuz you would probably pull off your sock and masterbate into it by seeing how “really really ridiculously good looking” I am haha (Quote: Derek Zoolander). And frankly i dont wanna be in the homosexual fantasies that take place in that twisted little mind of yours. I sound extremely cocky, i know, but i can afford to be when talking to peices of shit like you who are doin nothing significant with their pathetic lives. So go talk on blogs about ur supposed meaningful and fulfilling life, while you marvel at the thought of me actually succeeding in living that fulfilling life that you so dream about…cuz we know that ur not doin anything worth 2 shits in this world. BAM!!!


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        “BAM!!!” Hahaha, seriously? Are you retarded? Or have I been conversing with a 12 year-old? It would certainly explain a lot. I’m afraid fake pics and random Youtube vids don’t prove anything. You can post as many fake pics as you like, but your writing betrays the kind of pathetic, comic book obsessed, loner you are.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        “your writing betrays the kind of pathetic, comic book obsessed, loner you are.” betrays? you mean portrays you dumb ass. But im the 12 year old haha. i dont even have to argue cuz you defeat yourself for me. U really think i was able to pull up random vids and pics of the same person in colorado? haha especially when the vids only have a couple hundred views, you think i just found those? haha you are even more retard than i expected! It doesnt take batman the greatest detective to figure out who is clearly winning this battle haha. So go on thinking what you want and acting like your not a worthless fucker, you know inside how pitiful your own life is… thats where i win the most :) ZAP!!!


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        FYI if you’re going to pick fake pics to try and impress people, at least choose someone who’s mildly attractive as opposed to that hideous dwarf you picked (if that’s your idea of good-looking, you clearly have problems with your vision and perception on top of everything else).


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        Hey bro where are all your youtube videos? huh? oh yeah you arent shit so u dont have any. Many girls would argue what you just said about my looks ;) but thats outside the point cuz i dont gotta be attractive to win a word battle against you…its merely an added plus that i get the luxury of having…unlike you.


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        No, I mean betrays, as in the words you use betray your true character despite all your protestations and fake pics/vids. Seriously, if you’re going to correct someone at least make sure you know what you’re talking about otherwise you end up looking like a complete fool (which is clearly what you are). “…cuz i dont gotta be attractive”? What? Do you mean, “because I don’t have to be attractive?” So, in addition to being a delusional fanboy, with questionable eyesight and taste (apparently you have a thing for deformed midgets), you’re also practically illiterate? You really don’t have much going for you, do you? I feel sorry for you, it can’t be easy going through life with all your handicaps.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        “but your writing betrays the kind of pathetic, comic book obsessed, loner you are.”
        Betray: to disappoint the hopes or expectations of; be disloyal to

        so if you meant to say betray then you are trying to tell me that my writing is unloyal and goes against the idea of me being a comic nerd. So you said that my writing is counter to that of comic obsessed loners. Thanks man for the compliment! haha once again you defeat yourself. Who truly made themselves look like a fool here? you did you dumb mother fucker hahahahaha. you try to cover your mistake by making it even worse! But yet im illiterate? Makes sense haha. You were right it isnt easy having all these handicaps. It aint easy going through life with all these awesome brains, muscles, and talents i have. you wanna know why its so hard? cuz when you have all these things goin for you in life, it just makes me so upset to come across people who will literally scrape the bottom of the barrel to try to prove that they are half as good. So it does suck…you should feel really sorry for me…as i read my comic book collection, and get a 4.0 college gpa from the prestigious engineering program of colorado school of mines, and wrestle for scholarship money, and bang a girl who is a solid 10. This shit gets rough man! You are such an idiot! Yet you persist on fighting in this verbal battle in which you are obviously unarmed. Why? why do you continue to insist on making yourself look like an even bigger piece of shit? Just quit before you sink yourself even deeper than you already have.


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        Instead of embarrassing yourself further, ask your dad (assuming you know who he is) to explain to you the use of ‘betray’ in this context. “as i read my comic book collection, and get a 4.0 college gpa from the prestigious engineering program of colorado school of mines, and wrestle for scholarship money, and bang a girl who is a solid 10.” Hahaha….the sad thing is I suspect you’ve deluded yourself into believing that all this is true. I worry about you. Do yourself a favor and get some professional help before you start believing you’re the Joker and go around shooting up movie theaters (what is it about Colorado and nutcases). Oh, and talk to someone about your fetish for deformed rugby-playing midgets.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        Stop fucking joking about the Aurora shooting and throwing that around like its nothing. It was a tragedy what happened there. you are a disrespectful little fuck who is gonna get his fucken teeth beat in for the shit you spew out of your disgusting fucken mouth. You are an absolute bitch. Dont you dare joke about Colorado and that shooting. You are a heartless fucker who isnt even worthy to scrape shit off the bottom of John Larimers shoe. As for your fucken grammar, u used the word betray completely wrong, but then again your too stupid to know any better. The way i explained it was the correct context when used the way it was. Pick up a dictionary u babbling idiot and look it up. Cant you come up with anything better to say? i wish this 5’9″ 170 midget dwarf could see you in person to literally knock you out cold with one punch. i am fucken short but i sure do make up for it in millions of other ways. My height is just one other reason why you should feel worthless knowing that you would get rocked by dwarf. The whole dwarf thing is a compliment anyways cuz im actually a huge LOTR fan too…Books and movies fuck face. So good work on making a hollow argument and not even being able to back up any of your shit talking with evidence. That right there makes your argument entirely invalid. Ive provided support and evidence against your claims about fanboys and you havent come up with any support regarding your bullshit life consisting of sitting at your desk with your fat beer gut hanging over your tiny dick that you havent seen since the 3rd grade as you drool over your keyboard all day or watch dark knight rises while fingering your own asshole every time bane speaks with his incoherent voice that sounds like Sean Connery with his balls in a vice grip. Ur argument is as understandable as banes voice, “i am Gothams reckogog humph humph morphloph”. So come up with something clever and original to say once in your life pussy. But rot in hell for your jokes about the Century movie theater that u weirdly and psychopathically love to allude to. Plus you keep saying he was dressed like the joker…he wore tactical combat clothes with his hair died orange! Educate yourself about the fucken massacre that occured before referencing it idiot. The joker thing was just what he told one movie theater usher who asked who he was. Ur fucken pathetic. Educate urself before battling someone who is.


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        Yet another babbling and incoherent response the length of War and Peace. Seriously, half of what you write makes no sense. Remember, grammar and spelling are your friends, so don’t be afraid to use them. Once again, posting pics of some random, deformed rugby-playing dwarf does not count as ‘providing evidence’. I could just as easily do the same, but if I did you can rest assured that I would not pick someone who has the body of an oompa loompa and the face of Lou Ferrigno. You seem to be completely delusional, with serious anger issues. I therefore implore you to go seek professional help before you start harming people around you. The reason I bring up the Colorado shootings is that you seem to be heading that way. You both have an unhealthy obsession with Batman, you’re both inadequate people with serious mental and psychological issues, and you both lead pointless, unfulfilled lives that would eventually lead you to lashing out and committing terrible acts. So do something about it before it’s too late.


  4. You really are all a bunch of idiots who sit around and complain about why his stance and mask aren’t scary enough go watch Batman& Robin and die. As for this bhagward your an even bigger asshole!


  5. Alex you just fucking raped that guy. Your a bad ass and he is just jealous of you. You and me both know the truth and so does chase who told me to look at this because its hilarious how you just beat that faggot in this arguement.


    • In reply to Mark

      haha thanks man. Fuck that guy. He is just a dumb ass who needs to learn to keep his mouth shut because his discriminatory ways toward true batman fans just got him entirely shown up and proven wrong. He didnt know who he was fucking with. He fucks with one batman fan he fucks with all of us. I know you arent a huge comic fan but im glad you still see who fucken dominated that battle haha.


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        Ahhhhh….oompa-loompa’s boyfriend has just dropped by to give him moral support. Hahaha….I can’t believe you went and got your boyfriend to come on here and hold your hand and tell you you did great….seriously, this is the funniest thing I’ve come across in quite a while. Tonight while you two are braiding each other’s hair and waxing each other’s legs and armpits, tell him I said thanks for the laugh.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        im going to start off by just saying that you are as dumb as a box of rocks. You knock fanboys and even imply your hate for fanboys in your name but is a “fan” of nolans movies not also a “fanboy” just of another form of media? it is this flaw in your logical thought process that exposes your stupidity. So of course half of what i say doesnt make sense to you, you dont have the mental capacity to understand it! Also you are still just wrong about the Aurora shooting again. The criminal wasnt a batman comic fan or obsessed with batman. Where did you pull that from? haha there were no signs of him being a comic fan. No comics in his apartment that was searched and he didnt even dress like batman or anything related to batman. However he had seen all of nolans movies…oh shit! you know what that means…that means you are more relatable to that psychopathic killer cuz he was a nolan movie fan. Maybe you should take up reading comics so that your sick obsession with nolans realistic interpretations of jokers chaos doesnt cause you to commit terrible acts. Fucken idiot, your argument just backfired again. In wrestling that is what we like to call a reversal for 2 points.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        Yet another flaw in your argument. You call nerds socially dysfunctional, but then your tell me to hold hands with my friends and cry ourselves to sleep. and now you say me and my boyfriend are going to braid each others hair tonight

        Social:seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; friendly; sociable; gregarious.living or disposed to live in companionship with others or in a community, rather than in isolation

        Dysfunctional: having a malfunctioning part or element

        Is that not a form of social interaction? haha correct me if im wrong but if you are able to have friends and you are not isolated, then those are considered social skills. Thanks for defeating yourself again bro. Fucken idiot ;)


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        No oompa-loompa, I can’t understand half of what you write because you seem to be allergic to spelling and grammar. Seriously dude, you’re about 4 foot tall, and have Lou Ferrigno’s face, so you already have very little going for you. Don’t let an inability to write a coherent sentence deprive you of what little chance you have of succeeding in life. Do something about it, even if it means going back to finish the 5th grade.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        Hahaha good argument. You don’t think everybody who read this sees all the holes in your claims? You started by trying to say the videos were fake because they impressed you. Then you slowly started to realize the truth and now you admit it is me but you have transferred over to criticism instead of calling it fake. You don’t think people see that inconsistency in all your ideas? We aren’t dumb bro. Yet despite the inconsistent logic there is by far to much consistency in your word choice haha. Expand your vocabulary! I just love hearing the repetitively redundant phrases: “oompa loompa” “rugby playing dwarf” “delusional fanboy” “inability to make a coherent sentence” “socially disfunction” “spotty adolescent boys” and my personal favorite “go cry yourself to sleep while you masterbate into a sock”. Haha dude its like you find one phrase that you think is clever and then you just abuse it haha. Go back and count how many times you used these same similar phrases haha. Show a little creativity and come up with something clever for once in your worthless life. i bet i can write exactly what you would say in your response before you even write it haha. You’re that predictable. Instead of using real techniques to strengthen your argument this is how you are going to respond: start by saying something about spelling and grammar (but you wont provide any examples of faulty grammar), you will continue by claiming my writing is incoherent, then you are going to make a derogatory joke about arguing with someone younger than you (“12 year old” “go back to 5th grade” ur obviously a billy madison fanboy too haha), then you will follow up with a criticism of my height and aesthetic appearance (such as: oompa loompa + Lou Ferrigno = me) haha. Did i hit the nail on the head there? if you don’t think so then reread your remarks haha. Classic case of retardation we got here fellas.


  6. “Classic case of retardation we got here fellas.” Hahaha, talk about irony: attempting to insult my intelligence using a barely coherent sentence. While only someone suffering from an epic level of stupidity would post a real pic in this day and age, judging by your pathetic attempts at fashioning responses to my posts, I’m beginning to think that perhaps you really are that stupid and that that might just be your real pic. But then that requires me to believe that someone unfortunate enough to be border-line retarded also lost out in the looks department and ended up as a midget whose face bears an uncanny resemblance to Lou Ferrigno – I mean, what kind of God would be so cruel as to punish one of his creatures in so many ways. But then who am I to question the Almighty? In his infinite wisdom, He must have decided to create you and all your deficiencies and disadvantages for a purpose. I’m just trying to figure out what that purpose could be? You see, you think I’m merely attempting to insult and ridicule you, but my aim is to simply speak the truth, no more and no less.


    • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

      haha what did i say? i called that one! you used the exact same redundant claims i said you would. Thanks for proving me right yet again.”only someone suffering from an epic level of stupidity would post a real pic in this day and age” what? If your comfortable and confident in yourself then of course you would post real pictures of yourself that are on the internet. What does that tell the world about you? haha you have some confidence issues man. Trust me i, i think whoever reads this will be able to make sense of my supposed incoherent sentences, and they will be able to tell who downright won this argument.”‘Classic case of retardation we got here fellas.’ Hahaha, talk about irony: attempting to insult my intelligence using a barely coherent sentence” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You really don’t understand that sentence? haha your an idiot.Do you need me to explain it for you slowly so you can comprehend? You should start changing your punch line to “go laugh yourself to sleep tonight” because thats what i will be doing haha. How bout you Skype me bitch? Then i can see the sad piece of shit on the other end of this blog. If you decline then everyone will see your true colors.


  7. “While only someone suffering from an epic level of stupidity would post a real pic in this day and age, judging by your pathetic attempts at fashioning responses to my posts, I’m beginning to think that perhaps you really are that stupid and that that might just be your real pic.” First you say that I deluded myself into believing that was actually me, and now you know its me, yet you say that only someone stupid would post real pictures on the internet. So not only did you contradict yourself allowing me to i prove another of your claims to be false (for like the 20th time or something, idk its been so many I’m starting to lose track), but also we showed everyone that you are really the delusional one. If you think its stupid for people to show their real character to the world, then what does that imply about you? it means you are forging a fake, tough-guy persona over blogs. And when you are blogging then you assume that false front and fantasize for brief moments that you are cool and significant to the world. In your uncreative choice of words, you “deluded” yourself into thinking you are something special over the internet. Therefore, now we see how you called me deluded, when in actuality you are. So we can now derive from this that you make claims that reflect upon yourself. (For example: You are delusional so you call fanboys delusional etc.). You know what this means…it means that you like to masterbate into socks! haha. Thats a fucked up fetish you got man. You should seek sexual psychological help. Maybe Dr. Freud could assist you ;) But this whole ordeal needs to finally be settled. As my fellow batman fan said, “Enough talk! Have at you!” Skype me so i can see the real you and not the alternate (two-face/harvey dent) personality you manufactured. Then we can argue face to face. Skype me if your not a chicken shit.


    • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

      Awwww, did something I wrote hit a nerve oomph-loompa? Seriously, you claim to have an active social life, cool friends who aren’t nerds, and a smoking hot girlfriend, and yet you have the time to respond to my posts with a 5,000 word assay each time. What’s worse is that your spelling and grammar are so atrocious it’s not possible to figure out what you’re saying. By the way, I had stopped trying to decipher the entirety of the nonsense you spout a while ago, and now I just read the first couple of lines and respond to them. The fact that you haven’t figured that out really tells me all I need to know about your intelligence. Oh, and where’s your boyfriend who popped up a while ago to hold your hand and stroke your dick and tell you you’re “winning”….hahaha….


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        1) spell oompa loompa right. That once again defeated all your credibility in claiming that i have poor spelling
        2) dont act like you didn’t read every word that i wrote. You tried to respond to the parts at the end before but now you just say you don’t read it because you dont have anything clever to retort with.
        3) How is this for an essay: Skype me
        Then we will see each other face to face.
        All you do is repeat the same things so lets bring this to video chat. Then maybe you can develop your argument further than the 20 words you know how to use. Maybe haha.
        Actions speak louder than words so lets see you. I want you to visually observe for yourself.


  8. Just caught the end of your essay: “Skype me if your not a chicken shit.” First of all, it’s “you’re”…’your’ means something different entirely. Second, and most importantly, wtf? I’ve skipped over most of your essays (who’s got time to read all that nonsense) but I fail to see how you’ve arrived at this point. You want us to Skype? Seriously? Is this all an excuse to see me naked? Are you spending all this time and effort in the hope of getting me involved in a ‘Skype sex session’? You’re more disturbed than I originally thought, pervy oompa-loompa! What you do in your free time is your own business, and as long as you’re not hurting anyone that’s ok with me, but Skyping with strange men I only know through a random blog, is not how I like to spend my free time.


    • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

      You are scared! All that talk and you cant even step up to the plate to argue with someone face to face? Im calling you out and all you can do is stoop down to changing the subject to be about skype sex? Really? So this is what you do when you’re confronted and you cant hide behind your redundant, unoriginal words. Everyone sees you coming up with excuses not to show your face. So either face me and argue face to face or by default you are admitting defeat.


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        “Actions speak louder than words so lets see you. I want you to visually observe for yourself.” Wow, you’re not even hiding what it is you’re after. Stop begging, pervy oompa-loompa, the answer is an emphatic no; I do not want to get involved in any ‘action’ with you, and I would rather ‘gouge’ my own eyes out than ‘observe’ you. And what about your boyfriend, does he know you come onto random blogs to pick up men for ‘Skype sessions’. Your bf came on here recently to give you moral support, and this is how you repay him? Shame on you, pervy oompa-loompa, shame on you!


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        Game. Set. Match. Argument over. I won. You showed your true colors. You are worthless and afraid to show your face to the world. Everyone, even you knows the truth now. You try to come up with excuses because you know you have lost. I call you out and you merely cower away trying to cover your retreat with falsehoods that even you know aren’t true. Its over. You lost all your credibility the moment you tried to change the subject to being about sex. You are an absolute bitch who doesn’t even have enough pride to face his enemies haha. Im going to refer as many people as possible to come see you in all your glory shying away from a direct challenge of your character. You cant talk tough now. Everyone just saw you back out of the fight.


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        “Game. Set. Match. Argument over. I won.” Hahaha, this must be the tenth time you’ve declared yourself the winner. So, if you believe you’ve already won, why do you persist on continuing the discussion? Unless, the real reason you’re hear is something else….hmmm….like maybe trying to get men to get involved in Skype sex sessions with you?


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        And now you’re running around posting that you’ve won all over the place. How pathetic can one get? It must be all that pent-up sexual frustration from your inability to get me (or probably anyone else) to partake in your sordid Skype sex sessions that’s causing you to act like a bitch in heat. Show some dignity, pervy oompa-loompa, and stop propositioning men on random blogs.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        “It must be all that pent-up sexual frustration from your inability to get me (or probably anyone else) to partake in your sordid Skype sex sessions that’s causing you to act like a bitch in heat. Show some dignity, pervy oompa-loompa, and stop propositioning men on random blogs.” Haha awe is the poor chicken shit offended that i am pointing out the fact that you are running scared? Did i strike a nerve? haha.
        Dignity: bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation.
        You obviously didn’t know what that word meant haha. One thing i don’t lack is dignity. It shows a lot of dignity to brag and post videos of myself on a blog. And it takes dignity to tell everyone that to look at this argument. Your lack of knowledge on the claims you make is absolutely astounding haha. On the other hand, it clearly shows lack of dignity to refuse to show your face. You have no pride or self-respect. So its very ironic how you think you can call anyone else in this world a bitch. The fact that you are still stumbling around to find any argument you can shows your true disposition. Yet you still continue to make claims that dig your hole deeper. haha you look pitiful in your moments of defeat. Just stop now haha.


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        I thought you’d decided you’d won, pervy oompa-loompa, for the umpteenth time…so how come you’re still here arguing? “One thing i don’t lack is dignity.” Hahahaha….yep, begging your boyfriend to come on here and back you up is very dignified. Btw I thought you were a world class wrestler and rugby player, and you had a full social life and cool friends and a smoking hot girlfriend and blah blah blah…so how come you seem to spend all your time on here posting 5,000 word essays. So I guess I was right about you being a pathetic dwarf, living in his parents’ basement and spending his days reading comic books and masturbating into a sock.


      • In reply to Fan Bois are Sad Losers

        Dude you greatly overestimate the time it takes to write a response to your dumb remarks. Putting you in your place comes so naturally i crank those responses out in no time at all. Your claims are so easy to pick apart that i can write novels about your flawed logic. I practically have haha. That just shows how much support i have shown against you. Plus, this is my entertainment thats why i spend my time tearing you up! I cant always be wrestling or having sex. And i live together in a house with 4 friends so i see them enough. Meanwhile its not everyday that you get to verbally anihilate a loser over a blog. Im not used to this shit but its pretty exciting. Honestly, I don’t need to explain anything anymore though because I’ve put all that needs to be said out there in my “novels”. Everyone sees for themselves who has dignity and who is a pathetic loser who ironically yet fittingly uses “sad loser” in his name. You should have made your name “I am a sad loser”. It fits you.


      • In reply to The nerd that masterbates into socks

        Repeating that you’re “winning” and “annihilating me” doesn’t make it so oompa-loompa. The whole thing is rather amusing – it’s like watching a weird-looking midget shout incoherent garbage and juvenile nonsense during a debate, and then high-five himself for “winning”. “I cant always be wrestling or having sex”….hahaha, you have to be the most delusional little man I’ve come across in quite a while. First of all, rubbing yourself against other guys doesn’t count as wrestling. As for sex, your transparent attempts to get me to have Skype sex with you tell me you’re a virgin who’s gotten so desperate he’s started propositioning random men.


  9. Man if u hate all the movies maybe u shouldnt watch them and just stick to the animated series, because obviously for u only animated batman will do. I think Nolan dealt really well with the challenge of making it dark and realistic, which is what the audience wants. Seriously man look at film adaptations of other comics or at previous batmen and tell me nolan’s batman is bad… Im not really some batman nut and thats why i think i can be objective and speak for wider range of audience that these 3 movies were really amazing!


  10. As much as I like the first two films in the Nolan trilogy (I’m just luke-warm about the third), I do have to raise a brow at people who claim that Nolan’s Batman films are “dark and realistic” Dark I can appreciate, but I’d like to know under what definition they believe that Nolan’s films adhere to any sense of realism?


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